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全新专题材料英语预备级读写译课后知识学习进步题 规范标准答案

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Unit 1 Section A

Focus on Grammar

Key to Exercises


1. extending his arms and shouting

2. explaining why she didn’t want the children to play together 3. followed by the foreign guests 4. believing deeply that she can be a good businesswoman 5. with each new phone added to the system


1. Seen in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. 2. They stood there for half an hour, watching the stars in the sky. 3. Covered with confusion, she hurriedly left the room.

4. I just stood there, feeling excited and not believing I had won the first prize. 5. He smoked heavily, thinking of the job which he felt difficult for him to obtain.

Key to Exercises


1.His house,for which he paid £10, 000 ten years ago,is now worth £50, 000.

2. This machine,which I have looked after for twenty years,is still working perfectly.

3. Mary, whose father is ill seriously, has to do a part-time job to support her family during her study.

4. There are many cars made in Shanghai, some of which are very expensive.

5. These books will give you all the information you need, which you can get at any bookshop. 6. She gave me a piece of cake,which she had baked herself this morning.


1. The 8:15 train,which is usually very punctual,was late today.

2. Those old houses, which we have been driving through, will be pulled down. 3. His house,whose windows were all broken,was a disappointing sight. 4. He has three daughters, one of whom is a teacher at college.

5. These coats,which you can buy in the supermarket,will cost you a lot of money.

Key to Exercises


1. expectation 6. issue

2. uncomfortable 7. respond

3. identify

8. anticipate

4. variety 9. moderate

5. signal 10. tough


1. adjustments

6. avoids 11. in terms of

2. signal 7. anticipated 12. longing for 3. Responding 4. sum up 8. interval 9. unfortunately 13. As a result 14. access 5. tend to

10. stuff 15. deal with



1.of 6.to

2. to 7. out

3.with 8.to

4.with 5.about 9.with 10. about


1. means that many young people can’t afford to buy a house 2. I’ve been meaning to ask you 3. I meant to have finished 4. main means of transport

5. will mean traveling all over the world


1. We aim to use peaceful means to bring about change.

2. Dieting also means being careful about which foods you buy. 3. Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children.

4. I meant to have attended the party last night, but I was busy with my term paper. 5. Cloudy water from the taps usually means problems with your storage tank.


1.I do not know what to do now because of lack of money. 2. “Will you find out how to get there?” I said to Tom. 3. You must remember when to have your lessons.

4.I do not know whether to go or stay when he asks me to stay with him. 5. She doesn’t know which book to buy.


1. The older I get, the happier I am.

2. The sooner you start, the more quickly you’ll finish. 3. The more you argue with him, the less notice he takes. 4. The sooner this is done, the better (it is).

5. The higher the temperature (is), the faster the liquid evaporates.


1. We should learn to deal with the problems that we meet in our life.

2. I have understood that realizing the goal means facing challenge bravely. 3. Only 40% of 5-year-old children have access to pre-school education.

4. He said that he would not like to accept this job at the cost of his spare time. 5. The sound of the radio upstairs interfered with my work.

6. The bell rings at 20-minute intervals, which means it is 11:20 now.

7. The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it hasn’t been very successful. 8. Obviously, I’m disappointed at the way things have turned out.

Section B


Key to Exercises


1.B 6.D

2.C 7.C

3.A 8. B

4.A 9.D

5.D 10. B


1. capable of 6. schedule 11. due to

2. appreciate 7. moreover 12. in hopes of

3. have attended 4. involve 8. rather than 9.dreamed of 13. in the end 14. figure out

5. lack

10. risks 15. barriers


1. appreciated 5. Moreover

2. vital 6. endure

3. Rather than 7. go all out

4. due to 8. restrict


1. former 6. faith

2.kids 3. nevertheless 7. inspiring 8. potential

4. disliked

9. intelligent

5. involve 10. talents

Unit 2

Section A

Focus on Grammar Key to Exercises I.

1. Much as I admire him as a singer, I do not like him as a man. 2. Child as she is, she knows how to make her parents happy.

3. Old and worn as his clothes were, they looked clean and of good quality.

4. Dislike him as we may, we must acknowledge his talent for playing basketball. 5. Difficult as the work was, it was finished two days ahead of time.



2、虽然这个概念很简单,但当时的科学界却不知道这一点。 3、尽管被敌人包围了,但我们还是设法突出了重围。 4、无论怎么努力,你都不可能说服他戒烟。 5、虽然我很傻,但也不是他说什么我都相信。


Key to Exercises I.

1. It must have been very late

2. It couldn’t / can’t have been written by Tom 3. may / might have arrived last week

4. You should not / ought not to have crossed the road


5. I needn’t have arrived here so early


1. must

2. needn’t

3. couldn’t

4. might

5. should

Key to Exercises


1. delivery

6. catalog

2. counsel 7. roar

3. grant 8. fancy

4. boost 9. fancy 14. in part

5. complaints 10. held down 15. provide for

4. trunk 9. panel

5. journalist 10. garbage


1. audience 6. demanding 11. exclusive

2. labored 7. burst out 12. rotating

3. interview 8. appearances 13. shift



1) succeeded 5) successively 2.

1) producing 5) products

2) succession 6) successful

3) successive 7) successfully

4) success

2) producers 6) production 3) productive 7) productivity 4) productively


1. write on both sides of the paper

2. Both (of the) leaders expressed hope

3. both (of them) came up with the same results

4. need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish 5. Why not buy both of them


1. She can neither speak nor write Japanese. How can she survive in Japan alone? 2. Both of them are keen to reach an agreement on these tough issues.

3. I talked to the women. Neither of them was / were native speakers of English. 4. After a day’s hard work, we were both too tired to prepare dinner.

5. According to the police, most of the troublemakers were not supporters of either team.


1. He went on fighting in the front even though he was badly wounded. 2. The couple decided to part even though they still loved each other deeply.

3. I can still remember the time we spent together even though it was so long ago. 4. I will go there early tomorrow morning even though I have to walk. 5. I like my younger sister even though she can be annoying at times.



1. More and more workers found it necessary that they could use those new machines skillfully. 2. My father thinks it an honor that he is able to help those who are in trouble. 3. He thinks it no good that we discuss the same problem over and over again. 4. We believe it right that the unions should have greater power. 5. I remember I made it quite clear to you that I was not coming.


1. When I know all the facts, I’ll be in a position to advise you. 2. We rotate the night shift so that no one has to do it all the time.

3. Once again, she became the first to come up with a new idea for boosting sales. 4. With her father’s help, she made it in films when she was still a teenager. 5. The children start showing off as soon as anyone comes into the house.

6. Even though you do not agree with her, she’s worth listening to. After all, she is very experienced.

7. We want to encourage the students to participate fully in the running of the college. 8. He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.

Section B Key to Exercises


1. C 6. B

2. B 7. D

3. A 8. C

4. D 9. A

5. B 10. C


1. Local 6. poverty 11. keyboard

2. pressures

7. miserable 12. versions

3. after all 8. Now that 13. too much

4. instruments 9. spot

5. adults 10. contest

III. 1. in

5. over

2. around 6. for

3. From, on 7. up

4. back, under 8. down

4. too … to 8. pressure


1. loan

5. in advance

2. contest 6. Growing up

3. streamed down 7. now that

Unit 3

Section A

Focus on Grammar Key to Exercises

全新专题材料英语预备级读写译课后知识学习进步题 规范标准答案


