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1. 我是一名来自合肥的中学生。

I’m a middle school student from Hefei.

2. 冬天很冷,夏天很热,所以我不喜欢这两个季节。

It is cold in winter and it is hot in summer, so I don’t like the two seasons. 3. 我哥哥最喜欢的运动是打篮球。(三种表达) My brother’s favorite sport is playing basketball. Playing basketball is my brother’s favorite sport.

My brother likes playing basketball best of all the sports. 4. 她最喜欢的季节是秋天。(三种表达) Her favorite season is autumn. Autumn is her favorite season.

She likes autumn best of all the seasons. 5. 大明和小明是这儿的新学生。

Daming and Xiaoming are new students here. 6. 你来自哪里?(两种表达)

Where are you from?/ where do you come from? 7. 你们班级有多少个女生?

How many girls are there in your class? 8. 你们学校有多少个班级?

How many classes are there in your school?

9. 在所有月份中我最喜欢八月,因为我可以有很长的假期。(假期,holiday) Of all the months I like August best because I can have a long holiday. 10. 他来自合肥,而我来自安庆。

He is from Hefei while I’m from Anqing.(while表示前后对比;现阶段用but 代替也可)

11. 他14岁。(三种表达) He is fourteen years old. He is fourteen.

He is a fourteen- year- old boy.

12. 我有一个妹妹。她在八年级二班。

I have a sister. She is in Class Two Grade Eight. 13. 你妹妹在几班?

What class is your sister in? 14. 请问你的朋友叫什么名字? What is your friend’s name, please? 15. 他最喜欢弹钢琴。

He likes playing the piano best.

16. 这是我的朋友。他很喜欢听音乐。

This is my friend. He likes listening to music very much. 17. 请认真听你的老师讲课!

Please listen to your teacher carefully!

18. 他最喜欢冬天,因为冬天他可以堆雪人。(堆雪人 make snowmen)

He likes winter best because he can make snowmen in winter. 语法解释

1. 名词什么时候用复数?

当可数名词的数量大于一,名词要用复数形式。通常是在名词词尾加s 2. Daming likes playing table tennis. Likes为什么要加“s”?

主谓一致。主语“大明”为第三人称单数,所以动词也应该用单数第三人称。 3. my brother name 为什么是错误的表达? “我哥哥的名字”应该有名词所有格,所以要表达成“my brother’s name”“’s 表示…的”

4. There are 40 students in our class. Students 为什么要加“s”? 可数名词student,数量不止一个,所以名词用复数,词尾加“s”


1. My favorite season is summer because I can eat ice cream. And swim. And I can swim. (句子应该是主谓宾的完整表达。错误部分没有主语,语意不完整)

2. She like spring best of all the seasons. She likes spring best of all the seasons.(主语为第三人称单数,动词也要用三单)



