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新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 1

A About you Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,. 在结 尾处加上你的名字。 Sue: Excuse me. ______ John: Yes ______ Sue: What's your name ______ John: Pardon ______ Sue: What's your name ______ John: My name is John. ______ Sue: What's your name ______ You: My name is...... ______ B Vocabulary Write the correct words in the questions.. 用正确的词完成以下问句。

book car coat dress house√.

pen pencil shirt wathc

1 Is this your h______ 6 Is this your c______

2 Is this your w______ 7 Is this your c______

3 Is this your sh ______ 8 Is this your d______

4 Is this your b______ 9 Is this your p______

5 Is this your p______ 10 Is this your s ______

C Numbers

Write the numbers in figures.. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

three 3 ten______ one______ four______ six______ five______

eight_________ seven______ two______nine______

Lesson 1

B 2 watch 3 shirt 4 book 5 pen 6 coat 7 car 8 dress 9 pencil 10 skirt C 10,1,4,6,5,8,7,2,9 新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Is this your.... 这是你的....吗 A Structure Write questions with the words.用所给的词写出问句。 Handbag Is this your handbag 1 book ______2 car ______3 coat ______4 dress ______5 house ______ 6 pen ______7 pencil ______8 shirt ______9 skirt ______10 watch ______B Situations Look at the situations. Which expression do you use for each针对所 给情景选择你应该说的话。

Excuse me. Good morning. Pardon Thank you very much.

1 You don't hear something very

well. What do you say ______

2 Someone gives you something.

How do you thank him or her ______

3 You want to speak to someone.

What do you say first ______

4 You want to greet someone.

It is . ______

Lesson 2


1 Is this your book 2 Is this your car

3 Is this your coat 4 Is this your dress 5 Is this your house 6 Is this your pen 7 Is this your pencil 8 Is this your shirt 9 Is this your skirt 10 Is this your watchB 1 Pardon 2 Thank you very much. 3 Excuse me. 新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。 A Dialogue Copy this dialogue.抄写这段对话。 Sue: My coat and my handbag ______ please. ______

Here is my ticket. ______

It's number ten. ______

Man: Thank you. Number ten. ______

Here's your handbag ______

and here's your coat. ______

Sue: Thank you very much. ______

B Vocabulary

Write in the words in the answers. 完成以下句子。1 Is this your school - Yes, it is my school .

2 Is this your ticket - Yes, this is my ______.

3 Is this your teacher - Yes, this is my ______.

4 Is this your watch - No, it isn't my ______.

5 Is this your pencil Yes, this is my ______. 6 Is this your daughter - No, it isn't my ______. 7 ls this your umbrella - Yes. it is my ______. 8 Is this your suit - No, this isn't my ______. C Numbers Write the numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

twelve 12 ten______ seven______ fourteen ______ eight______ fifteen______ thirteen ______ nine______ two ______ eleven______ Lesson 3 B 2 ticket 3 teacher 4 watch 5 pencil 6 daughter 7 umbrella 8 suitC


新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 4

A Structure

Answer the questions with Yes or No like the examples.模仿例句用Yes或No 回答以下问题。

Is this your book √ Yes, it is. It's my book.

Is this your car × No, it isn't . It isn't my car.

1 Is this your coat√ ______

2 Is this your watch× ______

3 Is this your school√ ______

4 Is this your ticket × ______

5 Is this your book √ ______

B Short forms 2 Someone gives you something. How do you thank him or her ______

Write these with short forms. 用缩写形式抄写以下句子。 3 You don't hear something. What do you say ______

1 Here is your pen. Here's your pen. 4 Which word do you use when you ask for something ______

2 Here is my ticket. _________________ 3 It is your umbrella. _________________ It is not my umbrella. _________________ 4 It is my pen. _________________ It is not your pen. _________________ C Situations Look at the situations. Which expression do you use for each 针对所给情景选择你应该说的话。 Thank you. Sorry. Pardon Please. 1 You do something wrong. What do you say ______ ]Lesson 4


1 Yes, it is. It's my coat.

2 No, it isn't. It isn't my watch.

3 Yes, it is. It's my school.

4 No, it isn't. It isn't my ticket.

5 Yes, it is. It's my book.


2 Here's my ticket.

3 It's your umbrella. It isn't my It's my pen. It isn't your



