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(满分:80分 答卷时间:60分钟)

学校 姓名 准考证号

I . 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1.A.school B.evening C.hospital ( )2.A.subway B.shopping C.train ( )3.A.parents B.mother C.sister ( )4.A.short B.thin C.write ( )5.A.gym B.dining hall C.ago ( )6.A.interesting B.dancing C.walking ( )7.A.has B.slept C.stayed ( )8.A.read B.library C.bookstore ( )9.A.Sunday B.Saturday C.yesterday ( )10.A.banana B.panda C.pear II . 单项选择题,将序号填在括号内。(每小题1分,共15分)

( )11 . coat is that?-----It’s Helen’s.

A . Who’s B .Whose C . Who

( )12 . It very cold here last winter.

A . were B . was C . is

( )13 . What does your mother do ?

—My mother is a . She writes books for

children .

A . writer B . singer C . doctor

( )14 . What time is it , Mum ?

—It’s nine o’clock in the evening . It’s time

to .

A . get up B . go to school C . go to bed

( )15 . What did she yesterday morning ?

—She to the park far a picnic .

A . did ; goes B . does ; went C . do ; went

( )16 . Would you like some juice ? — .

A . Yes , please B . Here you are C . please


( )17 . — are you going on your holiday ? —


Xinjiang .

A . Which B . When C . Where

( )18 . What are you doing ? — .

A . You are feeding the fish B . I am listening

to music

C . We water the flowers .

( )19 . They play piano on Monday .

A . the B . a C . /

( )20 . What are you going do after school ?

A . to B . in C . at

( )21 . This is eraser . It’s eraser .

A . a ; her B . an ; her C . an ; she

( )22 . —Is that your book ? — . It’s Mike’s book .

A . Yes , that is B . No , that isn’t C . No ,

it isn’t

( )23 . What are those ?

A . They are hens . B . These are gloves . C . Those

are gloves .

( )24 . What’s your favourite vegetables ? —I like best .

A . tomatoes B . oranges C . fish

( )25 . When is your birthday ? —My birthday is in spring . It’s on .

A . March 12th B . July 8th C . September 30th III . 选词填空(把所选单词的序号填在横线上)。(每小题1分,共8分)

①cooked ②was ③tired ④visited ⑤washed ⑥cleaned ⑦with ⑧next My mother 26 busy last weekend . She 27 my grandma on Saturday morning . They 28 noodles together . In 29 the evening , she 30 the clothes .

She often goes to the park , but she 31 my bedroom last Sunday . In the afternoon , she went shopping . She watched TV 32 me in the evening . She was very 33 last weekend . So I’ll help my mother do the housework 34 weekend .


26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . IV . 根据对话内容,选择正确的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。(10分)

John : Hello , Ben ! Where did you go this morning ? Ben : 35 .

John : Did you go there by bus ?

Ben : 36 . It’s not far from here . John : 37 .

Ben : I bought some candies(糖果) and fruit . John : 38 .

Ben : Because we’ll have a party this afternoon . John : A party ? 39 .

Ben : Of course . Let’s go together .

A . No , I went there on foot . B . What did you buy ? C . I went to the supermarket . D . Can I go with you ? E . Why did you buy so much fruit ? V . 按要求写单词。(每小题1分,共10分)

40 . shot(比较级) 41 . she(名词所有格) 42 . sleep(过去式) 43 . new(反义词) 44 . drank(原形) 45 . fish(ing形式) 46 . have(第三人称单数) 47 . foot(复数) 48 . September(缩写形式) 49 . can’t(完全形式) VI . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

50 . She often ( do ) her homework on Sunday morning . 51 . There are four ( potato ) on the table . 52 . This sweater is ( I ) .

53 . He couldn’t ( play ) badminton before . 54 . Look ! The students ( have ) an English class . 55 . Chen Jie ( take ) lots of pictures last summer


holiday .

56 . They will ( climb ) mountains tomorrow . 57 . How many ( sheep ) can you see ? 58 . I run ( fast ) than John .

59 . He often ( read ) storybooks in the evening . VII . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题2分,共6小题,满12分)

Hi , I’m Wu Gang . My English name is Bob . I’m 12 years old . I’m 1.55 metres tall . I’m 45 kilograms . I have a happy family . My father is a teacher . He works in a school . My mother is a nurse . She works in a hospital . They go to work by subway . My father is taller and stronger than my mother . But my mother is younger than my father . Who’s the child ? Oh , she’s my little sister . And she is 9 years younger than me . What about your family ?

( )60 . Wu Gang’s father is taller and stronger than his mother .

( )61 . Wu Gang’s mother is a doctor . ( )62 . Wu Gang’s father works in a school . ( )63 . Wu Gang’s parents go to work by car . ( )64 . Wu Gang’s sister is 4 years old . ( )65 . Wu Gang’s older than his sister .

VIII . 仿写。请根据上表格所提供的信息,仿写下表信息。(共5分)

My mother Hair : long black Job : nurse Go to work : by bus Like : some tea and milk Thin is my mother . She has long black hair . She is a nurse . She goes to work by bus . She likes some tea and milk . She can wash clothes and play the pipa . Can : wash clothes and play the pipa 4

My father Hair : short black Job : teacher Go to work : by car Like : some hamburgers and sandwiches Can : do kung fu and play football




