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一、Expanding civilization of the west 扩张中的西方文明

From regional to global history 全球通史 Expanding Economy 技术的发展

expanded reproduction 经济中心

Impact of Europe’s Dominance extra surplus value超额剩余价值 Excess of import/export 入超,出超 Catholic church 东正教会 Roman Catholic 宗教自由



Race 种族 Religion 宗教 Reformation改革

Religious reform宗教改革 Rome 罗马 Pagan异教徒

Paganize 使变为异教徒 Papacy 罗马教皇 Papal Papist Parliament Parliamentarism Amerigo Vespucci Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage Round the World Compass earth The East India Company the New World colonialism Da Gama

Christopher Columbus Marco Polo The Book of Ser Marco Polo the Venetian THE BOOK OF TRAVELS The Travels of Marco Polo the Cape of Good Hope



Council of constance Calvin Commonwealth Co-religionists Embassage Embassy

Emigration policy Rise of the new monarchs the absolutist state in Spain Ming Dynasty 经济 文化

the new look 清朝 Portugal Holland Spain

二、 English Civil War

English Revolution 英国 James I Magna Charta Charles I Oliver Cromwell 新贵族 the Stuart 第一次内战 Battle of Naseby

The Battle of Marston Moor The New Model Army James II

military dictatorship Ireland Scotland Lord Protector 国会

Short Parliament 长期国会 ship money the Royal Navy

restoration of the Stuart 光荣革命 Bill of Rights


背景 根本原因 导火线 开始 转折点 结束 过程


三、Domination of Qing Dynasty at the beginning Empire 皇帝 措施 Dalai Lama Banchan Tibet

closed-door policy Exclusion policy

close the communications at the borders close the country to international Mughal Empire Ottoman Empire

四、the empire of Russia across the continents between Europe and Asia the reformation of Peter I Peter the Great serf system 内容 结果

五、 The Different Ways of the Culture Development between Sino-West in 17c and 18c University of Oxford 巴黎大学 Francis Bacon 知识就是力量 Isaac Newton

Antonie Laurent Lavoisier the Enlightenment

Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu Voltaire

Jean Jacques Rousseau Denis Diderot


Encyclopedia John Locke

六、The War of Independence 奴隶 移民 Jew

American Indian 纽约 Boston nation Appalachian 爆发

Sons of Liberty Boston Tea Party 华盛顿

the gun of Lexington

The Battle of Concord and Lexington Continental (American) 大陆会议 Paine Jefferson Franklin

The Declaration of Independence the great victory at Saratoga the surrender of Cornwallis Newtown

the treaty of peace was signed at Paris Constitutional Convention the Federal Constitution of 1787 国会 总统

Supreme Court

七、The French Revolution Louis XVI Bourbon

the First Estate clergy 第二等级 贵族 the Third Estate National Assembly

the Oath of the Tennis Court Bastille 攻占巴士底狱 《人权宣言》


the constitution of 1791 Legislative Assembly Marseillaise

the victory at Valmy 法兰西第一共和国 the National Convention Jacobin Robespierre Marat Danton

Napoleon Bonaparte the First Consul

the First Consul for life Code Napoleon

the battle of Leipzig Elba

the battle of Waterloo St. Helena Metternich

八、The Industrial Revolution the Scientific Revolution the Political Revolution 条件 后果

cotton spinning steam engine James Watt Fulton

George Stephenson steamship 火车 Arkwright Expo

九、The Opium War 中国近代史

The Treaty of Nanjing

semi-colonial, semi-feudal society 封建社会

The Movement of Banning on Opium-smoking

十、 The Birth of the Scientific Communism Karl Marx Friedrich Engels




