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Lesson1-2 知识点及习题


1. meet

Nice to meet you . 见到你很高兴 Have a meeting 开会

2. and you and I 我和你 3. This 反义词:that 4. is (Be 动词)妈妈有三个儿子:am,is ,are. 口诀:我用 am 你用 are;is 跟着他她它;复数全部都用 are . 5. class class 1 一班 classroom 教室 classmate 同学 6. her her class 她的班级 her mother 她的妈妈 7. teacher 老师 teach 教 8. Mr. 先生 Mr Li 李先生 Mr+姓

9. Which 特殊疑问词,引导特殊疑问句放在句首

10. your 你的,你们的 your pen your class your teacher 11. the 定冠词,特指

12. sir 先生 单独使用,后面不跟姓,首字母小写 13. here 这儿 反义词:there 那些 14. are 同 is 口诀 15 thank thanks thank you 16. Here you are 给你

17. blue a blue sea 一片蓝色的大海 Once in a blue moon 千载难逢 18. green green hand 新手 green house 温室花房 19. school bag 书包 handbag 手提包 backbag 双肩包 20. rubber = eraser 橡皮


1. Meet Sandy and Sue ! 祈使句

祈使句: a. 省略主语 b.动词开头 c. 表示命令,请求,要求等 2. This is Sue’s class . ’s a. 表示。。。的所有格不能拆开 如 mother’s

b. is 的缩写,表示是。 如 : it is = it’s her teacher’s Mr. Crisp 3. Which is your pen , Sue ?

特殊疑问句:(1)不能用 yes, no 来回答(2) 读时用降调



Lesson1-2 试题

I、根据首字母提示补全单词:(10 分)

1. ——This is your pen, Tom. Here you are. ——T you, sir. 2. ——W is your pencil, Sue? ——The red pencil. 3. R 红, y 黄,b 蓝色像海洋;b 黑,purple 紫, g 环保我最棒。 4. “来”是 c ,“去”是 g ;“是”读 y ,“不”读 n ;朗读英语真顺口。II、问答搭配: (10 分)


Nice to meet you! It’s a book. What’s your name? Nice to meet you,too! What’s this? I’m fine! Thank you! How are you! How do you do? How do you do? My name is Bill. III、用所给词语的适当形式填空:(20 分)

1. ——Is this (you) bag? ——Yes, it is. 2. ——This is (Sue) class. 3. (he) teacher is Miss Williams. 4. September 10th is (teacher) Day. 5. (she) teacher’s pen is red. 6. (Tom) umbrella is black. 7. The (boy) ruler is brown. 8. ——Is this (Crisp) ball? ——No, it isn’t. 9. (Jim) car is white. Look! He is in the car. 10. ——Who is that boy? ——Oh, (his) is Mr Clark’s brother.

V、单项选择:(20 分)

( ) 1. Liu Mei’s pencil red. A. am B. is C. are D. \\ ( ) 2. ——Whose basket is this?

——It’s . A. Sandy B. Sandy is C. Sandy’s ( ) 3. Look! She is the red bicycle. A. in B. on C. of D. \\ ( ) 4.—— is that man?

——He is Mr Li. A. What B. Where C. Who D. When

( ) 5.——Which is your hat?

—— grey hat. A. A B. An C. The D. \\

( ) 6. They my pencils .

A. am B. is C. are D. \\ ( ) 7. —— car is Tom’s?

——The black car. A. Whose B. His C. Which D. What ( ) 8. Your chair grey.

A. are B. am C. is D. \\

( ) 9. Nice to you.

A. thank B. meet C. sit D. kick ( ) 10. ——Whose is this bag?

——It’s bag.


A. she B. her C. I D. me


3L1 --- Lessson 3-4 知识点及习题

1. his 他的(所有格)

主格 I you she he it they we 所有格 my your her his its their our 2. Miss 对应词 Mr. 3. Williams 姓 4. whose 谁的 who 谁 5. cap 帽子(前沿帽) hat 帽子(全沿帽) 6. it 代词

7.yes 升调(什么事) 降调(是的) 反义词:no 8. come 反 go sit 反 stand up 反 down stand up 反 sit down

9. please 放在句首句尾都可以 短语 Sandy’s class his teacher this cap come here

your cap sit down


1. This is Sandy’s class. 所有格…的 2. His teacher’s Miss Williams. 缩写…是 3. Whose is this cap? = Whose cap is this ? 4. It’s Sandy’s .(省略句) It’s Sandy’s (cap)

5. Is this your cap ?(一般疑问句)Yes, it is \\No, it isn’t 6. Which book is Sandy’s ? ---- The green book .

语法:( 1 )whose 引导的特殊疑问句 (2)Is this your cap?等一般疑问句

(3)形容词性物主代词(所有格):his, her, my, your, its,our, their

主格 he, she, I, you, it, we, they

Lesson3-4 试题

一. 英译汉。

Sandy’s class his teacher come here sit down: stand up your cap 二. 用所给词语的适当形式填空:

