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作为一名辛苦耕耘的教育工作者,编写教案是必不可少的,教案有助于顺利而有效地开展教学活动。那么什么样的教案才是好的呢?以下是小编收集整理的幼儿园英语教案范文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 幼儿园英语教案范文1 I can…… Teaching aims:(活动目标) l通过看看、听听、动动、说说、理解并学习句型“I can……” l鼓励幼儿尝试用英语进行交住。 Teaching aids:(活动准备) l请大班四名幼儿扮演动物。 l头饰、背景图(天空、草地、小河、跑道) Teaching proce :(活动过程) lGreeting: T:Hello! S:Hi! T:Goodming,boys and girls! S:Googming,teacher! lWarm up T:Now!Let`s warm up. stand up! Let`s sing a song 《Googmoring》together!ok? T and S:sing 《Googmoring》 T:you are Very Good! S:Thank you! T:Sit down!next,let`s play a game!《Follw me》、《My face》 T and S let`s play a game! lReview: T:let`s have a review!look!what`s this?(bird) What am I doing?(fly) What`s on the card?(fish/tiger/ra it) lPresen tation: T:“Who`s coming?” Ainmal:I`m a bird/a fish/a tiger/a ra it. I can fly/swim/run/jump. I`ll go to the animalorts. lPractice: Song:《I can》 Game:《送小动物回家》 T:who want`s to try? lclosure. 幼儿园英语教案范文2 Teaching Aims(活动目标): 1. To learn:milk 2. Review:cake 3. 激发宝宝参与英语活动的兴趣。 Teaching Aids(活动准备): 1. cake、milk的图片 2. 一盒milk的实物模型 3. 音乐磁带 Teaching Ste (活动过程): 1. Warm up: (1)律动歌曲:《Butterfly》 (2)Daily talk: T:What’s your name? S:I’m ××. T:How do you do! S:How do you do!. 2. Topic: (1)T:Look at me!教师出示milk的实物模型问:“What’s this?” 教授“milk”读音。 Game:品尝milk 玩法:教师请幼儿上来品尝milk,然后说出品尝的`东西的名称。同时纠正幼儿的错误发音。 (2)Game:Run and Touch 玩法:教师手上分别拿cake、milk的图片,请两名幼儿上来比赛,教师说到哪个单词,幼儿就去拍哪张卡片,反应快且拍对的幼儿可以得到奖励。 幼儿园英语教案范文3 活动目标: 1、体验游戏活动的快乐。 2、

学会 one two three four five . 听懂问句“How many …” 3、培养乐于大胆参与游戏的行为。 活动准备: 1、苹果树5棵、苹果15个。 2、英文1至5,框框五个、苹果方块一个,方块上有一只老虎。 3、请一名教师扮演老虎。 活动过程: 一、T: Hi Good morning everybody . Look , teacher′s say“morning ”to you teacher′s . 手指游戏: one finger one finger turn turn turn turn to a chick, chick chick chick Two finger two finger turn turn turn turn to a bunny jump jump jump three finger three finger turn turn turn turn to a cat miao miao miao four finger four finger turn turn turn turn to a dog roof roof roof five finger five finger turn turn turn turn to a tiger a tiger is coming 二、通过苹果树和苹果引出活动。 T:Look over here . what can you see . (I see ) Do you like apples ? 教师问幼儿,幼儿回答苹果有多少,并教幼儿读单词,并拼读。 T:How many apples . one… Let’s count together . 三、游戏 《格子方块》 1、听音说单词: 老师做抛方块的动作,当方块停止后,宝宝大声用英文说出方块上数字的名称。 T: How many … C: Is number … 2、当你看到是方块上的数量是3的时,就要跑到数字three的框框处,当你看到方块是老虎的时候马上跑回座位关上门。(分组游戏,先请男孩子或女孩子。) T: Oh 3 bunnies , please Go to the number 3 , ok . T: A Tiger is coming , shut the door . ok T: How many …, How many … Let’s count one … T: One… Go go go 四、多媒体 Let′s watch TV ? Look carefully please . Please Listen and watch . Let′s count …



