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仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 5 Feeling Excited

Topic 2 I ’m feeling better now.

一.重点句型。 Section A

1. Anything wrong? 有什么麻 ?

此句 省略句,完整的句子是: Is there anything wrong? 到底是怎么回事?

e.g. Is there anything wrong with your head? 你的 有什么毛病 ? 2. What seems to be the problem?

3. She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. 洗手 里哭呢。

因 考不好,她在 listen carefully, read

badly 副 ,修 的副 通常放在被修 的 之后。如:

quickly 等。 do badly in 在??方面做得不好,与 e.g. Why do you think you did so badly in your text?

do well in 意思相反。 你 什么你考得 么差? 他小 候就很擅 英 。

He did very well in English when he was young. A. be strict with sb.?? 要求 格,后面接人作 。

4. She is very strict with herself.

她 自己要求很 格。

e.g. The teacher is strict with us. 老 我 要求很 格。

5. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 友可以聊天。 1) alone 与 lonely 比 :

她感到很寂寞,因 没有朋

A. alone 既可作副 ,又可作形容 ,常在句中作表 和状 , 明客 存在。 e.g. She left for Shangqiu alone. 她独自去了商丘。

(状 )

Jim ’ s parents both went shopping. So he is alone at home吉.姆的父母都去 西了。因此只有他自己在家。 (表 )

B. lonely 形容 ,常在句中作表 、定 , 重人的心理。

e.g. There is a lonely room on the side of the hill. 山坡上有一 孤零零的房子。 他从不感到寂寞。 2)不定式短 e.g. Mary, I can

(表 )

to talk with 作后置定 修

friends 。

’ t go there with you, because I have a lot of homeworktodo.

(定 )

The old man seldom speaks to others, but he never feels lonely. 那老人很少与其他人 ,

,我不能和你去那儿,因 我有 多家庭作 要做。 6. I think I should have a talk with her.

have a talk with sb. 和某人交 ,

talk 在 里是名

, 个短 相当于

talk with sb. 。

e.g. You should have a talk with your son to know what he is thinking about.

=You should talk with your son to know what he is thinking about. 你 和你儿子 一 ,弄清楚他在想什么。

似 有: have a walk 散散步; have a look 看一看。 7. So I send this card to cheer you up.

所以我 你 子卡片想 你振作起来。

似的用法 有


A. send sth.to sb.=send sb. sth. 把某物寄 某人 give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 把某物 某人; pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth. 把某物 某人。 e.g. He will send a postcard to his mother on Mother

’ s Day


=He will send his mother a postcard on Mother 他要在母 那天寄 一 卡。

Could you give me that pen?= Could you give that pen to me? 你能把那支 笔 我 ?

He passed the camera to her, so she could take a photo. =He passed her the camera, so she could take a photo. 他把相机 她,好 她照相。

B. send sb.to do sth. 派遣某人做某事 ; e.g. I

’ s Day.

’ ll send some workers to help you我叫.几个工人去帮助你。

8. You don ’tneed to worry about the English exam. need 需要,在此作 ,也可以作情 。

你没必要 英 考 担心。

A. need 作 ,同其他 一 ,有人称和 的 化,其疑 和否定形式都要借助于助 do/does/did 。

e.g. Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙 ?

I don ’ t need your help, thank you. ,我不需要你来帮助。

B. need 在疑 句和否定句中可以作情 并且没有数和人称形式 化,后面接


need not/need ’t。

他不必参加考 。

’ ll be happy 着again去和. 人 心, 你就会重新快 起

e.g. He need not take the exam.

9. Try to talk to others, and you 来。

try to do sth. 尽力做某事;

e.g. Try to stay calm. 努力保持冷静。

Section B

1. I ’m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 我真的很 ,因 我英 考 不及格。 A. fail the exam= not pass the exam B. fail 不及格,未通 ,失 ; e.g. What will you do if you fail?

