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新概念英语第一册Lesson-79-80-课后练习 Lesson 79-80练习题


A Comprehension

Look at the dialogue on Students' book page 161 and answer these questions. 1. What is Carol doing?

What do Carol and Tom need? 2.the grocer's?3.

4. Have they got much tea or coffee?

Must Carol go to

5. What must she get at the greengrocer's?meat? 6.

going to get beer and wine?much money?

Can you add any more things to the list? banana steak medicinebreadwriting paperjam lamb magazinesbutter cakescheese apples aspirins garden peas beef envelopes Have they got any

7. Is Carol 8. Have they got

B VocabularyWhere can you buy these things? Write them under the name of the correct shop.

BUTCHER'S C We must go to the…with so or because Use these words to write sentences using must, so and because.

1. we / bread / baker's

We haven't got any bread so we must go to the baker's to get some. We must go to the baker's to get some bread because we haven't got any.


3 / 1


Carol / potatoes / greengrocer's3.

Tom / steak / butcher's4.

Tom and Carol / money / bank5.

D About you

What must you buy or get this week? Where? and when? Write five sentences like this. I must go to the newsagent's tomorrow to get some envelopes.

1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________


I.根据首字母和汉语提示写出相应的单词 1. s___________ 购物单 2. p___________ 土豆

酒 3. t___________ 西红柿 4. w___________希望6. h___________5. v___________ 蔬菜东西 7. n___________8. t___________ 需要 10. m___________ 9. m___________ 许多(修饰不可数名词) 许多(修饰可数名词) II.选择填空 Are there ______ computer companies in your hometown?1.

B. D.muchC.a lotA. lot of lots of There isn't ______ mineral water left. We have to buy another bottle. 2. A. B. lots ofD. muchC. many a lot

Do you like this red car?— 3. No, ______ .— A. little C. not at all not so B.D.few 4.So ______ homework really makes the students feel tired. 3 / 2


A. much B. many C. little D. few

5. I must go to the ______ to buy some meat.

B. butcher's C. butchers' butcherA. butchers D.6. There isn't any milk ______ sugar. We need to buy some.

D.B. or A.and C. with to7. We should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of ______ rich food. B. A.too much much too D.very muchC. very many8. I ______ you a happy journey. wishC. hope B. D. A.desire regard9. The book ______ be John's. It has his name on it. can'tneed C. A.can D.must B.

10. Be careful! There is ______ traffic(交通).

little B. C. D. many A. lessa lot of .句型转换III (改为否定句)He has got much milk. 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2.They have got many bananas.(改为一般疑问句)

__________________________________________________________________ I'm making the bed.3. (就划线部分提问)

__________________________________________________________________ (就划线部分提问) 4.We need some potatoes.

__________________________________________________________________ (改为否定句)She often does some shopping on Sunday.5.

__________________________________________________________________ IV.完成句子 1.这周我们需要很多东西。

We need __________ __________ __________ things __________ __________. 我希望你明天也能来。2.

I hope that __________ __________ __________ tomorrow. 3.我的茶叶和咖啡不多了。 I haven't got __________ tea __________ coffee. 我们还有很多土豆吗?4. Do we have __________ __________ __________ potatoes? 5.花园里有许多树,但是花不多。 There are __________ __________ __________ trees in the garden, but there aren't __________ flowers there. 6.我们一点钱都没有了。 We haven't got __________ money __________ __________.3 / 3



