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掌握本单元33个单词、49个常用短语、17个重点句子、12个常考点。by介词的功能及by短语的划线提问以及if、unless等引导的状语从句 ,what引导的宾语从句,whether 引导的主语从句 ,that引导的定语从句


1. by doing sth

2. by working with a group通过同小组一起学习 3. by making word cards通过制作单词卡片 4. by listening to tapes通过听录音磁带 5. by asking sb for help通过向某人求助

6. by watching videos/ English programs通过看录像/英文节目 7. by listening to a tape and repeating out loud 通过听录音和大声重复朗读

8. by having conversations with friends通过和朋友一起会话 9. by taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot 通过记笔记、做大量的练习和阅读

10. by writing e-mails to my pen pals通过给笔友写电子邮件 11. by reading books and newspapers 通过读书看报

12. by speaking English with my classmates 通过和同学讲英语 13. by memorizing sentence patterns 通过记句型 14. by doing grammar exercises 通过做语法练习

15. by reading English books/magazines. 通过阅读英文书籍和


16. by writing in an English diary 通过写英文日记 17. by using an English dictionary 通过用英语字典 18. have conversations with sb同某人谈话

19. too...to..太...而不能...---so…that…/ enough to do sth 的转换 20. give a report作报告 21. at first起初

22. word by word逐词地

23. the secret to language learning 学习语言的秘诀

24. be afraid to do sth害怕做某事=be afraid that+宾语从句

be afraid of sth / doing sth 害怕…

25. an English movie called Toy Story一部名叫《玩具故事》


26. fall in love with爱上... 27. body language肢体语言

28. as well也=too ;as well as 如同、和,连接主语时如同

with(主谓一致要看前一主语,不能相加) 29. a piece of cake小菜一碟;很容易的事 30. It serves you right.活该,自作自受 31. look up查阅;查找(主考点) 32. so that以便;为了

33. repeat out loud大声跟读 34. sentence patterns句型 35. spoken English英语口语

36. make mistakes in doing sth 在...方面犯错

37. the ability to do sth做某事的能力 38. depend on视...而定;取决于;依靠 39. pay attention to注意;关注

40. connect...with... 把...和...连接或联系起来 41. get bored感到厌烦

42. try to do sth尽力做某事 43. be stressed out焦虑不安的 44. even if 即使

45. think about 考虑;think of 想起; 46. learn from 向……学习

47. something new / interesting 新事物/有趣的东西 48. be born with 天生具有


Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧


3. I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies. 为了对英语电影有更好的了解,我想学新单词和更多的语法。(so that引导的目的状语从句---in order to do 转换同义句)

4. Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. 研究表明如果你对某事物感兴趣,你的大脑就更活跃,也更容易长久地专注于此。 (It is +形容词+for sb to do sth.)

1.The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.老师讲的如此快以致大部分时间我都理解不了她讲的。(so…that…引导的结果状语从句)

2. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. 虽然我不能领会影片中人物所说的一切,但是他们的肢体语言和脸上的表情有助于我理解含义。(although 引导的让步状语从句,不能和but连用)

6. Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it. 即使你很好地学到了某些知识,你也会忘记它,除非你使用它。(even if 引导的让步状语从句;unless 引导的主将从现)

5. If they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. 如果他们需要学习英语,而且他们喜欢音乐或者运动,他们就可以听英语歌曲,或者看英语的体育节目。 (if引导的条件状语从句,主情从现)

8. I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. 由于语音不好的缘故,我害怕提问。

9. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie. 我一下子就喜欢上了这部既令人激动又有趣的电影。(fall—fell ---fallen) 7. Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. 学习是一个终生的过程,因为每天都会出现新事物。(because引导的原因状语从句)

第 1 页 共 4 页

12. Everyone is born with the ability to learn.每个人生来就具

有学习能力。(复合不定代词作主语谓语用单数形式) 13. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.但是,学得好与否取决于你的学习习惯。(whether引导主语从句,谓语要用单数)

10. I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. 我以为意识到可以通过只听关键词来理解含义。realized +宾语从句(by +动名词,划线提问用----How) 11. I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.我发现听感兴趣的东西是学习语言的秘诀。(动名词短语listening to…作主语谓语要用单数is) 15. Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more. 优秀的学习者会思考他们擅长什么,他们需要更多的练习什么。(介词about+宾从,what既引导宾从,又作介词at和及物动词need的宾语)

14. Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting. 优秀的学习者经常会把他们需要学习的与有兴趣的东西联系起来。(connect + what引导的宾语从句,what既引导宾从,又作need的宾语) (宾语从句三注意:连词,时态加语序)

17. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well. (that引导定语从句,修饰先行词everything, 复合不定代词作主语谓语用单数形式becomes)

16. Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned, and they are not afraid of making mistakes.优秀的学习者会不断练习他们已经学过的东西,而且他们不怕犯错误。(keep doing sth, practice +宾从)


考点2 find的用法及搭配

⑥find+it(形式宾语)+形容词+for sb +to do sth(作真正宾语) ⑦find out查清楚,弄明白; lost and found 失物招领 I find Tom clever. 我发现Tom很聪明。

I found a little boy crying at the street corner last night. I find it difficult (for Lily) to learn math well. 考点1介词by

1.by +doing sth.----划线提问用how ④常连用的短语:

by the way 顺便问一下 one by one 一个接一个 by the time 到……为止 by oneself 独自地 by 侧重“用”某种手段、交通工具、传递方式或媒介等 with 侧重“用”有形工具、材料、内容等 in 侧重“用”语言、语调、笔墨、颜色等

by hand 用手 考点4 单元中的状语从句

☆so/ such…that 引导的结果状语从句句型有: ①so +形容词/副词+that 从句

②so+形容词+ a / an +单数名词+that 从句=

③such+ a / an + (形容词)+单数名词+that 从句

④such + (形容词)+复数名词 / 不可数名词 + that从句 She is so lovely a girl that we love her very much.= She is such a lovely girly that we love her very much. 她是一个这么可爱的女孩,以至于我们都喜欢她。 ㊣当名词前有many ,much, few, little修饰时,用so而不用such ②Why don’t you do sth?= Why not do sth? 为什么不呢? ③Let’s do sth.让我们一起做某事吧。 ④Shall we/I do sth?我们做…好吗?

⑤had better do/not do sth 最好做/不做某事

⑥Will/Would you please do sth 请你做…好吗? ⑦Would you like to do sth? 你想去做某事吗? ⑧Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗? 【回答】

(1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用:

◆ Good idea./ That’s a good idea. 好主意 ◆ OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了

⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ? ? ?

try to do sth 尽力干某事

find it +形容词+to do sth 发现干什么是怎么样的(真正宾语) It is +形容词+to do sth .干什么是怎么样的。 (真正主语) 特殊疑问词+to do .---how to increase my reading speed. get sb to do sth 让某人做某事

be born with the ability to learn 天生具有的学习能力 the best way to do sth= the best way of doing sth 做某事最好的方法 ? the secret to +名词 …的秘诀 ? pay attention to +名词/ doing 注意什么/干什么 make a difference to …对……有影响 所以有so many /few+复数名词;so much/little +不可数名词 ㊣so…that 句型的否定形式可用too…to do sth或not…enough to do sth 化成简单句

He is so young that he can’t go to school.= He is too young to go to school.= He is not old enough to go to school.他太小而不能上学。 ☆ so that引导的目的状语从句

☆although/though , even if /even though , no matter+特殊疑问词=特殊疑问词+ever 引导的让步状语从句

①让步状语从句 从句可放在句首,也可置于句末。although= though 不能与but连用,“尽管,虽然”

Although / Though his father is very old, he is quite strong. 尽管他的父亲年纪大了,但身体还很强壮。= His father is very old, but he is quite strong.

②even if =even though “即使”也不能与but连用。

Even if you say so , I do not believe it.即使你那么说了,但我还是不相信它。

☆whatever= no matter what 无论什么(理解疑问代词/副词) whoever=no matter who 无论谁 however=no matter how无论如何 wherever=no matter where无论哪里 whenever=no matter when无论何时

Wherever you go , I will go with you.无论你去哪里,我都会跟着你。= No matter you go,…

Whatever he said, I couldn’t believe in him. 无论他说什么,我都不信任他。= No matter what,… ☆if或unless引导的条件状语从句

①Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it.即使是你学得好的东西,如果你不使用,就会忘记。 ②If they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English . 如果他们需要学习英语,而且他们喜欢音乐或者运动,他们就可以听英语歌曲,或者看英语的体育节目 考点3 What about = How about +名词/宾格代词+doing?


