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D. more easier than

29. He was so poor that he had A. no less B. not less C. more D. no more

than one hundred dollars.

30. The inspector advised the old lady not to stay A. lonely B. single

C. on her own D. of her own

in the flat for a few nights.

31. Many people enjoy A. calling on B. calling at C. dropping in D. calling for

their friends at Christmas time.

32. The close A. relations B. relativities C. relatives D. relationships

are not allowed to get married.

33. It is much easier to talk about social change than A. to bring it up B. to bring it out C. to bring it about D. to bring it on

34. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted A. came up to B. came up with C. came up for D. came out of

a good answer.

35. We would rather not A. depend for B. rely in C. rely for D. rely on

Mary because she is not a trustworthy person.

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1-5. BABAC 21-25. CDAAA 6-10. AABAC 11-15. DBABD 16-20. BADAB

26-30. BAADC 31-35. ACCBD

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I. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 35 incomplete sentences in this part. For each one there are four choices marked A. , B. , C. , and D. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Students should not only learn facts, but also learn how to facts. A.look for B.find out C.find D.look

2. The flowers smell A.good; beautiful B.good; beautifully C.well; beautiful D.well; beautifully

and look .

3. Do you know when the plane will for Beijing? A.take off B.leave for C.come up D.go up

4. Paul was by his uncle after his father died. A.brought up B.grown up C.held up D.put up

5. The song A.is often sung B.was often sung C.sings

D.has often sung

by children.

6. All the information about our school A.have been B.is C.has D.are

in the book.

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7. He was born in the north, but in the south. A.brought up B.grew up C.picked up D.came up

8. A car is many different parts. A.made of B.made from C.made up of D.made in

9. The workers were busy A.build B.to build C.building D.built

new houses throughout the winter.

10. If you have any questions, please your hands. A.put out B.put up C.put on D.put down

11. Will you have A.the other B.other C.an other D.another

cup of tea?

12. The number of teachers A.is B.are C.been D.be

never under 100 in this school.

13. It is five days A.when B.before C.as D.since

we came here.

14. Minghua is good progress with his English.

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A. taking

B.making C.having D.getting

15. This is the man A.whom I saw him B. whom I saw C.which I saw D.who I saw him

last night.

16. The college got some money by selling one of its old pictures. A.useful B.helpful C.usual D.valuable

17. If you want to see the play, your name on this piece of paper. A.get down B.put down C.take down D.copy down

18. The plane had already before we got to the airport. A.taken down B.taken off C.taken away D.taken up

19. Is this house large enough for us A.living B.living in C.to live D.to live in


20. These oil paintings are found now, so they are of great value. A.rarely

B.sometimes C.ever D.often

21. The thief the policeman and ran away. A.broke out of

B. broke away from

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