Engineering5(2019)32–39Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEngineeringResearch
Artemisinin and its derivatives represent the most important and in?uential class of drugs in the ?ght against malaria. Since the discovery of artemisinin in the early 1970s, the global community has made great strides in characterizing and understanding this remarkable phytochemical and its unique chemical and pharmacological properties. Today, even as artemisinin continues to serve as the foundation for antimalarial therapy, numerous challenges have surfaced in the continued application and development of this family of drugs. These challenges include the emergence of delayed treatment responses to artemisinins in malaria and efforts to apply artemisinins for non-malarial indications. Here, we provide an overview of the story of artemisinin in terms of its past, present, and future. In particular, we comment on the current understanding of the mechanism of action (MOA) of artemisinins, and emphasize the impor-tance of relating mechanistic studies to therapeutic outcomes, both in malarial and non-malarial contexts.
ó 2019 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press Limited Company. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
青蒿素 - 一种从中药中发现的神奇药物 - 图文