试卷代号:4050 国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试商务英语阅读试题2020年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌子上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees: This examination consists of three sections. They are: Section One: Grammar and Word Practice (40 points) Section Two: Reading Comprehension (40 points) Section Three: Translation (20 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. 1974 提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习Section One Grammar and Word Practice (40 points) Part 1 Question 1一10.(20 points) Each of the sentences below is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. (2 points each) 1. You should any opportunities you have to practice English. B. make use of A. make fun of C. get along with 2. In-house personnel may be highly motivated and fit in but many tend to ideas. old A . reprise C. reproof B. reprint 3. The good Chinese manager listens to the workers and account. their opinion into A. gets C. takes 4. The firm's B. puts covers all the products it offers for sale. B. product mix A. product line C. product life 5. Most product failures result inadequate product planning and development. B. in A. of C.from 6. By studying business, you can become and investor and be a better employee. A. more informed a consumer C. a more informed consumer 7. We believe that business can be a powerful A. agent C.agenda B. agency for social change. B. a more informing consumers 1975 提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习8. I have divided the talk A. into C. over three mam parts. B. with 9. Securities exchanges are marketplaces members buy and sell securities for their clients. A.how B. what C. where 10 . T ransnat10na . 1 compames will in China. A. continue locating B. continues to locate C. continue to locate Part 2 Question 11—20. (20 points) Choose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences. (2 points each) contract labor force predict study internet technologies accounts comm1ss10n .. entrepreneurs conceptual managers 11. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires . 12. are those people who accept the opportunities and risks involved m creating and operating business. 13. A bookkeeper writes details of financial transactions in the . 14. A sales agreement is a by which ownership is transferred from a seller to a buyer. 15. skills are the abilities to think in the abstract, to diagnose and analyze different situations, and to see beyond the present. 1976 提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习16. Economics is the of how wealth is created and distributed. how buyers will respond 17. Understanding buying behavior helps marketers to marketing strategies. 18. E-business is about transforming businesses and integrating them with 19. Top set policies, formulate strategies, polices and decision. . . 20. If you want to get securities services, you have to pay a Section Two Reading Comprehension (40 points) Question 21一30Read the following passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false. (4 points each) Marketing Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Marketing adds value in the form of utility, or the power of a product or service to satisfy a need. It creates place utility by making products available where customers want them, time utility by making products available when customers want them, and possession utility by transferring the ownership of products to buyers. Business people focused on the production of goods from the Industrial Revolution until the early twentieth century, and on the selling of goods from the 1920s to the 1950s. Marketing received little attention up to that point. After 1950, however, business people recognized that their enterprises involved not only production and selling but also the satisfaction of customers'needs. They began to implement the marketing concept, a business philosophy that involves the entire business organization in the dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization's goals. Implementation of the marketing concept begins and ends with marketing information about customers—first to determine what customers need, and later to evaluate how well the 1977 firm is meeting those needs. 提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习21. Marketing adds value in the form of utility, or the power of a product or service to satisfy a need. 22. Business people focused on the production of goods from the Industrial Revolution until the 19 century. 23. From 1920s to 1950s, marketing received a lot of attention from public. 24. Business people began to implement the marketing concept, a business philosophy that involves the process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization's goal. 25. Implementation of the marketing concept begins and ends with marketing information about customers. Read the following passage and choose the best statement (A, B, or C) for each questions. (4 points each) Factors of Production The basic resources a business uses to produce goods and services are called factors of production. They include natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs. Land, water, mineral deposits, and trees are good examples of natural resources. For example, Exxon Corporation, the world's largest oil company, makes use of a wide variety of natural resources. It must obviously have vast quantities of crude oil to process each year. But Exxon also needs the land where the oil is located, as well as land for its refineries and pipelines. The people who work for a company represent the second factor of production, labor. Sometimes called human resources, labor is the mental and physical capabilities of people. Exxon employs over 150,000 people worldwide. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires labor force with a wide variety of skills ranging from managers to geologists to truck drivers. Obtaining and using material resources and labor requires capital, the funds needed to operate an enterprise. Capital is needed to start any business. Capital is also needed to keep the business operating and growing. Exxon's annual drilling costs alone run into the billions of dollars. 1978 提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习