Single-wall domain arrangement
申请(专利)号: US19740534849
专利号: USRE29677E 主分类号: G11C19/08 申请权利人:
公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
摘 要:
The transfer of a domain from one channel to another in a single-wall
domain memory is effected by a transfer loop into which a domain is moved by a field from a pulsed conductor and from which a domain exits in response to a magnetic field rotating in the plane of the layer in which domains move. The
transfer loop includes two \positions associated with the two
channels between which transfer occurs. The exit of a domain from the transfer loop may be aided by a pulsed conductor also. 主权项:
申请日: 1974-12-20 公开公告日: 1978-06-20
分类号: G11C19/08 发明设计人: PETER ISTVAN
优先权: 19711109 US
摘 要 附 图:
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