1、 (he) teacher’s Miss Williams. 2、 (she) teacher’s Mr Crisp. 3、This is (Sandy) class. 4、Is this (you) cap? 5、The yellow book is (Sue).、用 be 动词(am, is, are)的适当形式填空: 1、Tom’s book red. 2、The green schoolbag Sandy’s. 3、Which your pen? 4、--Here you , Sandy.—Thank you, sir. 5、I Sandy.My rubber blue. 三、根据首字母提示补全单词: 1、--W is your pen,Sue? –The red pen, sir.


2、--W is this cap? –It’s Sandy’s. 3、My t is Mr Crisp. He teaches me English. 4、--Is this your ruler? –Yes, i is. 5、--Which is your cap? –T green cap. 四. 选择。

( )1.This Sue’s class . A. am B. is C. are ( ) 2. is this cap ? A. Who B. Whose C. who’s ( )3. His teacher is Miss . A. sandy B.Wang C.sue ( )4 . down, please. A. Thank B. come C. Sit ( )5 .It’s . A.Williams B.Miss Li’s C.I 五. 句型转换。

1. Is this your book ?(作肯定回答) , it . 2. It’s Sandy’s pencil. (对划线部分提问) is this ? 3. His teacher’s Miss Zhang .(变否定句) His teacher Miss Zhang .


Lesson5-6 知识点及习题


1. kick 踢 2. ball football, volleyball ,basketball ,balloon , ballpen 3. all We are all here. 我们全都在这儿。

4. right (1)对的 反义词:wrong (2)右边 反义词:left

同音词:write 5.all right = ok

6. look (1)看(2)注意 look out(小心,注意) 7. sorry = I’m sorry

8.It’s all right 没关系 (1)Not at all (2)That’s all right (3)It’s ok 重要句型:

1.kick the ball.祈使句 2. Look, Sandy 祈使句 3. Whose is this ball ? =Whose ball is this ?

4. Is this your ball, Tom ? 一般疑问句用 Yes\\No 来回答,用升调来读。 5. it isn’t =is not Lesson6 单词

1. yellow eg :You’re yellow .你很胆小。 2. bicycle=bike

3. pencil-box pencil-case The pen is in the pencil-box. 4.basket basketball a basket of apples 5. desk 课桌 table 饭桌 6. white 对应词 black

(1) The White House 白宫 (2)It’s good to tell a white lie .善意的谎言(3)The motorbike ia a white elephant to me . (华而不实)


7. umbrella an umbrella 一把雨伞 8. grey =gray

9. table We are at table .我们在吃饭。

10. black (1)black tea 红茶 (2)black sheep 败家子

(3)He is black and blue .青一块紫一块

11.chair armchair 扶手椅 chairman 主席 语法:(1)祈使句 (2)一般疑问句

Lesson5-6 习题

一. 英汉互译。 踢 ball football volleyball 桌 子 对 不 起 yellow box white (反 义 词 ) umbrella table chair all right this ball 二、用所给词语的适当形式填空:

1、--Is this (you) ball, Tom?—No, it isn’t. 2、-- (who) is this ball?—It’s Sandy’s. 3、Sue is a student. (she) teacher is Mr Crisp. 4、--Is the black ball (Sandy)?—No, it isn’t. 5、The white car isn’t (Tom).It’s (I) car. 6、The black umbrella is (Crisp). 7、The yellow basket is (Sue). 8、Sandy’s ball is yellow, but (he) bicycle is blue. 9、I don’t like black, but (me) like white. 三、句型转换:

1、This table is Sandy’s.(对划线部分提问)→ 2、This is Miss Williams’ car. (对划线部分提问)→ 3、The blue basket is Sandy’s. (对划线部分提问)→ 4、This chair is Mr Crisp’s. (对划线部分提问)→ 5、The yellow basket is Sue’s.(变为一般疑问句) → 6、The green pencil-box is Sandy’s. (变为一般疑问句) → 7、Is Sandy’s ball yellow?(作肯定回答) → 8、Is Mr Crisp’s umbrella white?(作否定回答) → 9、Sandy, kick, ball, the,(组成祈使句) → 四.写出五个元音字母的大小写: 五.翻译句子。 (1) Kick the ball. (2) Whose is this ball? (3) Is this your ball,Tom?Yes, it is. (4) Is the yellow ball Sue’s?Yes, it is. (5)Is Sandy’s ball red? No, it isn’t. Lesson7-8 知识点及习题


1 .who 特殊疑问词 (whose, which, what, where, why) 2 .that 对应词 this girl 对应词 boy

bicycle grey= your ball pencil-




