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44. What is the writer’s idea about the history class in the US? A. Students don’t need to do exercises. B. Students can’t speak during the history class. C. Teachers hope students can think on their own. D. Students usually just listen to the teacher and take notes. 45. How does the writer like the history class in China and in the US? A. He thinks they are both fun. B. He likes the US history class.

C. He doesn’t like China’s history class at all. D. He thinks both history classes are not interesting. 46. In this passage, the writer tries to _____. A. interest more students to study in the US B. show what history means for the US students C. tell Chinese students not to learn history any more D. tell the differences between China and US history classes


The elephant lives in groups. An elephant herd (群) usually has from twenty to forty members. The elephants in the herd depend on one another for help in time of trouble.

The leader of the group is usually a wise and strong female. She travels at the head of the herd and is followed by the other females and their young. The male elephants follow last. When danger comes,

the male elephants form a circle (圈) around the weaker animals and protect them.

The members of the herd are loyal (忠诚的) to one another. A sick elephant is not left behind to die. If an elephant is sick, the whole herd stops traveling until it gets well. When an elephant is hurt, two others walk on both sides of it and support it with their bodies. A member of the herd may be caught in a trap. Then the others try to help it.

Elephants love the youngsters in the group and give them special care. They help young animals stay afloat (漂浮着) when the herd crosses a river. They work together to help a calf (幼崽) when it goes to a dangerous place.

When a female elephant gives birth to her young baby, she leaves the herd for a short time. However, she takes another female along to act as \The aunt helps the mother with her new-born calf. In this way, the whole herd protects its newest member. 47. The leader of an elephant herd is usually_______. A. a wise male

B. a weak male

C. a strong female B. the weaker animals D. the stronger elephants

D. the oldest female

48. In times of danger, the males form a circle around_______. A. the enemy (敌人) C. the leader of the group


49. Which of the following does the story get you to believe?

A. Elephants can not cross a river. B. Baby elephants cannot swim well.

C. Sick elephants are usually left behind to die. D. Most elephant herds have over a hundred members. 50. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Elephants like to live alone.

B. Many young elephants die when crossing a river. C. Elephants can help each other in time of trouble.

D. The female elephant leaves the herd forever after she has babies.

第二卷(非选择题 共50分)

五、填空。(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)

A) 根据括号中所给汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为51—58的相应位置上。

51. We’ll have all kinds of problems in our life. We should learn to ▲ (面对) them bravely. 52. —Don’t tell your ▲ (地址) to a strange person, Millie. —Thanks, I will never do such a thing.

53. Ann ▲ (明白) it was not easy to fix her bike, so she took a course in DIY.

54. I’ll take you to see the ▲ (主要的) sights in our town during the Spring Festival. 55. A bear has long and ▲ (厚的) hair on its body.

56. Short ▲ (阵雨) are good for crops to grow in the field.

57. Some ▲ (村庄) in Jiangning are as beautiful as the fairyland (仙境).

58. The twin giant pandas returned from the USA and ▲ (搬迁) into a new house in China 2 months ago.

B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为59—65的相应位置上。

59. The ▲ (cheer) smile on the faces showed that children had fun in Nanjing Jinniu Lake

Scenic Area.

60. It’s a pity that humans sometimes make ▲ (exact) the same mistake. 61. My handwriting is bad enough, but Jim’s is even ▲ (bad) than mine. 62. We don’t have ▲ (snow) days very often in winter in Nanjing.

63. The woman got off the car in the tigers’ ▲ (live) areas. How dangerous! 64. —Try to be good in your new school next week, Jason. —Yes, mum. I know a good ▲ (begin) is half done.

65. The Chinese government makes the nature reserve a perfect place for Milu deer ▲ (stay) happily.


A) 按要求改写句子,并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为66—72的相应位置上。 注意:每空只填1个单词。(每空0.5分,满分7分) ....66. My picture book isn’t as interesting as Lily’s. (改为同义句)


Lily’s picture book is ▲ ▲ than mine.

67. Daniel goes on a school trip every month in his ideal school. (对划线部分提问)

▲ ▲ does Daniel go on a school trip in his ideal school?

68. Some people didn’t buy clothes made of animal fur in order to protect animals.(对划线部分提问)

▲ ▲ some people buy clothes made of animal fur? 69. Amy hopes she can have a penfriend from a British school. (改为同义句) Amy hopes ▲ ▲ a penfriend from a British school. 70. Suzy advised Andrew not to put up her shelf like that. (改为祈使句) Andrew, ▲ ▲ up the shelf like that.

