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一、Part One(总题数:30,score:30分)

1.An unconscious client has been admitted with a head injury. Which of the following nursing diagnoses would receive the greatest priority in the plan of care?

【A】 Disturbed sensory perception related to decreased level of consciousness.

【B】 Ineffective airway clearance related to inability to remove respiratory secretions.【C】 Impaired gas exchange related to shallow irregular breathing.

【D】 Risk for injury related to disorientation and decreased level of consciousness.

【score:1分】 【A】

【B】 【此项为本题正确答案】 【C】 【D】

本题思路:A major goal of nursing care of the unconscious client with a head injury is to establish and maintain an open airway. An obstructed airway can lead to hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention which will further increase intracranial pressur【E】2.Linda is a 19-year-old primipara who delivered a viable male neonate 2 hours ago. She has decided to breast-fee【D】 Her 22-year-old husband supports her decision. She tells the nurse, \her children, but I'm going to need lots of help with breastfeeding. I'm worried that I won't be able to do this. \following should the nurse include when assessing the client?

【A】 Determine the client's level of

motivation to breast-fee【D】

【B】 Perform a complete physical examination to determine her need for help.【C】 Assess her body-to-fat ratio and nutritional status before beginning breast-feeding.

【D】 Ask the client if she has read any literature about breast-feeding.


【A】 【此项为本题正确答案】 【B】 【C】 【D】

本题思路:Successful breast-feeding depends on the client's willingness and motivation to breast-fee【D】 Women who have a strong desire to breast-feed tend to continue breast-feeding longer and are often more tolerant of the

discomforts of breast-feeding and more accepting of the need for frequent feedings.3.A pregnant client who is diabetic is at risk for having a large-for-gestational-age infant because of which of the following?

【A】 Excess sugar causing reduced placental functioning.

【B】 Insulin acting as a growth hormone on the fetus.

【C】 Maternal dietary intake of high calories.

【D】 Excess insulin reducing placental functioning.

【score:1分】 【A】

【B】 【此项为本题正确答案】 【C】 【D】

本题思路:Insulin acts as a growth hormone on the fetus. Therefore, pregnant diabetic clients must maintain good glucose control. Large babies are prone to complications and may have to be delivered by cesarean section. Neither excess sugar nor excess insulin reduces placental functioning. A high-calorie diet helps control the mother's disease and doesn't contribute to neonatal siz【E】4.A client with diverticulitis is treated as an outpatient with drug therapy. Which of the following medication would most probably be included in the drug therapy?【A】 Broad-spectrum antibiotics.【B】 Opioid analgesics.【C】 Tranquilizers.【D】 Laxatives.




