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初中英语状语从句 宾语从句 定语从句专项练习题(附答案)

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( ) 1. I won't believe you___ I have seen it with my own eyes. A. before B. until C. after D. when

( )2.He ___ home ___ she was satisfied ___ his answer yesterday. A. didn't go; until; with B. wasn't go; after; to C. doesn't go; before; with D. didn't go; until; to ( ) 3. He ___ back until the work ___ done.

A. isn't; will be B. isn't; is C. won't be; will be D. won't be; is

( ) 4. They didn't start the work ___ their teacher came back.A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if

( )5. Tom will call me as soon as he ___ Shanghai. A. arrives B. will reach C. arrives in D. get to

( )6. I'm sure he'll come to see me before he ___ Beijing. A. will leave B. is leaving C. leave D. leaves

( )7. Tom has got a watch. He ___ it for two years. It _______ by his father. A. has bought; was bought B. has got; is bought , C. was bought; has bought . D. has had; was bought \

( )8. When he got to the station, the train ___.A. left B. had left C. leaves D. has left

( ) 9. The boy told his father what he ___ in the street.

A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. see ( ) 10. We ___ TV when the telephone ____.

A. watched; was ringing B. were watching; rang C. watch; rings D. are watching; rang ( ) 11. I ___ you for a long time. Where ___ you ___? A. didn't see; did; go B. didn't see; have; gone

C. haven't seen; have; been D. haven't seen; have; gone ( ) 12. Tom___ China for 3 years.

A. has been B. has been in C. has been to D. has been at

( ) 13. -Hello! May I speak to Bob?-Sorry, but he ___ for a month. A. had been away B. was left C. left D. has been away

( )14. Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday ___ she was ill.A. because B. but C. until D. if

( )15. ___ he came to study in the university, he has made much progress in the study of English.

A. While B. When C. Since D. After

( )16. I'd like to go swimming _____ the water is not too cold.A. for B. unless C. if D. whether

( ) 17. There are ___ many league members in class 2 ___ in Class 4. A. both; and B. 'so; that C. either; or D. as; as

( )18. Suzhou is not ____ beautiful ____ Hangzhou.A. as; than B. so; as C. even; than D. /; than

( ) 19. I want to know ___ she is going to see a film.A. if B. that C. what D. which ( )20. I'll go to see the film with you___I have time this evening.A. whether B. so C. if D. when

( ) 21. ___ you study harder, you'll never pass the final exam.A. If B. Until C. Unless D. Except

( ) 22. Although it was raining,-- still worked in the fields.A. but they B. and they C. they D. and yet they

( )2 3 .___ she is very old, ___ she can still work eight hours a day. A. Because; so B. Though; but C. As; yet D. Though; yet

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( ) 24. Please answer the question in a loud enough voice ___ all the class may hear. A. so, that B. or C. in order that D. and

( ) 25.I hurried___I wouldn't be late for class.A. so B. so that C. if D. unless ( ) 26.The dictionary is so expensive ___ I can't buy it.A. because B. when C. that D. if

( ) 27. I got there ___ late ___ I didn't see him.A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. so; as

( ) 28. He has___ an interesting book that we want to read it.A. so B. such C. the same D. as

答案:1-5BADAC 6-10DDBCB 11-15CBDAC 16-20CDBAC 21-25CCDCB 26-28CCB 宾 语 从 句练习

1. I don’t know _____ he will come tomorrow. _____ he comes, I’ll tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; if 2. Could you tell me ____ the radio without any help?

A. how did he mend B. what did he mend C. how he mended D. what he mended 3. Can you tell me how many English words ____ since 1996?

A. have you learned B. did you learn C. you have learned D. you learned

4. Miss Li wants to know _____ next week.A. when my uncle leaves B. when will my uncle C. where my uncle will stay D. where does my uncle stay

5. I don’t know ____ Jane was late for school this morning. A. who B. what C. whom D. why

6. They don’t know ____ their presents are. A. when B. why C. what D. how 7. Mike asked the girl in the shop ____ the watch ____ cheap enough.A. that; is B. if; was C. that; was D. whether; is

8. I think he ____ back next week.A. comeB. will comeC. cameD. has come 9. Xiao Mao told me he ____ a film with his mother the next day.

A. would see B. will watch C. would look D. will see 10. Could you tell me if it ____ tomorrow?A. rainB. will rainC. rainingD. rains 11. He said that he ____ speak a little English when he was five. A. might B. would C. could D. can

12. I want to know if they ____ the spring sports meeting next month. If they ____ it, I must get ready for it. A. hold; will holdB. will hold; hold C. hold; holdD. will hold; will hold

13. –Excuse me. Could you tell me ____? -Certainly.

