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高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes三教案 新人教版必修1

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英语教案:Unit4 Earthquakes三(新人教版必修1)

高一 年级 英语 备课组

主备人 课型 验收结果: 时间 年 月 日 分管领导 课时 合格/需完善 第 周 第 课时 总第 课时 教学目标: 1. Let the students learn the usage of the word “shake”. 2. Enable the students to master the usage of the pattern “All. . . is not. . . ” and understand some difficult and long sentences. 重点、难点 1. Enable the students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as shake, injure, destroy, shock, rescue, right away, a great number of, give out, etc. 2. Get the students to master the usages of the patterns:“It seemed that the world was at an end” and “All hope was not lost”. 教 学 过 程 实 用 文 档 1 学生活动 修改意见 →Step 1 Revision 1. Check the homework exercises. Ss answer the questions 2. Ask some students to retell the reading passage A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep. raised by the teacher. →Step 2 Reading and finding Get the students to read the reading passage again to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book after class. Reading →Step 3 Discovering useful words and expressions finding and Do the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions on Page 28. Explain the problems the students meet while checking the answers. →Step 4 Language Points 1. shake vt. & vi(shook, shaken) 1)(cause sb. /sth. to)move quickly and often jerkily from 实 用 文 档 2

side to side or up and down(使某人或某物)急速摇动或颠簸 The table shook when she banged her fist on it. 她用拳头把桌子敲得直颤。 The house shook as the heavy truck went past. 重载的卡车经过时,房子摇晃起来。 2)(of a person)tremble; quiver(指人)发抖,打战 They laughed until their sides shook when they heard the joke. 这个笑话笑得他们浑身直颤。 The little boy was shaking with cold. 那个小男孩冻得发抖。 3)disturb the calmness of sb. ; trouble or shock sb. 使某人心绪不宁;烦扰或惊吓某人 This surprising development quite shook me. 这一惊人的新情况把我吓坏了。 4)make(sth. )less certain; weaken belief, etc. 动摇某人的想法;减弱 实 用 文 档 3

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes三教案 新人教版必修1


