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2020新版外研社选修一unit3 重难点

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Unit 3 Faster ,higher ,stronger

一. 重点词汇 1.

association n.协会,社团

association n.协会;联盟;联系,交往;联想 in association with与……联合 associate v.交往;联系;联想

associate...with...把……与……联系起来 associate with sb. 与某人交往;与某人混在一起 be associated with与……有关

表示 “和……有关系/联系”的短语还有: ①be related to ②be connected with ③be relevant to ④be linked to/with ⑤have something to do with 2.

attach vt./vi系上,缚上,附上,连接 Attach sth . to sth 把某物系到某物上 be attached to sb./sth 依恋,附属于

attach great importance/significance/value/ weight to 认为..重要有意义有价值 3.

adjust v. 适应,习惯,调整,调解 adjust …to 调整…以适应 adjust oneself to 使自己适应于 adjust to doing 适应做… adjustment n. 调整,调解 适应 make an adjustment to .对…做出调整 4.

aim n. 目标,目的,瞄准

with the aim of 旨在…

achieve one’s aim 达到某人的目标 take aim at 瞄准 aim v. aim at 瞄准

be aimed at 目的是,旨在 aim to do 旨在做某事 aimless adj. 无目的的 5. select v.

select v. 挑选,选择 select …to be …挑选…当做 select …to do…挑选…去做 select…for …为…而挑选 select…from…从…中挑选 selection n.挑选,选择 6.

expectation n. 预料,预期,期待 beyond /out of expectation 出乎意料 in/with expectation of 预料期望

live/come up to one’s expectation 达到某人的预期期望

expect v. 期待 预料

expect sb to do 期待某人做某事 7.

inspire v. 鼓舞,激励

inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事 inspire sb with sth 使产生(感觉或情感)

inspire sth in sb. 激励某人身上某物 inspiring adj.令人鼓舞的 inspired adj.激动人心的

inspiration n. 灵感,鼓舞人心的事 8.

influence v. 影响,对。。。起作用 influence sb . to do sth 影响某人做某事 n.

under the influence of 在…影响下

have an influence/effect/impact on 对…有影响

二.重点短语 1.

at the time当时 ahead of time提前 all the time一直 at a time一次;每次

at no time决不(置于句首时句子用部分倒装) at one time一度 at the same time同时 2.

give way倒塌,向下垮;让步,屈服 三.重要句式

on one’s way(=on the way)在途中;在进行中;即将到来

in the way挡道;碍事 by the way顺便说说 in a/one way在某种程度上

in no way决不(置于句首时句子用部分倒装 3.

carry on继续

carry on (with/doing) sth. 继续(做)某事 carry out实行,执行

carry away拿走;被吸引(迷住);带走;冲走 carry off成功地对付;赢得;获得(奖品、荣誉等) carry through达成;贯彻;使渡过难关 4.

set out to do sth. 开始做某事

set about (doing) sth. 开始/着手(做)某事 set aside留出;搁置 set down记下;放下

set off动身;使(烟花、炸弹等)爆炸 set up建立;创立

1.Despite his father’s successful career,Stephen was thought by many people,including his high school teammates and coaches,to be too short,too thin and too weak to follow in his father’s footsteps. [自主翻译] _______________________________________________________

2.He finally ended up playing college ball at a small,little-known school,Davidson College,not too far from where he lived.

[自主翻译] ______________________________________________________________________ 3.

Selected for the NBA in 2009 ,Stephen joined the Golden State Warriors.

[自主翻译] ______________________________________________________________________

4.I know it inspires a lot of the next generation,a lot of people who love the game of basketball to value the skill of it,value the fact that you can work every single day to get better.

[自主翻译] ______________________________________________________________________

5.Inspiring others to believe in themselves,Stephen Curry is living proof that what other people think of you does not have to influence what you become.

[自主翻译] _______________________________________________________

6. It was along this road that Stephen’s grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole.

[自主翻译] ______________________________________________________________________ 7.

Despite his father’s successful career,Stephen was thought by many people,including his high shool teammates and coaches,to be too short,too thin and too weak to follow in his father’s footsteps. [自主翻译] ______________________________________________________________________

Period Two Using language & Developing ideas 重要词汇

1. accuracy n.准确,精确 with accuracy 精确地准确地 accurate adj.准确的精确的 to be accurate 精确的说 accurately adv.精确地 2.

refer to 查阅,参考,提及,说起 refer to …as… 把…称作为 reference n.参考提及参考书 3.

keep …from doing 阻止…做

prevent …from doing stop … from doing 4.

remarkable adj.非凡的,不同寻常的 be remarkable for以……著称

remark n.言论;谈论;评论 vt.&vi.谈论,评论;谈到

make a remark/remarks on/upon对……发表评论 remark on/upon评论…… remark that...评论……;谈到…… 5.

2020新版外研社选修一unit3 重难点