A. when can I get to the stationB. I can get to which stationC. which station can I get toD. how I can get to the station

14. –What did your mother say, Tom? -She asked me why ____.

A. my sister crying B. my sister was crying C. is my sister cryingD. was my sister crying

15. I wonder what time _____ arrive. A. does the trainB. will the train C. the trainD. the train will

16. Did you hear _____? A. what did I sayB. what I saidC. that I saidD. I said which 17. Can you tell me which room _____?A. does he live inB. does he livesC. he lives inD. he lives

18. The little boy often asks me what ______?

A. will our life of tomorrowB. will our life tomorrow be likeC. our life of tomorrow likeD. our life of tomorrow will be like

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19. Do you really know _____ used?

A. how widely English isB. how wide is English C. English is how widelyD. how is English wide

20. Would you please tell me ______ with Peter? He looks unhappy.

A. what’s the matter B. what wrong is C. the wrong is what D. what wrong it was 21. –Excuse me, where _____? Do you know? -Yes. I know where _____?

A. Jim lives; he lives B. does Jim live; do he live C. Jim lives; does he live D. does Jim live; he lives

22. I didn’t know _____ and _____.

A. what’s his name; how old he is B. what his name was; how old he was C. what his name is; how is he old D. that was his name; he was how old 23. My friend hasn’t decided _____ on a trip to Wuxi on holiday. A. if he goes B. when will he go C. if he’ll go D. where he go 24. Did you ask her what ______ outside?

A. was happened to him B. he had happened C. he happened D. had happened to him 25. The man in the shop asked the woman _____

A. which kind does she likeB. which kind she is C. which kind is she likes D. which kind she likes

26. No one told us _____, so we need your help. A. how should we doB. what should we do C. how to do it D. what to do it

27. I don’t know ______ the day after tomorrow.

A. when does he come B. how will he come C. if he comes D. whether he’ll come 28. –Could you tell me _____?-Yes, they _____ to the library.

A. where are the twins; have been B. where the twins are; have gone C. where were the twins; have been D where the twins were; have gone 答案:1-5DCCCD 6-10CBBAB 11-15CBDBD 16-20BCDAA 21-25DBCDD 26-28CDB 定语从句练习

1.I've read all the books you gave me.A.which B.them C.what D.that 2.Tell us about the people and the places are different from ours.A.that B.who C.which D.whom 3.Mr John said that Suzhou was the first city he had visited in China. A.that B.where C.which D.what 4.The TV play I watched last night is the best one I have watched this year.

A.which B.what C.whose D.that

5.Is this the museum you visited the other day? A.that B.where C.in which D.the one

6.There is no difficulty can't be overcome in the world. A.that B.which C.who D.what

7.This was the supermarket I bought this kind of tin. A.where B.that C.who D.which 8.The house we live is not big.

A.in that B.which C.in which D.that

9.Beijing, is the capital of China,is a beautiful city.A.that B.it C.which D./

10..She was no longer the woman she was.A.that B.which C.what D.who 11.That's the hotel last year. A.which we stayed B.at that we stayed C.Where we stayed at D.where we stayed

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12.You've made the same mistake you made last time. A.as B.like C.which D.that

13.It is not such an interesting magazine I thought.A.as B.that C.which D./

14. you know,he is a famous musician.A.As B.which C.That D./ 15.Mr Zhou, native language was Chinese,could read and write several foreign languages. A.whose B.his C.which D.that

16.Do you know the actor you saw playing Hamlet is now doing King Lear? A.who B.whom C.whose D.which

17.I took my friend to the Summer Palace, we had some photos taken. A.where B.which C.that D./

18.We all remember the days we studied together at school. A.which B.that C.when D./

19.I showed the doctor the place I felt the pain. A.that B.which C.where D.when

20.I'm one of the students well in English in my class. A.who does B.who do C.which does D.who did 21.This is the babytomorrow.

A.after whom I shall lookB.whom I shall look after

C.whose I shall look afterD.after whom I shall look after 22.This is the fastest train is going to Nanjing. A.that B.what C.where D./

答案:1-5DAADA 6-10AACCA 11-15DDBAA 16-20AACCB 21-22BA

初中英语状语从句 宾语从句 定语从句专项练习题(附答案)


