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外研版英语八年级下册 Module 5 Unit 3 同步练习题 含答案

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外研版英语八年级下册 Module 5 Unit 3 同步练习题

I. 单项选择。

1. I ________ Mr.Smith since he moved to Shanghai.

A. didn’t hear from B. don’t hear from C. haven’t heard from D. won’t hear from 2. ---- I’ve just got a new iphone6.

---- Where _______ you _______ it? ---- In the apple store of Joy City. A. did; buy B. are; bought C. have; bought D. were; getting 3. I can’t help _______ when I read the joke.

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed 4. ---- Could you help me with my computer this afternoon? It doesn’t work.

---- Sorry, I can’t help _______. I’ll have an important appointment with my teacher. A. repairing B. repairs C. repaired D. repair 5. I have been to Los Angeles. I _______ there last month.

A. went B. have gone C. have been D. go

6. Neither Jane nor Peter _______ important cities in China since they came.

A. visited B. has visited C. have visited D. visits

7. Mr. Dean made such a _______ speech that all the audience felt _______ and dozed off.

A. boring; boring B. bored; boring C. bored; boring D. boring; bored 8. My grandparents _______ in U.S. and they are living in Beijing now.

A. have lived B. lived C. live D. are living

9. The moonlight goes _______ the window and room is heavy with silvery freshness.

A. across B. through C. over D. in

10. She bites her lower lip fighting _______ the memory of her childhood with her family who have passed


A. against B. for C. with D. at 11. Cartoons are still popular _______ people of all ages.

A. with B. for C. around D. across

12. The artist drew pictures of two faces on a blackboard. Suddenly, they _______ to life.

A. came B. return C. go D. arrive

II. 适当形式填空。

1. One of Walter Disney’s most famous cartoon __________ (character) was Mickey Mouse. 2. Water Disney ____________ (start) to make films in the 1920s. 3. The first Batman cartoon ____________ (appear) in 1939.

4. Batman is one of the few cartoon ____________ (hero) to appear in book continuously since 1940. 5. People have also made films____________ (base) on Batman and Spiderman. 6. Many people love cartoons because they are great ____________ (fun). 7. Artists create good cartoon heroes as____________ (well) as bad people.

8. The heroes always win and their stories help us ____________ (feel) safe.

III. 完成句子。

1. 卡通受到了孩子和老人们的欢迎。

Cartoons____________________________________ young people__________________old men. 2. 我们期望看到中国队更多精彩的比赛。

We are _______________________________________watch more wonderful matches of Chinese football team.

3. 外边太冷了,你介意把门关上吗?

Would you mind ________________________? It’s freezing cold outside. 4. Mickey mouse 第一次是以无声黑白电影的形式出现的。

Mickey Mouse ________________________ in ________________________ film without sound.


I. 单项选择。

1―5 C A B D A 6---10 BDBBA 11---12 AA II. 适当形式填空。

1. characters 2. started 3. appeared 4. heroes 5. based 6. fun 7. well 8. feel III. 完成句子。

1. Cartoons are popular with young people as well as old men.

2. We are expecting to watch more wonderful matches of Chinese football team. 3. Would you mind closing the door? It’s freezing cold outside.

4. Mickey Mouse appeared first in black-and-white film without sound.

外研版英语八年级下册 Module 5 Unit 3 同步练习题 含答案


