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全新专题材料英语预备级读写译课后知识学习进步题 规范标准答案

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1. from 5. with 2. of 6. to 3. with 7. to 4. In, of 8. with


1. find a parking space near the supermarket

2. find out what the problem was and who took the responsibility 3. had discovered a bomb factory at a country house

4. find out more about these night courses and then decide if I enroll 5. have discovered that this disease is actually carried by rats


1. discovered

2. found

3. find out

4. discover

5. found


1. did not stop drinking until the doctor advised him to. 2. was not until last year

3. Not until I had read your letter did I understand 4. It was not until I told her 5. Not until ten years later


1. The old man collapsed when crossing the street with a heavy bag on his shoulder. 2. The girl often sings along with pop music when having a bath. 3. Tom made a phone call to his sister when walking on the sidewalk.

4. He felt confident after preparation when giving a speech to the students. 5. My sister didn’t hear the noise on the street when reading a spy novel.


1. In my opinion, the best way to get ahead is through hard work.

2. To our disappointment, all our proposals were rejected regardless of their merits. 3. I feel he was doing something wrong, but I have got nothing to base it on.

4. Pay attention when I’m talking to you, otherwise you’ll miss some important information. 5. Some people have noticed that any change in lifestyle will have an effect on one’s health. 6. The two parties have been in conflict with each other since the election. 7. A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick. 8. We do not want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts!

Section B Key to Exercises


1. A 6. C

2. D 7. B

3. C 8. A

4. B 9. D

5. A 10. A



1. promoted 5. in charge 9. behaving 13. deal with

2. mutual 6. arose 10. in return

3. mood 7. invaded 11. key

4. performance 8. management 12. fashion


1. on the job 2. solve 5. in contact with 6. orderly

3. gossiping 7. eager

4. yelled at 8. led to


1. project

5. environment

2. personality 6. crew

3. atmosphere 7. licensed

4. teamwork 8. registered

Unit 8

Section A

Focus on Grammar Key to Exercises


1. 她看到亚伯拉罕很喜欢读书,就尽一切努力帮助他。

2. 你把你所有的珠宝首饰全都拿出来了,并且对我说,我要什么就可以拿什么。 3. 爸爸在超市里没什么想买的。

4. 每当她看到了喜欢的东西,她就会去买下来。 5.他讲的所有情况,对她都并不新鲜。


1. You can’t believe anything she says.

2. All you have to do now is fill out this application form. 3. There is nothing I like about city life.

4. Playing tricks on others is something we should never do. 5. The little I know won’t be of much use to you.

Key to Exercises


1. Bill has phoned to say that he will not be able to come to our party tomorrow. 2. In order to prevent cheating, the desks are kept some distance apart. 3. The words are so well-known as to require no explanation. 4. He left early in order not to miss the last train.

5. I like playing football in my spare time, but it is too cold to go out now.


1. R 2. R 3. C 4. P 5. P


Key to Exercises


1. perspective 6. global IV.

1. mostly 6. reflection 2. associate 7. religion

3. border 8. conscious

4. explore 9. recall

5. female

10. insignificant

2. rare 7. recall

3. angles

8. particularly 4. Frankly 9. chaotic 5. aware 10. fouled up 11. sheer 12. in an instant 13. Generally


1. 1) impressed 2) impression 3) impressive 4) impressively 5) impresses 2. 1) protection 2) protected 3) protective 4) protect 5) protectively


1. if he doesn’t practise more 2. they needed more of my time 3. you’ll have to pay a little more

4. to become more aware of the aims of university education 5. He went abroad to gain more experience


1. In the final exam, the first question is more difficult than the second. 2. I have to write two more letters to my sister this morning.

3. More people live in the capital than in the whole of the rest of the country. 4. He’s a gifted musician. So you can enjoy more in his works.

5. Although he’s over 70, the engineer is more active than the young people in the club.


1. what you did

2. what I want to know 3. What worries me 4. What you have to do 5. What I want to say


1. Once she arrives here, we can start the long walk back home. 2. What would happen to the infant once it was born?

3. Once you have taken the examination, you’ll be able to relax. 4. Most boys like to swim once they have learned how.

5. I’m sure you’ll be very happy here once you get to know everyone else.



1. Try to put your present problems in perspective, and you’ll see that things aren’t as bad as you think.

2. He would like to come, but he’s not allowed to. 3. We saw all sorts of animals and plants in the park. 4. She has made a mistake but she doesn’t realize it. 5. As he grows weaker, he spends more of his time in bed.

6. He seems rather shy on the surface, but he’s quite different when you get to know him.

7. In all, 6,000 companies are involved in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft. 8. If you are aware of all the facts, you will immediately change your mind.

Section B Key to Exercises


1. C 2. B 6. B 7. B


1. consequences 2. absolutely 6. explode 7. shameful 11. opt out 12. locally III.

1. on 2. of 6. up 7. with IV.

1. summit 2. resources 5. target 6. policy

3. A 8. D

3. kind of

8. environmental 13. critical 3. on 8. for

3. literally 7. convinced 4. C 9. A

4. for that matter 9. industrialize 4. for 4. representative 8. precious 5. B 10. D

5. forum

10. commitment

5. As

全新专题材料英语预备级读写译课后知识学习进步题 规范标准答案


