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五年级下册英语单元试卷第五单元复习卷 广东开心英语

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once一次 twice两次 three times三次 often经常 go fishing去钓鱼

go hiking去远足 go ice-skating去滑冰 go swimming去游泳


(询问对方多长时间做同一件事情)(How often 多长时间,问频率)

(1)---How often +do/does +sb+事件 例句:How often do you go shopping?

---sb+ often +事件+频率. I often go shopping once a week. (2)---Do you like…..? Does he/she like…..

---Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t (3)about + V.ing形式. 关于做什么 例句:I read a book about cooking. like + V.ing形式. 喜欢做什么 例句:I like swimming. (4)often的用法:

often放在句尾通常要用very、quite等修饰语修饰。 例子:How often do you go fishing? Very (Quite) often. 三、练一练。 1、翻译句子。


I like ______ ______ _______. I listen about ______ a ________. 2)-----Ben怎么去上学?-----他有时坐地铁去。 -----How _____ Ben ______ to school? ---- _______ he _______ the ________. 3)Tony打算下个月去远足。

Tony is going to _______ _______ next _______. 4)Lisa 擅长于滑冰,她每个星期去一次。

Lisa ______ good ______ ice-skating,she goes ______ a ______.

第 1 页

5) 你多久去跳一次舞?------ 一个月三次。 -----______ _______ do you ______ ________? ----- Three ________ a month. 2、连词成句。

1)swimming ,how, does, father, go, often, your (?) ___________________________________________________ 2)go ,week ,times ,ice-skating ,I ,five, a ,about (.) ___________________________________________________ 3)must ,at, be, hiking, good, Ben (.)

____________________________________________________ 4)goes, about ,month ,see ,Tony ,to ,the ,twice ,a, doctor (.)


5) dancing, reading, they, are ,about (.)


3、阅读短文,判断下列句子的对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 Every morning Mike goes to work by train. As he has a long trip,he always buys a newspaper. It help to make the time pass more quickly.

One Tuesday morning,he turned to the sports page. He wanted to read the report about an important football match. The report was so interesting that he forget to get off at his station. He didn’t know it until he saw the sea. He got off at back. Of course,he got to the office very late. His boss was very angry. ( )1) Mike always drives a train to work.

( )2) He always reads newspaper when he goes to work by train.

( )3) One Tuesday morning,he was reading an interesting report about football match.

( )4) One Tuesday morning he took the train twice. ( )5) One Tuesday morning he went to work on time.

第 2 页

五年级下册英语单元试卷第五单元复习卷 广东开心英语


