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北师大新教材 必修一Unit 2 SPORTS AND FITNESS基础训练(二)

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Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 & Lesson 3

Ⅰ.匹配词义 A.单词匹配

( )1.relieve A.n.骨头,骨 ( )2.strengthen B.vt.减轻,缓解 ( )3.capable C.adj.能干的;能力强的 ( )4.relief D.n.减轻,缓解 ( )5.guideline E.vi.&vt.(使)强健 ( )6.shortcut F.n.防守队员,后卫 ( )7.achievable G.n.捷径,近路

( )8.defence H.adj.可完成的;做得成的 ( )9.bone I.n.满足,满意

( )10.satisfaction J.n.指导方针,指导原则 [答案] 1—5 BECDJ 6—10 GHFAI B.短语匹配

( )1.in case A.应该,应当 ( )2.sign up B.报名

( )3.warm up C.厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的 ( )4.ought to D.(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 ( )5.cheer up E.确保 ( )6.be fed up with F.尤其,特别 ( )7.in particular G.有能力做 ( )8.be capable of H.以防万一 ( )9.keep up I.继续;保持

( )10.make sure J.做热身运动、准备活动 [答案] 1—5 HBJAD 6-10 CFGIE Ⅱ.默写单词

1. n. 汗水 2. n. 系统

3. n. 尤其,特别 adj. 特定的 4. n. 好处,益处 5. n. 观众;听众 6. n. 数量,数额 7. n. 细节

8. n. 原则,基本的观念 9. n. 设备,装备 10. vi. 流,流动 n. 流动

【答案】sweat, system, particular, benefit, audience, amount, detail, principle, equipment, flow


principle;overdo;remind; strengthen;overnight;relief;awkward;tip;capable;audience 1.His speech made a strong impression on the . 2.These people lack all understanding of scientific . 3.It's a to get out of the office once in a while. 4.The society was looking for a research worker. 5.In a strange way,his affair caused our relationship to . 6.You should work hard,but don't it and make yourself ill. 7.He's realistic enough to know he's not going to succeed . 8.This put them in a very position. 9.This article gives a few key .

10.This me of the Spring Festival parties.

【答案】audience, principle, relief, capable, strengthen,overdo, overnight, awkward, tips, reminds Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词

1.She was (satisfy)with the result of her efforts. 2.This medicine will (relief) your headache. 3.The (equip)of the laboratory is complete.

4.Using computers has a (benefit)effect on children's learning. 5.It was one of the most (amaze)films I've ever seen. 6.I have a few (announce)to make.

7.To our great (disappoint), it rained on the day of the picnic.

8.He hoped to (strength) the position of the sciences in the leading universities. 9.It is often a good idea to start with smaller, easily (achieve) goals. 10.She can look back on her career with great (satisfy).

【答案】satisfied, relieve, equipment, beneficial, amazing, announcements,disappointment, strengthen, achievable, satisfaction

1.My friend suggested I should try long-distance running. 我朋友建议我 长跑。

2....it is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running... ……跑步前和跑步后 和降温非常重要……

3.Scanning a text means reading it as quickly as possible to find specific information. 浏览一篇课文意味着尽可能快的读文章找到 。 4.There will be times when you will want to give up. 会有你要 的时候。

5.It's never too late to start getting into running and exercising... 开始跑步和锻炼 ……


①particular n.尤其,特别;adj.特定的 in particular尤其,特别 ②benefit n.好处,益处 ③membership n.会员身份 ④equipment n.设备,装备

⑤capable adj.能干的;能力强的 be capable of有能力做 ⑥prevent vt.预防;阻止,阻挡 ⑦disease n.疾病

⑧upper adj.较上的,上面的 ⑨flow vi.流,流动;n.流动 ⑩oxygen n.氧 ?strengthen v.(使)强健

?system n.系统 immune system 免疫系统 ?as well as 也,和

?feel down 感到沮丧;情绪消沉 ?relief n.减轻,缓解 ?ache n.隐痛 ?due to 由于

?guideline n.指导方针,指导原则 ?click vi.&vt.点击(鼠标)


Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for your question.As people often say,any exercise is better than none, but long-distance running in particular① has a lot of benefits②.

It is a great sport for beginners—you do not need a gym membership③ or any special equipment④.Just a pair of good running shoes will do.Then, keep it up.There is also no better way to know yourself and to see what you are capable of⑤.

You are also somebody who worries about getting sick.[1]Running will help you get fit and prevent⑥ diseases⑦.It will give you good upper⑧ and lower body strength.Like any exercise, running increases the flow⑨ of blood and oxygen⑩ to your brain.It makes your heart stronger and allows more blood to flow around your body.[2]It also strengthens? your immune system? and reduces the risk of serious health problems, as well as? more common illnesses like colds.Besides, anybody who is feeling down? can go for a run to cheer themselves up.Even a thirty-minute run will provide relief? from aches? or tension that you may be suffering due to? stress.[3]


[2]allow sb./sth. to do sth.允许某人/某物做某事。 [3]that引导定语从句。

If you are new to running,here is some advice for you—it is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running,[4]so you do not hurt yourself.A warm-up gets your blood flowing and prepares your body before you exercise.After a long run, you should jog slowly for ten minutes, then walk for five minutes.Such kind of warm-down relaxes your body after exercise.

[4]it作形式主语,真正主语是to warm up and cool down properly。 For more guidelines? on running,click? here.I hope this will help! Best Regards, Dr.Martin







更多关于跑步的指导,点击这里。我希望这能有所帮助! 最好的问候, 马丁博士


1.announce vt.宣布,宣告→ n.通告,公告

2.disappoint vt.使失望→disappointed adj.感到失望的→disappointing adj. 令人失望的→ n.失望;扫兴;沮丧

3.strong adj.强大的,强壮的,强有力的→strength n.力气,力量;强项→ vi.&vt.(使)强健 4. n.好处,益处 vi.有益于,得益于→beneficial adj.有益的 5.equip vt.装备→ n.设备,装备

6.achieve vt.完成,达到,实现→ adj.可完成的;做得成的→achievement n.成就;功绩 7.satisfy vt.使满意,使满足→satisfied adj.满意的,满足的→satisfying adj. 令人满意的→ n.满足,满意

【答案】announcement, disappointment, strengthen, benefit, equipment, achievable, satisfaction


1.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have . 2.I am only too glad (accept)your kind invitation. 3.She's never (satisfy) with what she's got. 4.Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to (relief) her. 5.Nothing would prevent us from (go) to help them. 6.The (equip) of the photographic studio was expensive. 7.Using computers has a (benefit) effect on children's learning. 8.I have invited our friends to cheer you 9.It was one of the most (amaze) films I've ever seen. 10.There was something about his face that reminded me my uncle.

【答案】one, to accept, satisfied, relieve, going, equipment, beneficial, up, amazing, of Ⅱ.短语填空

in particular;cheer up;keep up;make sure;be capable of;ought to;warm up;sign up;be fed up with;in case 1.He looked in the bathroom to that he was alone. 2.The whole meal was good but the wine was excellent. 3.But if you ,I'd consider coming to the show. 4.I this kind of weather. 5. Our troubles will soon be over. 6.He running a mile in four minutes. 7.You put your watch forward ten minutes. 8. she comes back,let me know immediately.

北师大新教材 必修一Unit 2 SPORTS AND FITNESS基础训练(二)


