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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:王志超 李小龙 陈宇


[摘要]目的 比较国产雷帕霉素与依维莫司或佐他莫司药物洗脱支架治疗冠状动脉左主干开口及体部病变的效果。方法 选取本院2014年5月~2015年12月收治的44例冠状动脉左主干开口及体部病变行药物洗脱支架介入治疗的患者作为研究对象,按支架的类型分为国产雷帕霉素药物洗脱支架组(雷帕霉素支架组,FIREWARK、NANO)16例和依维莫司或佐他莫司药物洗脱支架组(依维莫司、佐他莫司支架组,Promus element、Xince V、Resolute)28例并随访观察。对比两组的心因性死亡(无明确的其他原因的死亡)情况,靶血管血运重建的事件发生率。结果 所有患者平均随访33个月,雷帕霉素支架组的事件发生率为6.25%,依维莫司、佐他莫司支架组的事件发生率为7.14%,两组的事件发生率比较,差异无统计学意义

(χ2=0.01,P=0.922)。结论 国产雷帕霉素药物洗脱支架治疗左主干开口及体部病变的效果不劣于依维莫司或佐他莫司药物洗脱支架。


[中图分类号] R543.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)5(c)-0051-04 [Abstract] Objective To compare the effect of domestic Rapamycin and Ivermus or Zotamos drug-eluting stents in the treatment of left main coronary artery opening and body lesions. Methods All of 44 patients with left main coronary artery ostium and body lesions treated with drug-eluting stent in our hospital from May 2014 to December 2015 were selected as the study subjects, according to the type of stents, they were divided into domestic Rapamycin drug-eluting stents group (Rapamycin stent group, FIREWARK, NANO, n=16) and Ivermus or Zotamos drug-eluting stents group (Ivermus, Zotamos stent group, n=28) and patients were followed-up and observed. The incidence of cardiogenic death (death without definite other causes) and target vessel revascularization were compared between the two groups. Results All patients were followed up for an average of 33 months. The incidence of events was 6.25% in Rapamycin stent group and 7.14% in Everolimus and Zotamos stent group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of events between the two groups (χ2=0.010, P=0.922). Conclusion The effect of domestic

Rapamycin drug-eluting stents in the treatment of left main opening and body lesions is not inferior to that of Ivermus or Zotamos drug-eluting stents.