如果你考 失 打算干什么?

考 不及格;

2. why don ’ t you talk to someone when you feel sad? 当你 的 候 什么不跟 人 呢?

Why don ’tyou +


= Why not +


e.g. Why don ’tyou go and ask the policeman? = Why not go and ask the policeman?

什么不去 下警察呢?

3. Everyone get these feelings at your age. 1) A. at one

’ s age在某人的年 ;

when 互 ;

每个人在你 个年 都会有 些感受。

e.g. Your father began to work at your age. 你父 在你 个年 就开始工作了。

B. at the age of... 在?? ;可以和

在 7 ,他就会游泳。

4. She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 她 是 我 笑 我笑。 1) tell jokes

笑 ;

意 “ 某人做某事”;

to 的不定式、名 、形容

2) make sb. do sth. 、副 等。

e.g. We made him monitor. 我 他当班 。

e.g. At the age of seven, he could swim. = When he was seven, he could swim.

laugh 是 me 的 足 。 make 后面的 足 可以是不


Illness always makes us sad, worried and frightened. 疾病 我 、焦 和恐惧。 Mr. White made us in. 特先生 我 去了。

P.S. have 和 let 与 make 一 ,后面可以跟上不 make/have/ let sb. do sth.

e.g. The landlord made him work day and night in the old days. 在旧社会,地主 他没日没夜地工作。

to 的不定式作 足 ,其 构 :

I ’ ll have someone clean out your room我.会叫人把你的房 打 干 。 The policeman let him wait outside. 警察 他在外面等。 5. There,there! It ’ll be OK. 好啦,好啦!一切都会好起来的。 There, there! 好啦 ,好啦! there 在 里是 气 ,表示安慰 人。 6. Would you like to become my friend, Helen?

1) Would like ......? 肯定回答多用:

有礼貌的 求、邀 、希望或 等。同 句: 否定回答: No, thank you. / I 似句型: Would you mind ...?

— I’d like to. 我很 意。

Would you mind using your book for a while? 借你的 用一会儿,你介意 ?

7 If you have any problems with your studies,just let me know. 我。

let sb. do sth. 意 “ 某人做某事 的不定式,形容 、介 短 等作 足 。

e.g. My mother lets me drink milk every day.

Have him do it. 他去做。

8.I find it difficult to learn English well. find+it+adj.+to do sth.

我 看英 影很有用。

9.Don ’tworry. I ’ll help you with it.


你能帮我学英 ?

help sb. with sth. 意 “在 ??方面 帮助某人”; e.g. Could you help me with my English? 10.You ’re so kind to me. 你 我太好了。

A. be kind to sb. B. be kind of sb.

某人好; 某人很好;

你帮助我学 英 ,你真好。

e.g. Miss wang is kind to every student. 王老 每个学生都很好。 e.g. It is very kind of you to help me with my English.


我 学好英 好 。


”。 似的使役 有

make,have 等,后面接不


如果你学 有什么 ,告

’d like to , but.....

你想成 我的朋友 ?

to do sth.;

表示向 方提出

Do you want .......?

意 “你愿意?? ?”,后接名 或

Yes, I ’d like/love to. / Certainly. / Yes, thank you.

??你介意 ?后接 doing sth. 。

e.g. — Would you like to go shopping with us? 你愿意和我 一 儿去 物 ?

e.g. We find it useful to watch English movies. = We find that it is useful to watch English movies.

Section C

1. How time flies! 是 How quickly time flies! 的 略形式。 得真快!( 光 逝!) 2. What ’s more, I couldn ’t sleep as well as usual. 而且我不能像平常一 睡好 。

1) What’ s more 此外,而且,是插入 ,是一种独立成分,可置于分句或句子之首、之尾或之中。 e.g. What ’ s more, he is only a -nineyear-old boy. 此外,他只是一个九 大的男孩。 2) A. as.......as..... 与??一 ;




