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We can laugh ha-ha We can sing la-la-la-la

我们可以笑哈哈,我们可以唱啦啦啦啦啦 We can make anything我们可以做任何事情 Hold my hand 拉着我的手

Make a magical land创造一片神奇的土地

When letters get together we go alakazam当字母聚在一起,我们去 We can run, we can slide We can hide in a box 我们可以跑,我们可以滑动我们可以藏在一个盒子里


Are you ready for some fun with the Alphablocks? Alphablocks!你准备好用字母表玩了吗?


Ah. Ah!

Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh Buh-buh-buh. Ca! Ca!

Duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh DUH-DUH! - Eh! - ECHOES: 回声 - Eh-eh-eh!


Ffff! Ffffff! Ff! Ff! Ffffffff!Guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh. - PANTING: 喘气的

- Hah-hah-hah-hah. Haaaah. Haaaah. I-I-iy-iy-iy!

Juh! Juh! JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU! Kuh! Kuh! Kuh! KUH! Kuh! Luh-luh-lu-uh-uh! Llll. Llll.

Mmmm! Mm-mm-mm-mm! Mmm-mm!Nn-hn. Nuh. Nnnnn!

Oh? Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.

Puh-puh. Puh-puh. Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh. Kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu! Kwu-kwu-kwu!

Arrrrrrr! Rrrrr? Rrrrr! Sssssssss.... Ss-ss-ss-ss-ss-ss! Tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh!

U-UGH! Uh? Uh!

Vvvvvvv! Vvv-vvv-vvv! Vvvvvv... Wuh-wuh-wuh... Waaaah! Xs! Xs-xs! XS! Yee.... Eee-yuh!

Zzzzzz. Zzzz. Zz? Zzz? Zzz... Zz!

② Bee 元音e及其组合 Alphablocks Bee字母积木讲解(元音e及其组合) Eh! Eh! Eh! ECHOING回声

Look at me, 看我my name is E

Bet you haven't met a better letter yet我打赌你还从来没有遇到一个更好的字

I'm the busiest letter in the alphabet我是字母表中最忙的一个字母。 E - that's me!

Buh, buh, buh, buh Duh [表示犹豫、不快或轻蔑等]咄duh-duh de duh-duh We can make a B-E-D Bed床!

B! R! He can make it R-E-D Red红色!


Eh! Look at me No, look at me!

- He's another E - He's just the same 完全相同的as me! BOTH: We can live together in harmony我们可以一起和谐相处 Double E - you and me 两个E,你和我

E ECHOING回声 Buh! E! Let's make a... B-EE! ALL: Bee!小蜜蜂

Everybody - one, two... T-R-EE! ALL: Tree!树 One, two, tree?


- PANTING喘气: - Huh, huh, huh... Sorry!

One, two, TH-R-EE! ALL: Three!

Another E A brother E

He's the quiet one in the family他是家里很安静的人。 He doesn't say much He does it silently他说不多,默默做



