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( )1.Before you learn to do_________you must first_________carefully. A. new something:see B. something new;watch C. anvthing new;look D. some new things;read

( )2.Would you please_________ the children_________with the snake?

A.to ask:not to play B.ask;not to play C.ask:not play D.ask;don’t play

( )3.There will be_________space for plants,animals and birds. A.1ittle and little B.1ess and little C.1ittle and less D.1ess and less

( )4.The question is _________for him to answer. A.easy enough B.enough easy C.easily enough D.enough easily ( )5.一When are you going to leave? 一My train_________at six.

A.leave B.leaves C.left D.are to leave

( )6.There is_________ “u”and_________ “f”in the word “full”. A.a;a B.an;an C.a;an D.an;a ( ) 7.We have_________ tea at home,do we?

A.1ittle B.a little C.Few D.a few

( )8.All the children like Mr White very much because he 0ften makes them_________.

A.1aughed B.1augh C.1aughing D.to laugh

( )9.Do you need more people_________you_________the vegetables?

A.help;water B.to help:water C.help;to water D.to help;watering ( )10.We found_________ to sleep.

A.difficult to get B.it difficult getting C.it difficult to get D.that difficult go get ( )11.What is your teacher like?

A.He likes sports. B.He is friendly and helpful. C.He is studying at schoo1.D.He likes his father.

( )12.This kind of computer looks_________and sells_________in the shop.

A.nice;well B.good;good C.nicely;well D.good;nice

( )13.This piano is too big.Can you make _________for it?

A.a space B.some spaces C.some more rooms D.some space

( )14.There are many fish in the area,and the birds can catch_________food.

A.it as B.them as C.them for D.they as ( )15.Japan is_________the east of China.

A.it B.of C.on D.To



1.1 would like to become a b________because I like birds very much.

2.We haven’t seen this kind of animals because it’s very________(very few). 3.We should do our best to protect________ (wild animals).

4.The Chinese________ (govern)must do something to protect the giant pandas. 5.It’s________ (不必要)to wash your hair every-day. B)用所给词的适当形式完成句子。

6.She is too________ (care).She always makes many mistakes in her homework. 7.Our teacher always tells us_______( not be)late for class. 8.The giant panda was out of ________ (dangerous)at last.

9.I don’t think clothes made of fur look ________ (love)on women.

10.The students hope the information call make people________ (take) action to protect

wild animals at once.


1.If we continue build roads,animals won’t have suitable home. ( )________


2.The students finished birdwateh at four that afternoon. ( )________ A B C D

3.When autumn comes,you can see many leafs on the tree. ( )________


4.A camel is an useful animal in China. ( )________


5.The number of students in our school are more than 2,500. ( )________

A B C D 四.句型转换,每空一词(10分)

1.There are few red-cranes in the world.(改成反意疑问句)

There are few red-cranes in the world,__________ __________? 2.The restaurant is famous for its Beiiing Duck.(对画线部分提问) What__________the restaurant famous___________?

3.They will take the plane back to their country.(改为同义句) They will_______ _______their country_______ _______. 4.I joined the Birdwatching Club two years ago.(改为同义句)

I_______ _______ _______ _______the Birdwatching Club two years ago. 5.If you get up late,you will be late for schoo1.(改为同义句) If you get up_______,you_______be late for schoo1. 五.根据所给中文完成句子翻译(15分) 1.我们必须给野生动物留下栖息处。

We must____________________________________________. 2.玛丽作更多的运动来使自己更苗条。

Mary does more exercise____________________________________________. 3.如果我们不采取行动保护野生动物,世界上就再也没有野生生物了。

If we__________________.there weren’t wild lives in the world any more. 4.老师对我非常生气。

The teacher____________________________________________. 5.江苏大丰是麇鹿的理想家园。

Dafeng of Jiangsu is___________________________________Milu deer. 6.对我们来说保护环境是重要的。

It’s____________________________________________. 7.扎龙自然保护区为野生动物提供了食物和栖息地。

The Zhalong Nature Reserve____________________________wild life. 8.假如我能成为你们俱乐部的成员我将很高兴。

I will be very happy____________________________________________. 9.如果没有水,就没有生命。

If there is____________________________________________ . 10.他们正在研究不同种类的鸟和它们数目的变化。

__________________________________________________________________. 六.完形填空(10分)

Every nation has its own 1 .So does Austlralia—in her kangaroos.It is 2 that there are about 20 million kangaroos in Australia.It 3 that there are 4 kangaroos than people in Australia.The total population of Australia is only 5 14 million.The 6 living kangaroos are about two meters high.They can jump as 7 as two meters.When you drive a car 8 the country at dusk,it is 9 to come across them.Sometimes your car may be hit or even be damaged by.a big kangaroo. 10 that happens,nobody is angry with it.

Now wild kangaroos can be found only in Australia.The kangaroo is one of the unique(独特的)animals in the world,too.

