初中英语励志小故事:万事俱备 只欠东风 everything is ready except the east wind
china has been p> once cao cao from wei led a 200,000
strong army down to the south to wipe out the kingdoms of wu and shu. therefore, wu and shu united to defend his attack. cao ordered his men to link up the boats by iron chains to form a bridge for the cao s passing from the north bank of yangtze river to the south bank. the general commander of the allied army was zhou yu. he analyzed the situation carefully. then he got a good idea. he decided to attack the enemy with fire. so he began to prepare for the coming battle. suddenly he thought of the direction of wind. he needed the east wind to blow strongly in order to accomplish his scheme. however, the wind did not come for days. thus zhou yu was worried about it. at that time, he got a note from zhuge liang, the military adviser of the state of shu, which reads: to fight cao cao
fire will help you win everything is ready except the east wind
quickly he turned to zhuge liang for help. zhuge told him not to worry and there would be an east wind in a couple of days. two days later, the east wind helped zhou accomplish his scheme. at last, the allied army won the war.
later, people use it to say all is ready except what is crucial . 万事俱备,只欠东风
敌人的船。于是,他开始准备一切,当他将一切准备好时,发现还需要东风。可连续几天都没有东风,周瑜急得病倒了。这时,蜀国的军师诸葛亮叫人送了一张纸条给他,上面写着: 要赢曹操,须用火攻。万事俱备,只欠东风。
初中英语励志小故事:曾子杀彘 zengzi s wife was going to the market. her little son insisted on going with her, making a tearful scene. stay at home, she said to the boy. when i come back, i will slaughter a pig for you. when she came back, zengzi got ready to slaughter the pig. his wife stopped him, saying: i was just kidding. a child is not to be kidded like that! he replied. a child does not know much and cannot judge for himself. he learns from his parents and listens to what they day. to lie to him is to teach him to lie to others. if a mother lies to her son, he will not trust her anymore. how is she then to educate him? with that zengzi went to slaughter the pig and prepare a good meal for their son.
曾子的妻子到集市上去, 他的儿子哭着要跟去。
他的母亲说: 你回家呆着,待会儿我回来杀猪给你吃。 她刚从集市上回来, 曾子就要捉猪去杀。
妻子劝止他说: 只不过是跟孩子开玩笑罢了。
曾子说: 不能跟孩子开玩笑啊! 小孩子没有思考和判断能力, 要向父母亲学习, 听从父母的教导。
现在你欺骗他,这是教孩子骗人啊! 母亲欺骗儿子, 儿子就不再相信自己的母亲了, 这不是实现教育的方法。 于是曾子就杀猪煮肉给孩子吃。
初中英语励志小故事:买椟还珠 getting the casket and returning the pearl
a man from the state of chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of zheng. he made a casket for the pearl out of the wood from a magnolia tree, which he fumigated with spices. he studded the casket with pearls and jade, ornamented it with red gems and decorated it with kingfisher feathers. a man of
the state of zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl.
too luxuriant decoration usually supersedes what really counts. this man from chu certainly knew how to sell a casket but he was no good at selling his pearl. and the man of zheng didn t know which is really valuable. (《hanfeizi》) 买椟还珠
上了翠鸟的羽毛。一个郑国人买走了这个匣子,却把珍珠还给了他。 过于华丽的装饰往往会喧宾夺主。那个楚国人知道如何卖掉匣子,却不擅长出售珍珠。至于买匣子的郑国人,他根本不懂什么才是真正有价值的。
初中英语励志小故事:专心致志 single- hearted devotion yi qiu was known as the most famous expert at chess
throughout the land. once he gave lessons on chess to two men. one of them was completely absorbed in his teaching, listening attentively to yi qiu while the other, who seemed to be listening, had his mind on something else. in fact, he was
having a fancy that a swan was flying towards him and he had in his hands a bow and an arrow, ready to shoot. as a result, though he was having the same lesson together with the first man, yet he turned out a much inferior pupil.
if one does not give single-hearted devotion to it, no skills will be learned. mencius 专心致志
另一个尽管看上去也在听课,其实在想其他的事情。他幻想有只天鹅正朝他飞来,而他拿着弓和箭准备把它射下来。所以,虽然他和另一个人上的是同样的课,他学得可差多了。 不专心致志的学习,什么技能都学不会。
初中英语励志小故事:郑人买履 buying shoes
a man of the state of zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. he measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. when
he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along. it was after he had found the pair he wanted that this occurred to him. i forgot the measurement, said he.
