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外研版-英语-九上-九上Module7 2单元(第2课时)

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九上Module 7 Unit 2(第2课时)教学案

课题: M7Unit2 It is still read and loved (第二课时) 知识目标:1、让学生学会使用本课的单词,重点是单词的拼写。 2、学生能在情景对话中熟练运用所学知识。 能力目标:能读懂介绍名著、作家等的文章,能描述自己最喜爱的作家及其代表作。 情感目标:了解西方文学名著及文学家,养成热爱文学的习惯,提高欣赏水平,包容中西方文化差异。 2.人们认为这是发生火灾的原因。 It is ______ _______ _______ the cause of the fire. 3.我希望不会因为我所说的让你陷入困境。 I hope you won’t _____ __ ______ because of what I said. 4.我们都会为自己的错误付出这样或那样的代价。 We all ______ ______ our mistakes in one way or another. 5.那时警察在找那个失踪的孩子。 At that time, the police were ______ ______ the lost child. 6.这个小女孩在森林中迷路了. The little girl ______ ______ in the forest. 板书设计: Module 7 Unit 2 1. Vocabulary Adventure;冒险(经历)escape;逃离;逃脱 Surprised; 惊奇的、惊讶的dialogue; 对话 Funeral; 葬礼alive 活着的 2. 被动语态与主动语态的区别 课后反思: 教学重点:adventure, escape, surprised, dialogue, funeral, 7.我们正在考虑如何保护环境。 alive, dead 教学难点:理解并掌握被动语态的结构 重难点突破:以介绍为核心,通过小组活动,在听、说、读、写中使单词及句型以不同的形式反复出现,从而强化学习重难点。 教、学法:任务型教学法,讲授法,小组合作学习法,情境演练。 教具:磁带、录音机、多媒体课件。 (七)当堂达标 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. Alaska is the biggest s________ of America. 2. The boy’s grandfather has been d______ for ten years. 初中-英语-打印版

We are _______ _______ how to protect the environment. 8.丹尼曾和他的祖父在纽约生活过一段时间。 Danny lived with his grandfather in New York ______ ______ ______. 9.要让这棵小树活下来,你必须经常浇水。 In order to _____ the small tree _____, you must water it often. 初中-英语-打印版 3. The old man died and his f_______ was held at the local church. 4. Tom is p______ for fighting. 5. The little boy was very lucky to be a_______ after the earthquake. 6. I asked my n__________ to look after my cat while I went on holiday. 7. The man broke the locked door down and e_________. 8. Listen to the d_________ and choose the right answer. 9. The computers play a necessary part in our e_________ life. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.快点儿!不要让贼跑掉。 Be quick! Don’t let the thief _______ _______. 5. Our teacher often asks us _____ questions in groups. A. discuss B. to discuss C. discussing D. discussed 6. Her grandmother _____ in 2002. She has been _____ for twelve years. A. died; died B. dying; dead C. died; dead D. dead; died 7. -- How much money did you _____ for the drink? -- None. It was free. A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend (八)错题整理(学生填写) 四、按要求完成句子 1. I like swimming and she likes swimming too.(写出同义句) I like swimming and she likes it ______ ______. 2. Students can’t take magazines out of the reading room.(改被动语态) Magazines can’t _______ _______ out of the reading room. 3. His brother died three years ago.(同义句转换) 初中-英语-打印版

初中-英语-打印版 His brother has _______ _______ for three years. 4. Does the boy usually sweep the floor in the morning? (改为被动语态) ______ the floor usually ______ ______ the boy in the morning? 5. Mr. Green asks the students to speak English in class. (改为被动语态) The students ______ ______ _______ speak English in class. 6. He is a clever and lively boy. (就画线部分提问) What _______ the boy ______? 7. They use the machine for washing clothes. (改为被动语态) The machine _______ _______ for washing clothes. 8. Students are allowed to ride in the school. (改为否定句) Students _______ _______ to ride in the school. 五、单项选择 1. Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest ______writers, He is still ______. A. living ; alive B. living;living C. alive;living D. alive; alive 2. I can’t believe these photos _____ by a boy of five years old. 初中-英语-打印版

外研版-英语-九上-九上Module7 2单元(第2课时)