( )1.A.proud B.pround C.pride D.prides ( )2.A.say B.says C.saying D.said

( )3.A.seem B.seems C.seemed D.seeming ( )4.A.more B.much C.many D.most ( )5.A.over B.under C.at D.with ( )6.A.1arge B.1arger C.1argest D.bigest ( )7.A.high B.higher C.highest D.highly ( 18.A.at B.in C.for D.through ( )9.A.easy B.easily C.ease D.east ( )10.A.What B.While C.Who D.When 七.阅读理解(20分)


It was in 1922.Lenin lived on the hill near Moscow.There lived a bee—keeper near the hill. Lenin often sent for him and had a talk with him.Once Lenin wanted to talk to the bee-keeper,but the guard who knew the bee—keeper had gone to Moscow.So Lenin himself had to visit him.Lenin looked around as he walked.He saw a lot of bees flying among the flowers and he noticed that sonle bees flew to the garden beside a house.Lenin went up to the house and saw the bee-keeper.The bee-keeper sa、v him and asked in surprise.“Who led you here?”Lenin said with a smile,“Your bees showed me the way.”

阅读短文,选择正确答案。 ( )1.Who was Lenin?

A.He was a bee—keeper. B.He was a guard. C.He was a soldier. D.He was a leader. ( )2.Moscow is__________.

A.the capital of Russia B.the capital of France C.the capital of Japan D.the capital of England

( )3.Lenin himself had to visit the bee.keeper because__________. A.the bee—keeper didn’t want to see Lenin

B.the bee—keeper had gone to Moscow C.no one knew where the bee—keeper lived D.the bee-keeper was ill

( )4.When Lenin walked along the road.he noticed____________. A.a lot of bees was flying among the flowers near a house B.a lot of people were working near a house C.there were no bees in the street D.there was much tramc

( )5.How did Lenin find the bee.keeper? A.His guard showed him the way.

B.The bee—keeper's bees showed him the way. C.Some people showed him the way. D.A pliceman showed him the way.


One day an old man is selling a big elephant.A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly.The old man goes up to him and says in his ear.“Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it.Then 1 will give you twenty dollars.”“All right.”says the young man.After the old man sells the elephant,he gives the young man twenty dollars and says,“Now,can you tell me how you found the elephant’s bad ears?”“I didn’t find the bad ears.”says the young man.“Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?”asks the old man.The young man answers.“Because I have never seen an elephant before,and 1 want to know what it looks like.”


( )11._______the elephant.

A.The young man wants to buy B.The old man sells C.The two men sell D.The old man buys

( )12.The young man is looking at the elephant slowly.He wants to find out______. A.which foot of the elephant is bad B.how heavy it is C.which ear of the elephant is bad D.what it looks like ( )13.The young man_________.

A.knows the elephant has bad ears B.wants to buy the elephant

C.1ooks after the elephant D.gets some money from the old man ( )14.The young man______.

A.is not interested in elephants B.knows what an elephant looks like C.has seen some elephants before D.has never seen an elephant before ( )15.Hearing what the young man said,the old man will probably(可能)be_____ A.angry B.happy C.dangerous D.hungry 八.书面表达(15分)

上周末你去南京野生动物园参观,请根据你的所观所感写一篇短文。 要点:1.有很多游客,他们给猴子喂食,给老虎拍照(take photos)。 2.动物和人很友好,我们应该好好对待动物。 3.保护环境很重要,在动物园不要到处扔垃圾。

4.知道了保护野生动物的重要性,因为保护动物就是保护我们自己。 要点:1.短文必须包含提示的内容,并作适当发挥。





10_______11_______12_______13_______14_______15_______ 二.词汇(10分)


6_____________7_____________8_____________9_____________10_____________ 三.单句改错(5分)

1 ( )________2 ( )________3 ( )________4 ( )________5 ( )_______


1_________ ___________2__________ __________

3__________ __________ __________ __________

4__________ __________ __________ __________

5 __________ __________


1.__________________________________________________________________. 2.__________________________________________________________________. 3.__________________________________________________________________. 4.__________________________________________________________________. 5.__________________________________________________________________. 6.__________________________________________________________________. 7.__________________________________________________________________. 8,__________________________________________________________________. 9.__________________________________________________________________. 10.__________________________________________________________________. 六.完形填空(10分)










Ⅱ.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D III.1.birdwatcher 2.rare 3.wildlife 4.government 5.unnecessary

6.careless 7.not to be 8.danger 9.1ovely 10.take IV.1.B→to build 2.B→birdwatching 3.C→leaves 4.B→a 5.C→is

V.1.are there 2.is;for 3.return to;by plane 4.became a member of 5.early;won’t Ⅵ.1.1eave living areas to wild animals 2.to keep herself slimmer 3.didn’t take actions to protect those wild animals 4.is/was very angry to me 5.the ideal home for

6.important for us to protect the environment 7.Provides food and living areas for 8.if I can be a member of your club 9.no water,there is no life

10.They are studying different kinds of birds and the changes in their numbers. Ⅶ.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A8.D 9.A 10.D Ⅷ.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.F

11.B 12.D 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.猎鹿

17.Both ofthem saw a man running after a,deerwithout a gun in surprise. 18.他们看见一只长着巨大的角的鹿。 19.on the wall of his room.

20.The deer suddenly jumpedup,shot his friend and ran away.

IX.1.the 2.alone 3.right 4.1ooking 5.1ion 6.into 7.swimming 8.mouth 9.closed 10.1eaves X. Last weekend,I visited Nanjing Wildlife Zoo.There are many wild animals there.Many visitors had a good time.They gave food to monkeys and took photos for tigers.Animals and people got on well with each other.We should be friendly to them.It’s important to protect environment.We mustn’t throw the litter here and there.Now everyone knows the importance of protecting the wildlife because protecting animals is protecting ourselves.