71. The wind was blowing outside. I could hear that. (合并为一句) I could ▲ the wind ▲ outside.

72. Mother panda milked the baby panda yesterday. (用at 6 a.m.yesterday替换yesterday) Mother panda ▲ ▲ the baby panda at 6 a.m. yesterday. B) 根据中文,完成下列句子,词数不限。(每小题1分,满分8分) 73. 我的好朋友在我情绪不好的时候总是关心我。

My buddy always ▲ me whenever I’m down. 74. 南希继续学习法语并最终做到了。

Nancy ▲ French and she finally made it. 75. 吉蒂的父母带将她去一些欧洲国家以了解不同的文化。

Kitty’s parents will take her to some European countries to learn about ▲ . 76. WSPA代表世界动物保护协会。

WSPA ▲ World Society for the Protection of Animals. 77. 我爷爷奶奶第一次来南京就迷路了。

My grandparents ▲ when they came to Nanjing for the first time. 78. 世界上剩下的丹顶鹤越来越少。

There are fewer and fewer red-crowned crane ▲ . 79. 在春天树叶变绿,气温快速升高。

The leaves ▲ and the temperature rises quickly in Spring. 80. 救援者细心地移走了大石头,最终这个幸运的男孩获救。

Rescuers ▲ the big stones with great care. Finally, the lucky boy was safe. 七、阅读填空 (共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)

A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第81—90小题的空格里填入一个最适当的单词,并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为81—90的相应位置上。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。 ....

When the weather is getting colder and colder, we have a warm home to keep us warm and comfortable. But what about stray(流浪的) animals ? They are poor and alone. All they can do is to


walk in the streets and hope to find food in the rubbish bin. There are around 500 million stray and unwanted dogs in the world, according to the World Society for the Protection of Animals. Why are there so many stray animals? Abandonment(遗弃) may be the reason. Some pets are ill and their owners just give them up.

Today, the whole world is calling for better care of stray animals. In the UK and US, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(防止虐待动物协会) helps animals find new homes. It also provides medical service(医疗服务) for unwanted sick animals. The society has a 24-hour

animal abuse(虐待) hotline. Anyone can call if he or she finds someone is hurting an animal. In Germany, there are lots of laws for animal protection. The government encourages people to adopt(收养) pets from local animal centers as well.

You can do something to help as well. Once you find a stray animal, it’s dangerous to rush to catch it. Otherwise, it may bite you. You can ask adults around you for help. If it is safe enough to catch a stray animal, you’d better send it to an animal center. People volunteer to take care of stray animals there. You can find the number of such organizations online. There is one thing you need to keep in mind. When you decide to have a pet, treat it with care and gentleness. Never give it up, or it will become a poor, stray animal. About stray animals Conditions (状况) Number The 83 They live a hard life 81 home or food. There are 82 500 million stray and unwanted dogs in the world. Some pets are ill and their owners abandon them. In the UK and US: SPCA helps animals find new homes, 84 medical services and a 24-hour animal abuse hotline. In Germany: * There are lots of laws to 86 animals. 85 to help them * The government 87 encourages people to adopt pets. What we can do: * When you find a stray animal, it’s not 88 to catch it alone. Ask adults for help. * If you catch a stray animal, it’s 89 to send it to an animal center. People volunteer to work there. * Treat your pet 90 and gently.


B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词, 并将答案填写在答卷纸标号为91—100的相应位置上。

Last weekend, our family went to have Christmas dinner in a restaurant. We were the only family w 91 a baby in the restaurant. Suddenly, my baby Erik became excited when we were e 92 our meal. I looked around and saw an old man with old clothes and dirty old shoes. He was smiling at my Erik.

“He may hurt my Erik,” I thought. E 93 in the restaurant looked at us and the old man. Then we d 94 to leave. The old man sat between the door and us.

A 95 I walked closer to the man, I turned my back. Suddenly, Erik reached with both arms in a baby’s pick-me-up position(姿势). Before I could s 96 him, Erik got away from my arms to the man’s. Soon the very old man and my y 97 baby had a kind of friendship.

Erik put his little hand on the man’s face. The man closed his e 98 , and I saw tears(眼泪) running down his face. His hands held my baby so gently. A moment l 99 , the old man opened his eyes, passed me my baby and said, “Thank you, Madam. You’ve given me the best Christmas gift.”

A child saw a soul(灵魂). H 100 , a mother saw only a kind of clothes. I cried, with my face burning hot.


大群的冬候鸟(migratory birds)已经到达南京, 江苏观鸟会下周六将组织一次观鸟活动。假如你是江苏观鸟会的一员(Jiangsu Birdwatching Society),请根据表格中内容用英语写一篇短文。 时 间 地 点 1月16日早上八点半 玄武湖公园门口 1.穿着舒适的鞋子,不要穿鲜艳的衣服; 2.带一些饮用水和望远镜(binoculars); 要求 3.观鸟时需保持安静,严禁惊鸟和其他有害(harmful)自然的事情; 4.准备一本笔记本以便作笔记。 注意:

1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3. 词数70左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

Large groups of migratory birds have arrived in Nanjing. ▲ ▲ ▲



