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2019版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 20 New Frontiers教师用

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Unit 20 New Frontiers

[单词 拼写应用]

Ⅰ.考纲单词——会拼写、要识记 1.assist vt. 2.latter n. 3.shortly adv. 4.creator n. 5.colleague n. 6.rescue vt. 7.exit n. 8.original adj. 9.meanwhile adv. 10.outspoken adj. 11.outcome n. 12.headline n. 13.conflict n. 14.cure vt. 15.seminar n. 16.enterprise


17.discrimination n. 18.autonomous adj. 19.operational adj. 20.dilemma n. 21.primitive adj. 22.permanent


Ⅱ.派生单词——能辨别 1.technique n. →technical adj. →technology n. 2.starvation


帮助;协助 后者 不久;很快 创造者 同事;同僚 拯救;救援 出口

起初的;最早的 同时

直言的,坦率的 后果,结果 大标题 争执,冲突 治愈 研讨会 事业;企业 歧视;识别力 自主的;自治的 工作着的,即可使用的进退两难的窘境,困境原始的 永久的,长久的

技术,技巧 技术上的 工艺学;工业技术 饥饿

→starve 3.equality →equal 4.assess →assessment →assessor 5.donate →donation 6.correspond →correspondence 7.exploration →explore 8.phenomenon →phenomena 9.permit

→permission 10.declare →declaration 11.special →specialist 12.poison →poisonous

v. n. adj. vt. n. n. vt. n. vi. n. n. v. n. n. vt. n. n. vt. n. adj. n. n. adj.

饿死,饥饿 平等

公平的,平等的 评价;评估 看法,评价,评定 顾问;评判员 捐赠;赠送 捐赠 通信;符合 通信;一致,符合 探测;探险 探索,探测 (单数形式)现象 (复数形式)现象 许可;允许 许可证;通行证 允许,许可 宣告;宣布 宣告;宣布 专门的;特殊的 专家 毒药;毒物 有毒的


1.She had asked the government for permission(permit) to move the books to a safe place,but they refused.(2017·浙江高考)

2.The workers are trying to apply modern techniques(technical) to this traditional craft.

3.Don't you believe in equality(equal) between men and women?

4.Having survived starvation(starve),we're beginning to live happily. 5.The leaves of certain trees are poisonous(poison) to cattle.

6.Electronic(electric) computers are now in common use all over the world. 7.As an assistant he assisted the professor in carrying out the project.And without his assistance,it couldn't be completed on time.(assist)


8.On hearing the brave girl's disease,local people lined up to donate blood for her,and their donation has saved her life.(donate)

9.Many scientists are making great efforts to explore the Moon and other planets.Their exploration may change our future.(explore)

10.We are trying to assess how well the system works and the assessment will be subscribed to the committee.(assess) [拓展联想]

“互联网”家族 ①Internet n. ②network n. ③password n. ④WeChat n. ⑤database n. ⑥surf vi.&vt. ⑦download vt. ⑧upload vt. 因特网 网络 密码 微信 数据库;资料库 浏览 下载 上传 “时间”相关词一览 ①temporary adj. ②permanent adj. ③instant n.&adj. ④interval n. ⑤punctual adj. 暂时的,一时的 永久的,长久的 紧迫的 间隔,间歇 守时的 与“电”有关的词 ①electricity n. ②electric adj. ③electrical adj. ④electronic adj. ⑤wireless n. 电,电流 电的,电动的 有关电的 电子的 无线电 [短语 多维应用] Ⅰ.短语回顾——会默写 1.in advance 2.take over 3.give away 4.carry out

提前,预先 接收,接管 泄露(秘密);赠送 开展;执行


2019版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 20 New Frontiers教师用


