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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、 单选题 (共35题;共70分)

1. (2分) The dress is________ small for me. A . too B . to C . with

2. (2分) —Is this a farm? —________

A . No,they aren't. B . Yes,it is. 3. (2分) We're _____have a picnic in the park . A . want to B . go to C . going to

4. (2分) What is Li Yan _______? A . do B . doing C . does

5. (2分) — dog is this?—It's mine. A . Whose B . What C . When

6. (2分) He was famous _______ the world. A . from B . to C . around

7. (2分) He is hot;he off his clothes. A . took

第 1 页 共 7 页

B . take C . takes D . taking

8. (2分) Mike often on Fridays. A . does homework B . do homework C . doing homework

9. (2分) — What _____ you play in the concert yesterday? — I ______ the drums. A . will;will play B . did;played C . are;am playing

10. (2分) The lion could not get _______from the net. A . on B . off C . out

11. (2分) —________ are you going to have lunch? —At 11:30. A . Why B . What C . When

12. (2分) There weren't computer rooms at all. A . any B . some C . much

13. (2分) —__________ do you go to the zoo? —I take a taxi to the zoo. A . What B . How C . Where

14. (2分) He five years old two years ago.

第 2 页 共 7 页

A . is B . was C . were

15. (2分) —How many ________ do you see? —12.

A . bird B . a bird C . birds

16. (2分) —Did he travel by train? —No,________. A . he did B . he didn't C . he doesn't

17. (2分) When is your birthday?

A . This is in May. B . It's on March 4th. 18. (2分) — are you going? — I'm going to the supermarket. A . Where B . When C . What

19. (2分) He ________ computer games ________ his cousin on Sunday afternoons. A . plays;with B . played;with C . plays;and

20. (2分) There is some_____ on the plate. A . beef B . apples C . pears

21. (2分) _____ did your father buy? He bought some bananas. A . Where B . What

第 3 页 共 7 页