①What about doing sth ?=How about doing sth? ….怎么样?

◆ Yes, please ./ I’d love to 是的/ 我愿意 ◆ I agree with you 我同意你的看法

◆ No problem 没问题 ◆ Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以 ◆ Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想

(2).对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用: ◆ I don’t think so 我认为不是这样 ◆ Sorry, I can’t 对不起,我不能

◆ I’d love to, but… ◆ I’m afraid…我愿意,但恐怕…… 考点6.动名词考查:

①practice doing sth 练习干某事 ②keep doing sth 一直干某事 ③miss doing sth 思念干某事 ④mind doing sth 介意干某事 ⑤enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事 ⑥finish doing sth 完成某事 ⑦feel like doing sth 想要干某事 ⑧be busy doing sth 忙于干某事

⑨can’t help doing sth 情不自禁地干某事 ⑩have fun doing sth 在干某事方面玩的愉快 ?have trouble (in) doing sth 在干某事方面有困难 ?give up doing sth 放弃干某事 ?put off doing sth 推迟,延期干某事 ?by doing sth ; be afraid of doing ; make a mistake in doing ; 动名词中考中主要考查:及物动词后;介词后;和固定短语搭配的动名词;作主语的动名词,其作主语谓语要用单数形式。

考点5 动词不定式符号to与介词to的区别 ① need to do sth 需要做某事 ② be afraid to do sth 害怕干某事

③ help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人干某事 ④ want to do sth 想要干什么 ⑤ enough to do 足以干某事

⑥ too…to do sth 太……而不能干某事

第 2 页 共 4 页

be/get used to doing 习惯于干什么 make a contribution to 对……有贡献 look forward to doing 期望干什么 考点7本单元易混淆的词和短语总结: ⑵look常搭配短语区分:

①look up 查找(跟代词作宾语,代词放中间) ②look after 照顾 =take care of

③look like 看起来像 =be like=be similar to ④look out 当心,小心=be careful ⑤look through 浏览 ⑥look for 寻找 ⑦look forward to 期待

⑧look around 向四周看=look about ⑨have/ take a look 看一看 ⑩look over 仔细检查 ⑴四看区分:

①看电视、看比赛、看表演用watch; watch TV 看电视 ②看书、看报、看杂志用read read the book看书 ③看电影、看医生用see, see a movie see the doctor 看医生 ④看黑板、看地图用look at look at the blackboard 看黑板 ⑸try短语区分: ① try on 试穿

② try to do sth 努力做某事 【侧重尽力做】 ③ try doing sth 试图做某事 【侧重尝试做】

④ try one’s best to do sth= do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大


⑤ have a try 试一试

⑶speak/talk/say/tell 四说区分:

①说某种语言用speak, speak English 说英语

②与某人交谈用talk, talk with sb.= talk to sb. 与某人交谈 ③强调说话内容用say, say it in English 用英语说

④告诉某人用tell, tell sb. to do sth 告诉某人做某事 ⑷think 短语区分:

① think about 想起,考虑 ② think of 想到,认为what…think of =how …like /feel about

③ think over 仔细考虑 ④ think up 想出来 =come up with想出,提出 ⑺need用法总结:

① 人做主语,sb. need to do sth 某人需要做某事 ② 物做主语,sth need doing sth= sth need to be done ◆Students need __________(have) a good rest in studying. ◆The watch needs___________(mend). ③用于否定句或疑问句,是情态动词 ◆needn’t = don’t have to 没有必要

◆need ,must 引导的一般疑问句,肯定会的用must,否定回答用need 用 may not; must用needn’t. A. takes B. makes C. has ⑻join / join in / take part in区分:

① join=be a member of 参加 ,指加入某种组织,并成为其中的一员。

join the army / party 入伍/ 党 join the club 加入俱乐部 ②join in 后接活动名称

③join sb. 加入到某个人群之中

③ take part in 参加 ,指加入群体活动中并在活动中发挥重



①call sb.=telephone sb. =phone sb. =give sb. a call =ring sb. up 【注】部分动词的过去分词也可做该词的形容词: spoken 口语的 broken 坏掉的 written 写作的

Reading aloud is good for your _____________(speak) English. ⒂discover/invent的区别:

①discover:指“发现”原本存在但一直不为人知的东西 ②invent:“发明”出的新的,原本并不存在的东西 ◆ Recently they _____ gold in this area.(discovered) ◆ Edison ______ the electric light bulb. (invented) ◆ Columbus ______America.(discovered) ⒁aloud / loud/ loudly区分: ①aloud adv,“大声地;出声地”,多指使别人听到的意味,常 — MustI go there now?

