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外研版英语七年级下Module2 Unit1同步练习含答案

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Module 2 Unit 1 I can play the piano.

A 当堂检测 I.词汇运用


1.I like the English (俱乐部)very much.

2.My little brother likes music,so he wants to (加入)the Music Club. 3.Don’t (担心)!She can do it. 4.What’s on the (布告板)today?

5.I have got a new subject--physics this (学期). 6.I’ll (弹奏)the violin at the party. 7.Let’s go to (骑)a bike this afternoon,OK?

8.He often (教)his lovely daughter English on Sundays. Ⅱ.英汉互译

1.play table tennis 2.play the piano 3.ride a bike 4.speak Chinese 5.想要;希望 6.加入俱乐部 7.担心…… 8.教我们英语 9.选择某人最喜欢的俱乐部 Ⅲ.句型考查

1. you Chinese,Tony? 托尼,你会说汉语吗?

2.The new clubs this term . 这学期的新俱乐部在布告板上。

3. the English Club

第1页 共6页

speak English very well.


4. your son.I can look after him. 不用担心你儿子,我会照顾他的。

5.I the Table Tennis Club table tennis. 因为我喜欢打乒乓球,所以我选择乒乓球俱乐部。

6.Tom join the Music Club because he 汤姆想加入音乐俱乐部,因为他会弹钢琴。 Ⅳ.课文理解

根据本单元对话内容回答下列问题。 1.Which club would Daming like to join?

2.Does Betty like cooking?

3.What does Lingling like,singing or dancing?

4.Can Tony speak Chinese well?

5.Which club does Tony choose?

B 能力提升


1.Betty likes (draw),but she can’t (play)the piano. 2.I’d like (visit)the Big Ben during the holiday. 3.--Can she dance?--No,she (can). 4.--What club do you want to join? --I want to join the (swim)Club. 5.My pen friend often teaches (I) English. Ⅵ.单项选择

第2页 共6页

( )1.Victor can play piano.He can join the Music Club. A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )2.What about hiking this afternoon? A.go B.going C.to go D.went ( )3.I play tennis,but I play table tennis.

A.can;can’t B.can;can C.can’t;can’t D.am;can’t ( )4.--Would you like swimming with me? --Sorry,I have much homework to do.

A.go B.going C.goes D.to go ( )5.--I hear you have a home robot.

--Yes,it’s amazing.It do all my housework. A.must B.should C.could D.can ( )6.I can sing English songs I want to join the music club. A.and B.so C.or D.but ( )7.--Excuse me.Can you tell me what time it is now? --Sorry,I .My watch doesn’t work.

A.can’t B.may not C.mustn’t D.needn’t ( )8.--Would you like to join the club?, -- . A.Yes,I’d like B.Yes,I’d like to C.Yes,I would D.Yes,I like Ⅶ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.不用担心李丽,她能完成工作。

Don’t Li Li.She can finish the work. 2.对不起,我不会骑自行车。 Sorry,I a bike. 3.迈克不喜欢数学,你呢,戴维?

Mike doesn’t like maths. you,David? 4.这里有很多风筝,请选择你最喜欢的。

第3页 共6页

There are many kites here.Please your . 5.我会跳舞,但仅此而已。

I can dance,but . Ⅷ.补全对话(方框中有两项是多余的) Lisa:Hey,Jane.1. . Jane:Really?

Lisa:Yeah,it’s a dancing party. Jane:2. .

Lisa:Do you want to go with me? Jane:Can I?I don’t really know Susan.

Lisa:3. She said I could invite a friend. Jane:OK,then.I’d love to go.4 . Lisa:On Saturday night.

Jane:Wow,that’s the day after tomorrow !I need to get a new dress. Lisa:5 .There’s a clothes shop near here. Let’s go there after work. Jane:Sounds good!

A.Me,too. B.I hope not. C.No problem. D.what a shame! E. Sounds like fun. F When exactly is it? G.My friend Susan his having a party this weekend. Ⅸ.阅读理解

Many of the students in my class join the Art Club.We learn many things in the club.Jennifer likes playing the guitar very much,so she learns to play the guitar.Now she can play three pieces of music.Cindy likes dancing.She learns Chinese dance every afternoon after class.Now she can dance well.Victor likes playing chess.He often plays chess with Mike in the club.He often beats (打败)Mike at chess.Michelle likes painting.She paints one picture a week.Now she has 16 pictures.Some of the pictures are very good.We each can do what we like in the club,so we all like the club.

第4页 共6页

( )1.Many of the students in the class join the Club. A.Basketball B.Guitar C.Art D.Chess ( )2.How many pieces of music can Jennifer play now? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. ( )3.When does Cindy learn to dance? A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon. D.In the evening. ( )4.What does Mike do in the club?

A.Dances. B.Paints pictures. C.Sings. D.Plays chess. ( )5.Michelle has been in the dub(加入俱乐部)for about . A.four months B.two months C.ten weeks D.seven weeks


I.1.Club 2.join 3.worry 4.Board 5.term 6.play 7.ride 8.teaches

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外研版英语七年级下Module2 Unit1同步练习含答案