he went home to get it but when he returned the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all. why didn t you try on the shoes with your feet? he was asked.
i d rather trust the measurement than trust myself. (《hanfeizi》) 郑人买履
他说: 我忘带尺码了。 他回家去取量好的尺码。
等他赶回来时,市集已经关了,他还是没能买到鞋。 有人问: 为什么不用你自己的脚去量鞋子呢? 他说: 我宁愿相信尺码也不相信我自己的脚。 (《韩非子》)
看了 初中英语励志小故事 的人还看了:
tip: to open the closed doors of the heart, the success of failure of the sun will be able to disperse the dark. a spider and three
after the rain, a difficult spider to the wall has been
fragmented network, due to damp walls, it must climb the height, it will fall, which one to climb, repeatedly falling and no. a person to see, and he sighed to himself: my life as this spider is not it? busy and no income. thus, he
increasingly depressed. see the second person, he said: this spider really stupid, why do not dry place from the next
to climb up to look around? i ll be as stupid as it can not. thus, he becomes wise up. see the third person, he immediately spiders keep the spirit of war touched. so he has become strong.
tip: the mentality of those who are successful can be found everywhere the power of success. can save itself
a person in the shelter under the eaves, kuan yin is to see through umbrella. the man said: the goddess of mercy,
purdue creatures like you, take me for some how? yin said: i am the rain, you no rain, you do not need my degree. the man immediately jumped out , standing in the rain: now i am also the rain, and the degree of me? yin said: you in the rain, i am also the rain, i will not be poured, because there are umbrella; you are the rain, because no umbrella. why is not my own degrees, but my umbrella degrees. you want, the do not have to look for me, please umbrella brought to! he will go. the next day, this person has encountered difficult for it to kuan yin temple. entering the temple, it was found before as the kuan yin is also a person in worship, that the same inp>tip: can save itself. lovely become so lost
an old man in a high-speed trains, accidentally bought the new shoes out from a window, surrounded by people who feel sorry but the elderly immediately second shoe from the window go away. this move is even more surprised. explained that the elderly: this shoe, no matter how expensive, for me has been useless, if there is who can pick up a pair of shoes, maybe he can wear it!
tip 6: successful at giving up, good to see from the loss of value.
秘诀:把封闭的心门敞开,成功的阳光就能驱散失败的阴暗。 一只蜘蛛和三个人
地又掉下来 第一个人看到了,他叹了一口气,自言自语: 我的一生不正如这只蜘蛛吗?忙忙碌碌而无所得。
秘诀:有成功心态者处处都能发觉成功的力量。 自己救自己
某人在屋檐下躲雨,看见观音正撑伞走过。这人说: 观音菩萨,普度一下众生吧,带我一段如何? 观音说: 我在雨里,你在檐下,而檐下无雨,你不需要我度。
这人立刻跳出檐下,站在雨中: 现在我也在雨中了,该度我了吧? 观音说: 你在雨中,我也在雨中,我不被淋,因为有伞;你被雨淋,因为无伞。所以不是我度自己,而是伞度我。你要想度,不必找我,请自找伞去! 说完便走了。第二天,这人遇到了难事,便去寺庙里求观音。走进庙里,才发现观音的像前也有一个人在拜,那个人长得和观音一模一样,丝毫不差。这人问: 你是观音吗? 那人答道: 我正是观音。
这人又问: 那你为何还拜自己? 观音笑道: 我也遇到了难事,但我知道,求人不如求己。 秘诀:自己救自己。 让失去变得可爱
一个老人在高速行驶的火车上,不小心把刚买的新鞋从窗口掉了一只,周围的人倍感惋惜,不料老人立即把第二只鞋也从窗口扔了下去。这举动更让人大吃一惊。老人解释说: 这一只鞋无论多么昂贵,对我而言已经没有用了,如果有谁能捡到一双鞋子,说不定他还能穿呢!
秘诀6:成功者善于放弃,善于从损失中看到价值。 相关推荐