— Yes,you must / No, you needn’t — Need I go home now?

— Yes, you must. / No, you may not.

You ____ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

A. needn’t to come B. don’t need come C. don’t need coming D. needn’t come ④作名词,意为需要。

◆A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难朋友才是真朋友 【患难见真情】

◆There is no need to do sth. =It is unnecessary to do sth.没有必要做某事

◆There is no need doing sth .干什么没必要。 ⑹come短语区分:

① come from 来自=be from ② come back 回来

③ come out 出来,主考【出版,发行】无被动结构 ④ come on 加油,快点 ⑤ come in 进来

⑥ come over to sp顺便来访某地—drop in on sb顺便拜访某

人=drop by sb

⑦ come true 实现 (主语常是梦想) ⑧ come up with 想出


① mistake →mistook → mistaken v 错误 ② make mistakes 出错

③ make mistakes in 在某方面放错

④ mistake …for… 把…误认为… ⑤ by mistake 错误地 【记】 Yesterday I ____________(出错误), I_________ Mr.

Wang ___ Mr. Zhang(把……误认为), and said hello to Mr. Wang ___________(错误地).

( ) My brother often makes mistakes _____ grammar. A. of B. by C. at D. in ( ) He often ____ mistakes in spelling.


②call on sb. 拜访某人

③called=named 叫做(作后置定语) a boy called Tom with the name of= called = named 名叫…… ◆That’s the girl named/called Lily. = That’s the girl ___ ____ ____ Lily.

◆A girl called / named Lily called me last night. 后置定语 谓语动词

昨晚一个名叫莉莉的女孩给我打电话了。 ⑽learn用法总结:

①learn→learned/learnt→learned/learnt v 学习---learner初学者 ②learn about 了解

③learn from sb. 向某人学习 ④learn to do sth 学着做某事

⑤learn …by oneself= teach oneself 自学

◆We should _________ ________ the hard- working students.(向……学习)

◆We should learn____ each other.

A. about B. from C. to D. for


① I don’t have a partner to practice English with. ② I need a pen to write with. ③ I need some paper to write on.

④ There is no room for us to live(in).

◆ 如果不定式符号to后的不及物动词修饰名词place, time,

way, moment 时,可以省掉不定式不及物动词后的介词。 ◆ 如果不定式后的及物动词和所修饰的名词构不成动宾关

系时,需给及物动词匹配一个适当的介词,让介词跟修饰的名词构成介宾关系。 ⑿speak用法总结:

① speak→ spoke → spoken v 说 ② spoken English 英语口语 ③ written English 书面英语

④ speaking skills /practice口语技巧/口语练习 ⑤ an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家

第 3 页 共 4 页


②loud adj、adv。作adv时,“高声地;响亮地;大声地”,常放于speak、talk、laugh、sing之后,多用比较级 ④ loudly“高声地”,有时与loud通用。但含有“喧闹”的


◆Reading aloud is different from reading loudly.朗读课文与大声地读课文是有区别的。

◆Don’t talk so loud.不要那么高声的谈话。 ◆in a loud voice 高声地

◆Speak louder, please. I can’t hear you clearly. ◆He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public.

① What about ____________(大声读) to practice your spoken


② The boys are talking____ in the class and it makes the

teacher unhappy.

A. aloud B. loudly C. louder D. loud

③ Don’t speak so ___, my boys, I’ll read ___ a story to you. A. loudly; aloud B. loudly; loudly

C. aloud; loudly D. loud; loudly ⒄get+宾语+宾补

①get sb / sth + 形容词 使某人或某物处于某种状态 I can’t get the pronunciation right.我不能正确发音。 ②get sb /sth. +to do sth. 让某人或某物干某事

You should get your friend to help you.你应该让你的朋友帮助你 ③get sb / sth + doing sth.使某人或某物一直干什么。

You must get the machine running all the time.你必须让机器一直运行。

④get sb /sth. + 过去分词 使某事发生

This letter is very important, you mustn’t get it lost. 这份信特别重要,你绝不能搞丢了。

⒃Creating an interest in what they learn创造对所学内容的兴趣。interest 为可数名词

① 人be interested in 对……感兴趣【形容词】 ② 物 be interesting 某物令某人感兴趣【形容词】 ③ 物 interest(s) sb 使某人感兴趣【动词】

