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2021年冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 6单元测试卷(有答案)

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冀教版七年级下册Unit 6单元测试卷



1.We often fly kites ________ a windy day. A.in B.on C.at D.of

2.It's________ turn to answer questions.

A.I B.my C.me D.mine

3.Look! Those ________ are playing by the river.

A.duck B.chicken C.geese D.horse

4.Mrs. Liu is________ with the students. She is kind and patient.

A.interesting B.strange C.proud D.popular 5.Jim sits behind me, so I sit ________ him.

A.at the top of B.at the end of C.in the middle of D.in front of

6.My mom and dad like to come and watch me________.

A.surf B.surfs C.to surf D.surfed

7.The young people like to ________ on the ice.

A.go skating B.go skiing

C.go swimming D.go boating 8.—________ is the temperature?

—It's ten degrees.

A.How many B.How much C.How D.What

9.My brother enjoys________ photos.Now he has lots of beautiful pictures.

A.take B.took C.to take D.taking

10.His mother often________at 6:30 in the morning.

A.wakes up him B.wake up him C.wakes him up D.wake him up

11.Look! The model is walking to us.________ nice dress!

A.What an B.What a C.How D.How a 12.The bottle is________ apple juice.

A.full with B.fill of C.filled with D.filled of 13.She never________ red clothes.

A.puts on B.wears C.dresses D.in

14.There________a speech contest next Monday.

A.will have B.are C.will be D.has

15.—What a heavy snow!Shall we go out to have a snowball fight?


A.Sounds great B.Good luck C.Have fun D.Take it easy

二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共 10分)

It is well - known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why?________the weather in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to __________long. Spring can be rainy or windy, ________ the weather is getting warmer and you can hope more sunny days. In fact, there________as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is_______ time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest. The weather can be sunny and nice. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Fall is a beautiful season ________ trees in the woods and parks changing color. During fall it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets colder. It might snow, especially on high land and in the north. There are ________ very strong winds in this season.

January and February are the coldest________of the year, while the warmest________often July and August. The difference ________temperature between winter and summer is not so great—winter is about 4. 5°C, and summer is about 15. 5 °C. 16. A. For 17. A. make 18. A. but 19. A. can 20. A. the earliest 21. A. with 22. A. also 23. A. seasons 24. A. is 25. A. for


A B. As B. stay B. and B. can be B. the latest B. like B. too B. weather B. are B. on

C. Because C. change C. or C. have C. the worst C. without C. either C. months C. was C. by

D. Since D. take D. for D. can have D. the best D. from D. as well D. days D. were D. in

2021年冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 6单元测试卷(有答案)


