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1. 硬币的一面有名人头像的情况相当普遍。 2. 主席一连谈了三个小时关于公司发展的问题。

3. 她的成功取决于她更加努力工作和朋友们的帮助。 4. 我听说他被选为球队的教练。

5. 考试没通过意味着至少要再等上一年。


1. Living away from home

2. I don’t regret telling her what I thought 3. It’s no use arguing with him

4. he was not used to being treated like that 5. she couldn’t help thinking about that matter

Key to Exercises I.

1. The man standing over there is the owner of the store.

2. His nephew, lost at sea when he was fifteen, had been his only relative. 3. The village is made up of 490 families belonging to five nationalities.

4. Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers is another way of advertising. 5. As a boy growing up in Shenyang, China, I practiced the piano six hours a day. 6. Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never seen a train.


1. studying at the art school

2. praised by the teacher in charge of the class 3. looking so much like each other 4. dressed in white

5. the questions being discussed 6. put on by the teachers

Key to Exercises III.

1. bound 6. eventually

2. ease 7. slip

3. adopt 8. image

4. survive 9. kindness

5. transfer 10. stress


1. terror 6. departure 11. clinical

2. made off with 7. starve 12. arrived in

3. occupation 8. lives with 13. mess

4. praying 5. circumstances9. scared 10. fatigues 14. gone to heaven 15. confusion


1. in search of 5. take care of

2. flee 6. veterans

3. pay you back 7. upsetting him

4. have no more use for 8. all skin and bone(s)


1. We felt bound to tell her


2. on a plane bound for New York

3. They are bound to meet with / encounter 4. She is not legally bound to pay the debts 5. it is not bound by the agreement


1. You’ve done so much work — you are bound to pass the exam.

2. They are the journalists who feel bound to protect their sources of information. 3. All the flights bound for Shanghai have been cancelled because of the weather. 4. By signing this contract you agree to be bound by its items.

5. Coming out of deep sleep the crew find they are bound for home, but remember nothing.


1. anything but this dictionary

2. anything but a success / successful 3. The problem is anything but easy 4. anything but satisfactory 5. anything but interesting


1. Now that he has become the president, many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system.

2. Now that you’re settled, why don’t you take up some serious study? 3. Now that the kids have left home, we’ve got a lot of extra space. 4. Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. 5. Now that he is well again, he can go on with his English study.


1. Office workers fled in panic as the fire broke out.

2. I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen and make off with a loaf of bread. 3. Eventually, the judge permitted the Browns to adopt the homeless orphan.

4. As is known to all, relaxation techniques like yoga can ease the harmful effect of stress on the body.

5. All passengers were transferred out of one bus and into another.

6. Though we suffered from serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties. 7. There are concerns that those veterans may not survive the winter. 8. It still upsets Mark when he thinks about the accident.

Section B Key to Exercises


1. C 6. D

2. A 7. B

3. D 8. A

4. B 9. C

5. C 10. D



1. concerned 6. romantic 11. glow

2. magic 7. as long as 12. couldn’t help

3. hug 4. prior 8. household 9. giant 13. cherish 14. right away

5. reservation

10. lap

15. wrapped


1. on 6. in

2. off 7. with

3. over 8. for

4. to 9. about

5. up 10. at


1. sleepless 6. fabric

2. couch 7. pillow

3. desperately 8. raid

4. bittersweet 9. joyful

5. wrapped 10. disappointment

Unit 4

Section A

Focus on Grammar

Key to Exercises I.

1. Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed. 2. She stood back and looked at him, her face smiling brightly. 3. All the money spent, Jack started looking for work. 4. There being nothing else to do, we left.

5. The manager sat quietly in the office, his eyes closed.


1. Task completed

2. her hair flying in the wind 3. Hands tied behind his back 4. newspaper spread before him 5. Stomachs crying for food

Key to Exercises I.

1. I found a strange girl seated / sitting in the corner 2. considers your property his property

3. consider the criminal not society the victim

4. elected him the general manager of their company 5. He wants to have them examined tomorrow 6. but found her out


1. He wanted this report typed by this afternoon.

2. Declaring himself opposed to using the unusual animal technique to clone humans, President Clinton ordered that funds not be used for such an experiment.


3. If you see a product consistently advertised, it certainly represents good value.

4. Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare himself against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.

5. The workers are anxious, because they might find themselves out of a job.

6. Will your employer hold you responsible for it if any of this equipment is damaged?

Key to Exercises III.

1. glare 6. reserved

2. proposal 7. survival

3. insult 8. surgery

4. episode 9. awkwardly

5. professional 10. bundle


1. proposal 6. deserve 11. survival

2. responsible 7. toss 12. surgery

3. episode 8. reserved 13. long-term

4. storms 9. scared 14. Grasp

5. insult 10. Statistics 15. graduate


1. on 5. off

2. in 6. to

3. in 7. out

4. to 8. aside


1. How dare you say such a thing 2. I dare say you are British

3. If you dare (to) enquire into Nature

4. because he dared me to jump over the river 5. How dare you criticize him


1. Stand up to him and he won’t dare to / dare not hurt you. 2. They dare not play joke on him in case he becomes angry. 3. I dare you to ride your bike through the gate with no hands. 4. I dare not wake up the family, and fill the place with confusion.

5. The government doesn’t dare to / dare not increase taxes before the election.


1. The Chairman, who spoke first, sat on my right.

2. My wife, who is out at the moment, will phone you when she gets back. 3. Pierre, who was crossing a road one day in 1906, was run over and killed. 4. Nothing in the world is hard for John, who is always willing to take risks.

5. He has to be careful not to offend the manager, who can fire him at any moment.


1. every time we wash our hands 2. Every time I see my grandfather


3. Every time I listen to your advice 4. every time anything went wrong

5. Every time that man says “To tell the truth”


1. The thief turned on his heel and ran when he saw the police in the distance.

2. It was your idea, so if anything goes wrong I shall hold you personally responsible. 3. Some think that for the majority of men, love is but an episode in his life. 4. I hate to see his weak personality that makes him simply turn the other cheek. 5. Alice is too rude; it’s time you put her in her place.

6. He once cornered me at a party and bored me to death about his difficult childhood. 7. When he’s in this strange mood, I just can’t get to him.

8. How could you set aside all the objections and cling to your own course?

Section B Key to Exercises


1.A 6. A

2. C 7. D

3. D 8. A

4. B 9. C

5. C 10. B


1. reality 2. silence 6. imagination 7. used to 11. whole-heartedly 12. shelter

3. evil

8. surrounded 13. make-believe

4. just the same 9. all the while

5. monster 10. grave


1. incomprehensible 5. goes away

2. just the same 6. turned around

3. grownups 7. drop you off

4. shows up 8. half-heartedly


1. imaginary 5. evil

2. awesome 6. ironic

3. engraved 7. sheltered

4. interrupted 8. surrounded

Unit 5

Section A

Focus on Grammar

Key to Exercises I.

1. Rich as he is, Mr. Johnson is by no means a happy man.

2. Weren’t it for his wife’s money, he would never be a director. 3. So rude were you to her that I don’t think she’ll be coming back!



