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2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note

一. Words:

1. bring up 养育、抚养;提出;呕吐

eg: He left her to bring up three young children on her own. I shall bring up this question at eh next meeting. He brought up his dinner, which made me worried. 2. scene n.

eg: We missed the first few scenes of the film.. 镜头,场景 He added a new scene at the beginning. (戏剧)一场

The night scene in Shanghai is quite beautiful. 景色,风景 It’s a happy scene of children playing in the garden. 场面 They rushed to the scene of the traffic accident. 现场 3. permit v. & n. permission n. 允许,许可

1) vt. 许可,允许,准许 permit doing sth./ sb. to do sth. eg: We never permit this thing.

He doesn’t permit smoking in the office, so you’re not permitted to smoke here. We don’t permit anyone to make noise in the hospital. 2) vi.—to make sth. possible

eg: I’ll visit him tomorrow if time permits.

Weather permitting (= If the weather permits), we’ll go camping. 3) n. 通行证,许可证,执照 eg: Have you got a work permit?

You can’t park there without a permit. 4. go ahead

eg: Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead. 进行。举行

The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned. 新桥的修建将按计划进行 Go ahead! You can see the tower right in front of you. 前进,继续 Go ahead! I want to hear more about your plan. 往下说 -- I wonder if I could possibly use your car tonight?

-- Sure, go ahead. I’m not using it anyhow. 用吧,好吧,行吧 -- Could I ask you a rather personal question? -- Sure, go ahead. 说吧

5. by accident= by chance ?? on purpose

eg: I met her by accident in a crowded bus station.

6. stare at

eg: He stared at the girl, trying to remember who she was. 7. fault n.

eg: She failed the test but it was her fault. She didn’t do any work. It’s your fault to make such a mistake.

He lost his job, but it was his own fault for telling lies.

He is always finding fault with me. 挑剔

It was impossible to fault her performance. vt. 对…挑毛病 8. spot vt. & n. 1) n.

eg: How did you get that spot on your face? 斑点,污点

I don’t know the exact spot where it happened. 地点,场所

The problem was solved on the spot. 当场,立即;到场,在现场 2) vt. 认出;发现

eg: The thief was spotted by the police as he was entering the bank. 发现 I easily spotted him in the crowd because he was very tall. 9. account n. & v. 1) n.

eg: The accounts show that business is improving. 账目,账户,户头 Give us an account of what happened. 报告,叙述 2) v. account sb. to be/ as + adj./ n. 把…看做,认为… account for 导致,为…做出解释,是…的原因 eg: The imported goods account for 40%. 总计有

I account myself not so well-paid as you said. 认为 Bad weather accounted for the long delay. She could not account for her mistake.

He studies hard, which accounts for his rapid progress.

10. seek v. (sought, sought) 寻找,寻求;寻求,征求;企图,试图 eg: They sought shelter from the rain.

We sought an answer to the question, but couldn’t find one. You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter. They sought to punish him for his crime but he escaped. We are always seeking to improve our English level. 11. on the contrary

eg: It wasn’t a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake. You didn’t bother me. On the contrary, I like your company. 12. amount n.

eg: What is the amount of the bill?

It will take us a large/ small amount of money and time to finish the work. A large amount of money was spent on the bridge. Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 13. take a chance/ the chance/ chances 碰运气,冒险

eg: I’d like to take a chance and run a business. 冒险做生意

You should never take chances when driving a car.

14. in rags

eg: Never look down upon those in rags.

He was looked down upon because he was dressed in rags. 15. indeed adv. 1)其实,实际上

eg: I don’t mind at all. Indeed, I would be willing to help.

2)真正地,用于“ very + adj. + indeed”或“indeed + very + adj.” eg: It is very kind indeed of you to help me. 3)确实,实在;加强语气,较为正式 eg: That is indeed a remarkable thing! Thank you very much indeed!


eg: These problem are indeed difficult ones, but I am sure they can be solved. 16. as for/ as to prep. 至于,关于,说到,就…而言 eg: As for the cause of the fire, I don’t know anything.

I want to see your sister; as for you, I never want to see you here again. As to the journey, we must decide about that later. 二. Language Points:

1. He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river… 1)be set in 以…为背景

eg: The play was set in World War I.

Many TV series were set in the army life.

2)be famous for

2. What would you do with it? 处理,对付

eg: What did the woman do with her son’s trouble? Tell me what you did with yourselves on Sunday.

I have a lot of questions to do with but I don’t know how to deal with them. 3. I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions. 1)wonder v. & n. --I wonder if/ whether 我想知道是否 I wonder that/ wh- 想知道 (It is) no wonder that 难怪 eg: I wonder if/ whether it will rain tomorrow.

I wonder if you would give me some advice on English study. I wonder why she had been absent from school.

It’s no wonder that you have got sleepy. You stay up late last night. 2)mind vt.

eg: Mind my bike while I go into the shop, please. 照看

Did she mind not getting the job? 介意

--Do you mind my smoking here?

--Yes, you’d better not./ No, certainly not. --Sorry, I made a mistake again.

--Never mind. Practice more and you’ll succeed. 不要紧

4. Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. find oneself 发现自己来到某处,发现自己处于某种境地

eg: When day broke, we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain. When he came to himself, he found himself in hospital. I found myself surrounded by a group of children.

5. The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. when 并列连词,“正在这时(突然)”,常用于以下句型: be doing ... when…