④ 人take an interest in 对……产生兴趣【名词】

⑤ 人show an interest in 表现出对……的兴趣【名词】

⑥ an interesting film / man一部有趣的电影/一个有兴趣的人 ③ understand理解(动词)---understanding 认识,了解(名


④ increase增加;增多(可作及物与不及物)注重时态的应用。 Tom is interested in this film. Tom 对这部电影感兴趣。 =This film is very interesting. 这部电影是非常有趣的。 =This film interests Tom. 这部电影使Tom 感兴趣。

=Tom takes an interest in this film. Tom对这部电影产生浓厚的兴趣 =Tom shows an interest in this film. Tom对这部电影表示出兴趣。 =This is an interesting film. 这是一部有趣的电影。 ※create 创造 creative 富有创造性的。

⒆四“也”的区分:also, too, as well, either


②too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。 ③as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末强调时可放在句中。 ④either用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号 ◆ If he doesn’t go, I won’t go ______.

◆ In this field he has knowledge and experience _______.

◆ Simon likes playing football, and he ______ likes playing


◆ He likes swimming, and his wife likes it, _______. ◆ ⒅the + 比较级, the + 比较级。越……就越……

◆ ◆ The more you read, the faster you’ll be. 你读的越多就读


◆ ◆ The more , the better. 多多益善。 ◆ 比较级+and+比较级 越来越……

◆ ◆Our hometown is becoming more and more beautifu. ◆ 我们的家乡变得越来越美丽。

◆ ◆It’s getting warmer and warmer in spring. ◆ 春天,天气变得越来越暖和。 考点8:习语熟记:

① Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 ② Use it or lose it. 非用即失。

③ Knowledge comes from questioning.知识源自质疑。 ④ It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。

⑤ It serves you right.活该,自作自受。 ⑥ The more , the better. 多多益善。

⑦ It’s never too old to learn. 活到老学到老。 ⒇单元中几个值得注意的词:

① 注重拼写pronunciation发音 (名词)--pronounce(动词) ◆Please tell me how to ____________(pronunciation) the word. ◆What’s the ____________(pronounce) of the word “text”? ② 兼类词 patience耐心(名词)---patient(1)有耐心的(形


be patient with sb 对某人有耐心 be patient of 忍耐某事 The doctor should be patient with the patients. 医生应当对病人有耐心。

⑤ active 积极的,有活力的(形容词)take an active part in


⑥ connect连接---connect to / with…把……和……连接 ⑦ 音同词不同:whether是否;weather天气

考点11 some time /sometime/some times/sometimes 口诀:分开是一段,相连某时;分开s 是倍次,相连s是有时 ①some time一段时间,做时间状语

It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 ②sometime adv 在(将来的)某个时候 I hope to visit the USA _____ in the future.

A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time ③some times 名词词组,“几次,几倍”

Mr. Green went to Sanya some times last summer. ④sometimes=at times 有时 (一般现在时的标志词) I do that sometimes . I think it helps. 考点10 it的形式主语和形式宾语

① It is + difficult/ hard / easy / important / necessary + for sb

to do sth. 干某事对某人来说是怎么样的。 ② It is + kind / good / nice / clever of sb to do sth.

③ find / feel / think+ it + 形容词+ to do sth.发现、感到、认


◆ It is useful for you to learn English well.

◆ It’s too hard to understand spoken English. 听懂英语口语


◆ It is important for us to protect the environment .

◆ It’s very kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。 ◆ Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?为什么


◆We are about the ________news .(excite)

◆—What _____ news! --Yes. We are all _____ about it. A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; excited ◆This TV show is too ____. I’d rather listen to music. A. fantastic B. exciting C. boring D. interesting.

◆We had a surprise party for Bob’s birthday last night. 考点12 –ed 与-ing式形容词区分

①excited / exciting –be excited about 对……感到兴奋 ②interested/interesting—be interested in 对……感兴趣 ③surprised/surprising—be surprised at 对……感到惊讶 ④relaxed/relaxing—be relaxed about 对……感到轻松 以—ing结尾的adj. 常用来作表语,修饰物。 以—ed结尾的adj.用来表示情绪,常做表语,修饰人 作定语,除surprise外,一律用-ing形式。

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