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I. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 35 incomplete sentences in this part. For each one there are four choices marked A. , B. , C. , and D. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. When did you see her? What then? A.was she doing B.did she do C. is she doing D.has she hone

2. Will you have A.the other C.an other

cup of tea? B.other D.another

3. The baby often in the middle of the night. A.wakes up B.brings up C.gets up D.picks up

4. A car is many different parts. A.made of B.made from C.made up of D.made in

5. He was born in the north, but in the south. A.brought up B.grew up C.picked up D.came up

6. They may the books for about two weeks. A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.have

7. Rising costs make it hard to the business. A.carry on B.go on C.hold on D.put on

8. The river A.runs C.run

to the east. It is the second longest river in the country. B.is running D.ran

9. We’re planning to a garden party next Saturday night. A.make B.hold

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C.celebrate D.gather

10. Li Ping’s father told him never to the study of English. A.give out B.give up C.give in D.give back

11. The teacher the picture and started to tell the story. A.tried on B.pointed at C.relied on D.put on

12. When we reached the office, the clock on the wall was eight. A.beating B.hitting C.striking D.ringing

13. “Must we start the experiment now?” “No, you A.won’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.may not


14. Tom had finished his work A.after B.before C.while D.then

his wife came back.

15. Great changes A.take the place C.have taken place

in China since 1978. B.took the place of

D.have been taken place

16. The money she spent more than 1000 dollars. A.added B.added to C.added up D.added up to

17. Usually carelessness to failure. A.leads B.happens C.gets D.agrees

18. My sister by Grandma while my parents are away. A.will be taken care B.will take care of C.will be taken care of D.will be taken care

19. Joan is sister. A.Mary and Jack B.Mary’s and Jack’s C.Mary’s and Jack

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D.Mary and Jack’s

20. The thief the policeman and ran away. A.broke out of

B. broke away from C.broke up with D.broke off

21. Girl students are much cleverer in our class than A.this B./ C. it D.those

in theirs.

22. Last night a quarrel between two brothers in our neighborhood. A.broke out B.broke up C.broke away D.broke in

23. The experiment, though they had tried their best, to be a failure. A.turned up B.turned out C.turned in D.turned on

24. “Alice couldn’t answer the question, could she?” “ A.No, she couldn’t B.No, she could C.Yes, she couldn’t D.Yes, she answers


25. Some people like to stay at home on Sundays, but A.another B.others C.other D.the other

like to go to the cinema.

26. Look, how perfectly that tie his suit! A.do with B.suits C.matches D.fits

27. Alice isn’t the oldest girl in her class, but she is older than A.any of the girls B.any other girl

C.some the other girls D.some of the other girls


28. If you William, ask him to come and see me. A.have an idea of B.catch sight of C.think of

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D.find out

29. the fog, we should have reached Paris. A.Because of B.In spite of C.In case of D.But for

30. It’s getting dark. You’d better A.don’t B.not to C.not D.to

stay here.

31. It’s no that you failed in the exam. You’re always being so careless. A.wonder B.trouble C.doubt D.matter

32. I’m a lot of experience in my job. A.accepting B.gaining C.receiving D.winning

33. “Have you finished your report yet?” “No, I’ll finish it in ten minutes.”

A.another C.more B.other D.less

34. When hair is burned, it a terrible smell. A.pushes off B.takes out C.keeps out D.gives off

35. When John was sick, he couldn’t his homework. A.find out B.work up C.concentrate on D.look over

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1-5. ADACB 21-25. DABAB 6-10. CAABB 11-15. BCBBC 16-20. DACDB

26-30. CDBDC 31-35. ABADC

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