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一、 评分标准


1、 内容7分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚,完整。 5~6分:基本 3~4分:不够


2、 每少5个词扣0.5分,拼写错误每处扣0.5分,标点,大小写错误每2处扣0.5分

3、 内容和语言表达总分达15分及以上,得2~3分


通篇句型,句式单一,词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,也不给分 开头句+给的几个参考点+结尾句+亮点 先划档次:A档 18~15分 B档 14.5~12分 C档 11.5~8分 D档 3.5~0分


二、 理清结构,分三步写作(总分总)



1、 作文开头的有用句式 As we all know, As is known to all, It’s known to all that… It’s common knowledge that… It’scommonly accepted that… There is no denying that… How time flies ! In a blink of an eye,

Time flies like a speeding arrow, Time goes like the the flowing water. 2、中间分层部分的有用结构:

分正反两面论述:On one hand, On the other hand 分两点:For one thing, For another, 分三点:Firstly, Secondly, Last but not least 3、结尾部分 All in all, In a word, In conclusion, In brief, In short,

To put everything in a shell, 概括的说,简单的说



Last but not least 三、 组织语言 发表观点的 In my opinion, From my point of view, In my eyes,

As far as I am concerned, Believe it or not, 表示递进的 In addition Furthermore More importantly What’s more Moreover

其他与“我”有关的写作材料 1、重点句型 It`s+a. for sb.to do sth.

So +a./ad. That such a +a.+n. that too…to do Not….until

That`s why+句子 那是。。。的原因 It`s said that +句子

There`s no doubt that+句子 毫无疑问。。。



It goes without saying that+句子 毫无疑问。。。 There`s no need to do 没必要做。。。 There`s no point in doing 做某事毫无意义 2、 提建议 Had better do/not do How/what about doing Why not do/why don`t+句子 I think you should do I suggest that you should do

If I were you,I would do 我要是你的话,我会做。。。 It`s best to do 3、表示喜欢,感兴趣 Like/love/enjoy doing Be fond of/be keen on sth. Prefer to do A rather than do B

Be interested in doing=show/take great interest in 4、努力做。。。 Try to do/strive to do

Make efforts to do=make every effort to do Try one`s best/do one`s best to do Do what/everything sb.can to do 5、打算做。。。/计划做。。。



Intend to do/plan to do Be going to do Decide to do

Determine to do=be determine to do Make up one`s mind to do 6、表示想/希望

Want to do=would like to do Hope to do Expect to do Wish to do Consider doing 7、其他有用的短语

From now on/sooner or later/in the near future

Have positive attitude towards/enrich my knowledge/learn…by heart/ Meet with various kinds of difficulties /face difficulties bravely/overcome the difficulties

Play an important role/part in…. 8、其他有用的句式

For the reason above,/After all/As for me,/Frankly speaking/Generally speaking/Believe it or not,/As a Grade Nine student,/The reasons are as follows,

People`s view on…vary from person to person



四、增添亮点 使用复合句和谚语 谚语举例

I firmly believe that “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life”.

As a famous saying goes, “A man becomes learned by asking questions.” It`s common knowledge that the road to success is not always full of roses. An old saying goes, “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.”





