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第一篇: 自我介绍英文作文 introdution of mself

m name is olivia. i have a fortable famil, m parents and i. i used to pla the piano hen i as hild, beause m mother anted me to be a bright girl. i’d rather take more exerises than pla piano beause i didn’t like to sit for a long time, but no i enjo plaing it. ever eekend, hen e ould go travel, suh as limb the mountain, visit m relative and go to restaurant to have a onderful supper.

i’m fifteen ears old no and i’m ver luk to go to stud in anada. i’m in estdale seondar shool hih has friendl lassmates and enthusiasti teahers. i lived in homesta, m homesta mom ho is a ver nie person. she orrets m english and teahes me ho to ooking; she also helps me a lot on m life. i’m not homesik, beause i have to roommates; alie and elena, both of them are hinese. e ere hung out ever da. alie ho ears pink glasses and blak url hair, she is in estdale as ell as me; e go to shool together ever da.

otherise, hen i graduate high shool, i ant to go to universit of british olumbia to stud engineering beause this

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universit is loated in vanouver hih is one of the most suitable ities for human habitation of the orld. i ant that m

parents ould a hane to enjo a happ retirement ith me in ub. m parents have given me a best time of their life and paid fee for m shool ork. the moment hen i go to the universit is a hane to give m great ahievements bak to m parents.

for m dream, i ish i ould be a singer. not onl i an earn lots of mone, but also i enjo mself. hen i done m universit, first of all, i have to find a good job, and then i ill bu a big house for m parents and build a farmer to plant

vegetables and fruits. finall, i ill marr a gentle man ho an take are of me.

all in all, that is all about mself and i’ll do m best to.

第二篇: 英文面试自我介绍

it is reall m honor to have this opportunit for an intervie,i hope i an make a good performane toda. i'm onfident that i an sueed.no i ill introdue mself briefl.

m name is eimengmeng ,a 24 ears old girl ,born in shandong provine.i ill graduatefrom tongji medial ollege of huazhong universit of siene tehnolog soon.m major is information management information sstem.in the past to

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ears,i learned a lot hih ontributes m maturit. i am open-minded,quik in thought and ver fond of english. i have passedenglish et-6 ith high sores besides,i am skillful in searhing for information in internet.

it is m long herished dream to be …and i am eager to get an opportunit to do…

that's all. thank ou for giving me the hane.



i feel that m strongest asset is m abilit to stik to things to get them done. i feel a real sense of aplishment hen i finish a job and it turns out just as i'd planned. i've set some high goals for mself. for example, i ant to graduate ith highest distintion. and even though i had a slo start in m freshman ear, i made up for it b doing an honor's thesis.

5. hat is our greatest eakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?) 你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每个人都有弱点,最佳策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克

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“我是一个完美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手的。” i'm suh a perfetionist that i ill not stop until a job is ell done.

第三篇: 英文自我介绍模板 personal statement

good morning, m dear teahers, m dear professors. i am ver glad to be here for our intervie. m name is song onghao, i am 22 ears old. i e from luoang, a ver beautiful anient it. m undergraduate period ill be aplished in hang’an universit in jul, 201X. and no, i am tring m best for obtaining a ke to tongji universit.

generall speaking, i am a hard orking student espeiall do the thing i am interested in. i ill tr m best to finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as sophomore, i found eb design ver interesting, so i learned it ver hard. to eaver a home for mself, i staed ith m personal puter for half a month. and i am the first one in m lass ho on his home. furthermore, i am a person ith great perseverane. during the das preparing for the first examination, i insist on running ever da, no matter hat the eather as like. and just oning to this, i ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end.

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ell, in m spare time, i like basketball, tennis and hinese hess. english is also m favorite. i often go to english orner to pratie m oral english ever thursda, and rite positions to improve m itting abilit .but i kno m english is not good enough, i ill ontinue studing.

ok, that is all, thank ou for our attention. m hometon------luoang

i am from luoang, a beautiful it in henan provine. it is famous as the apital of nine dnasties and enjos the honor that luoang peon is the best in the orld.

luoang plaed a ver important role in hinese histor. so it has a profound ultural bakground and man great heritage sites have been ell reserved. suh as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in hina and hite horse temple, being regarded as the radle of hinese buddhism.

luoang peon is orld-famous. ever ear, man tourists travel to luoang to see the beaut of peon .the people in m hometon are friendl, the ele the travelers from all over the orld.

i like m hometon ver muh. 第四篇:


it is reall m honor to have this opportunit for a intervie,

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