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1. / ?n/ discussion expression impression (在字母s 后发) 2./ 3n/ vision decision conclusion 三,/θ/ bath breath // bathe breathe

四、wh字母组合发音 :1、/w/ where which what 2、/h/ whole who whose 五、/ei/ waiter famous favorite train duration April great break / e/ protect tell pen bread ready head breath(带字母“e”的) 六, 名词变复数后结尾字母s的发音有以下几种: 1.在清辅音后发/s/ 如:cakes, books 2.在浊辅音后发/z/ 如:bees trees 3.在鼻音后发/z/ 如:girls corns

4.ts在词尾发/ci/ 如;cats ants, ds在词尾发/zi/如:birds, 七,动词过去式结尾字母ed发音有以下几种: 1.在清辅音后发/t/ 如worked, finished 2.在浊辅音和元音后发/d/如lived, answered 3.在鼻音后发/z/ 如called, warned

4.ted 在词尾发/tid/ 如:started, tasted de在词尾发/did/ 如needed

IV. 辨音易错题

一. /e/与/ ? /

字母a,大口 / ? /; 字母e,小口 /e/; Many,any特殊记; ea组合看前面。

(如bread,ea组合与字母e发音保持一致/e/) 注意says,said中ay,ai 的发音均为/e/

二. ea字母组合发音 / i:/ / e / /ei/

Their idea sounds great. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? (14年松江一模26题)

A) /gri:t/ B) /gret/ C) /greit/ D) /grit/ He did very well, but he failed to break the record. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? (14年嘉定一模26题) A) [brek] B) [bre?k] C) [br?k] D) [br?k]

We always say “please” whenever we ask someone to do things. Which of the following is correct for underlined word in the sentence? (14年黄浦一模26题)

A. /pl?z/ B. /plez/ C. /pli:z/ D. /pl?z/ Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?(14年闵行一模) A) Don’t put your feet on the seat! B) We reached Los Angeles late at night. C) Could I have fish instead of ham? D) What’s the meaning of this? 6 / 22 哈佛北大精英创立

三. ai 字母组合发音 /ei/

Which of the following word matches the sound /ma?l /? (2014一模普陀区27题)

A) mile B) meal C)mail D)


You can never get a straight answer from him. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? (2014一模闸北区26题

Which of the following word matches the sound [feil]?(14年普陀二模27题) A) fill B) fail C)feel D) fall



Accurate ['?kj?r?t] Actually ['?kt?u?li] advise [?d'va?z] against [?'ɡenst] although [??l'e??] any ['eni]

average ['?v?r?d?] B

bath [bɑ?θ]



Battery ['b?tri] Blood [bl?d] Break [bre?k] Britain ['br?tn] Build [b?ld] building ['b?ld ? business ['b?zn?s] C

Calm [kɑ?m] camel ['k?ml] Canadian [k?'ne?di?n] cancel ['k?nsl] Captain ['k?pt?n] Cause [k??z] Ceiling ['si?l??]

7 / 22 哈佛北大精英创立

Century ['sent??r?] Certain ['s??t(?)n; -t?n] chicken ['t??k?n] Chocolate ['t??kl?t] climb [kla?m]

Community [k?'mju?n?ti] competition [?k?mp?'t??n] Conclusion [k?n'klu??n] Courage ['k?r?d?] D

decision [d?'s??n] decorate ['dek?re?t] Dealt [delt] Detail ['di?te?l] Different ['d?fr?nt] direct [d?'rekt] E

Europe ['j??r?p] Example [?ɡ'zɑ?mpl] experience [?k'sp??ri?ns] experiment [?k'sper?m?nt] F

fail [fe?l]

familiar [f?'m?li?(r)] fear [f??(r)] Fuel ['fju??l] front [fr?nt] full [f?l] G

geography [d?i'?ɡr?fi] goal [ɡ??l] Gym [d??m] H

8 / 22 哈佛北大精英创立

height [ha?t] honest ['?n?st] history ['h?st(?)r?]

honour (美honor) ['?n?(r)] I

Interest ['?nt(?)r?st] iron ['a??n] island ['a?l?nd] J

July [d?u'la? June [d?u?n] K

knife [na?f] L

lamb [l?m] M

Meant [ment] mile [ma?l] model ['m?dl] N

nation ['ne??n] national ['n??n?l] northern['n??e?n] novel ['n?vl] O

official [?'f??l] often ['?fn]

Olympic [?'l?mp?k] once [w?ns]

opinion [?'p?nj?n]

9 / 22 哈佛北大精英创立


parent ['pe?r?nt] patient ['pe??nt] perfect['p??f?kt] Please [pli?z]

pleasure ['ple??(r)] poem ['p???m] Police [p?'li?s] private ['pra?v?t] process ['pr??ses] pull [p?l] Pupil ['pju.pl] R

raise [re?z]

rise (rose, risen) [ra?z] real [r??l]

realise (美realize) ['r??la?z] Russian ['r??n] S

Said [sed]

science ['sa??ns] secret['si?kr?t]

seriously ['s??ri?sli] single ['s??ɡl] smooth[smu?e] soldier ['s??ld??(r)] solve [s?lv]

strange [stre?nd?] sugar ['??ɡ?(r)]

suggestion [s?'d?est??n] surface['s??f?s] survey['s??ve?] T

10 / 22




