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读短文,看图片,根据短文描述来给每个人写上他们的名字。(4分) Here is a picture of my friends. The boy with the short red hair is Tom. He’s very funny. That’s his motorcycle. It’s nice. The girl with long black hair and blue eyes is Angela. She is quiet. She is a university student. The tall girl with short yellow hair is Ingrid. She wears glasses. She is a basketball player. She is very active. That short boy is Mike, my best friend. He has brown curly hair and green eyes. He’s very smart.

短红色头发的男孩是______, 黑色头发和兰眼睛的女孩是________, 黄色短发戴眼镜的高个女孩是________, 棕色卷发和绿眼睛的男孩是________。


你的pen pal, David从美国来信,问到你的近况如何。下面是你的课程表和School Menu.请你根据这些信息给他回信,回答他在信中谈到的问题。

What class do you have on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays? What do you have for lunch at school every day? What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday? 要求:1、内容全面,思路表述清楚。

2、用词正确,句子通顺。 3、字数在50个单词以上。

Mon. Chinese Math Tue. English Math Wed. Math Chinese Thu. Fri. Chinese English Computer Chinese Computer Moral Education . English Math Social Studies Eggplant Tomato mutton Science Music Science Music . Cabbage Green beans Pork Carrots Tofu and cake Fish and celery Computer Moral Education Cucumbers Chicken Salad Art rice Music Art Social Studies Science ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

小学英语( PEP )五年级上册期中测试题


题号 Ⅰ听力部分 一 得分 二 Ⅱ笔 试 部 分 一 二 三 四 总分 七 三 五 六 Ⅰ听力部分(30分)

一、听录音,迅速写出每个单词的首尾两个字母。(12分) 二、 1.( ) ( ) 2.( ) ( ) 3.( ) ( ) 三、 4.( ) ( ) 5.( ) ( ) 6.( ) ( )


一个女孩在扫地。 一个男孩踢足球。 一个男孩在吃晚五、 ( ) ( ) ( ) 饭。 六、 七、 ( ) ( ) ( )

一个男孩打电脑。 一个女孩在收拾衣服。 八、听短文,做选择。(8分) 七点 十点 九点 四点 八点 九、( )1. Tomorrow is ____. 十、 A. Saturday B. Monday C. Friday 十一、 ( )2. In the morning I ____.

十二、 A. read books. B. watch TV. C. do homework 十三、 ( ) I have ____.

十四、 A. Chinese B. music C. art

十五、 ( ) need ____ notebooks and a new pair of ____. 十六、 A. one; slippers B. four; scandals C. three;




二、 fun fish old but like social 三、 mutton from university on principal kind 四、

not_________________________________________________________ 五、kid_________________________________________________________ 六、bus_________________________________________________________

七、no _________________________________________________________

five________________________________________________________ 八、 九、 十、

纵横填字母组成单词。(8分) a p y g a t o t s s y 十一、


1、笔友___________ ___ 2、好吃又有益于_________________ 3、美术老师________________ 4、给我说说你的_________________ 5、午饭吃土豆________________ 6、学校校报__________________ 四、选择填空。(20分)

( ) ’m hungry. __ go to a restaurant.

A. Let is B. Let’s C. Lets’

( ) Mid-Autumn Day, people usually eat ____.

A. zongzi B. mooncakes C. dumplings ( )’s _____ math teacher?

A. you B. your C. yours ( )’s ____ like?

A. her B. she C. him

( ) tall ? Yes, she is.

A. is she B. Is her C. Is she

( )6. --Who’s that old man? -- _____ my new science teacher.

A. he’s B. His C. He is ( )7. What do you have ____ dinner today? A. in B. from C. for ( )8. -- What’s your favorite fruit? -- ________.

A. Pork. B. Carrot juice. C. Grapes. ( )9. I am hungry. I’d like ____. A. to have some noodles and pork. B. to do homework.

C. to play ping-pong.

( )10. – Who’s that young lady? -- She’s our music teacher, ____ White. A. Mr. B. / C. Miss

( )11. In America, Thanksgiving Day is the ____ Thursday in November.

A. four B. fourth C. first



