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山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 2 We thought som

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Module8 Unit2

班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________

一. Learning aims:

1.1. Learn some new words.kilometre, shape, human, wake, somebody, about, path, pull 2. Learn a new passage. 3. Grammar: object clause 二、预习自测:

I. 预习对话,翻译下列短语。

1)允诺做… ___________________ 2) 因…而闻名__________________ 3) 叫醒某人_____________________ 4) 四处走动____________________ 5) 扯下一片叶子 ___________________ 6) 在…的顶端___________________ II. 根据首字母填空。

1. My room is 20 s__________ metres. It’s big enough.

2. Don’t want to w________ me up early tomorrow morning. I don’t want to be late. 3. The p______ led us to the top of the mountain.

4. Animals are h_________ friends. We should protect them. 5. You should p________ the door instead of pushing it. III. 翻译句子

1. 但是遗憾的是这么多云。

___________________________________________________________ 2. 明天我们打算去洞庭湖,中国第二大淡水湖。

___________________________________________________________ 3. 我从一株植物上扯下了一片叶子。

___________________________________________________________ 4. 我们认为有人正在四处走动。

____________________________________________________________ 三.精讲点拨

1. It’s very large, about 480 square kilometres. square kilometre, 表示“平方公里”。例如: Our school is about one square kilometre, it’s very large. 3. It woke everybody up.

wake的过去式为woke,过去分词为 woken。wake up是固定短语,意为“叫醒……”。当wake up的宾语是名词时,宾语可放在wake和up的中间或up的后面;当wake up的宾语是代词时,宾语只能放在wake和up的中间。例如:

Don’t wake up the baby. = Don’t wake the baby up. Let’s wake him up now.

4. We came out without making any noise, ...

without doing sth. 表示“没有做某事”。 make noise 表示“产生噪音,发出声响。 例如:

He walked past me without making any noise. 5. But it was a pity that it was cloudy.

“It’s a pity that + 从句”,表示“很遗憾 ...…”。例如: It’s a pity that he failed the exam. 6. I pulled a leaf off a plant, ...

pull 作动词时,可意为“拉,拖,拔”,表示把物体用力向自己的方向拉并使其移动。和pull相对应的词是push,意为“推”。如: Don’t push the door. Pull it, please.

pull sth. off …表示“从…...拉下...…”。例如:The child pulled a flower off the plant. 四、当堂达标

I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. They left without _________ (say) goodbye.

2. She promised me _________ (try) her best to help him. 3. He hopes _________ (visit) Zhangjiajie one way. 4. He lives on a _________ (noise) street. 5. You can’t let him __________(shout) here. II. 单项选择。

( )1. ---What are you going to do when you grow up? --- A singer, but my parents wish me _______ a teacher. A. am B. to be C. will be D. be

( )2. She ____________ her mother, some people say that they are sisters. A. looks like B. looks for C. looks up D. looks after

( )3. Don’t make any __________! The teacher is explaining to us light goes faster than ___________.

A. sound; noise B. noise; sound C. sounds; noise D. noise; sound ( )4. The young man worked in the big city ________ the year of 1982. A. during B. on C. for D. by ( )5. Your son is still sleeping. It’s better ____________. A. wake up him B. wake him up C. to wake him up D. to wake up him ( )6. ---What’s the shape of the toy? --- It’s _________ dog shape.

A. on B. in C. of D. with ( )7. He ran out of his room _______ anything.

A. without saying B. without speaking C. not say D. not speak ( )8. You mustn’t pull the picture _______ the wall. A. up B. on C. away D. off ( )9. --- Where is your father _________? --- He is in the office.

A. at once B. right now C. just now D. right away ( )10. ---_________________ is it? --- It’s about 480 square kilometers.

A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How large III. 句型转换

1. We hope Sally will have a wonderful time at the party.(改为同义句) We hope Sally will ________ ________ at the party.

2. China is about 9,600,000 square kilometers. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ is China?

3. They are walking down the street.(改为同义句) They are ________ _____ the street.

4. It is 5 kilometres from my home to school. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ is it from your home to school?


5. I wish you to be back soon. (改为同义句)

I ________ that ________ _________ ________ back soon. 五、课后提高:

I. 根据汉语提示完成句子:

1. The course must ___________(付款)one month before it begins.

2. If you are interested, please _______________________.(填写我们的表格) 3.__________(除了)learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA.

4. You will enjoy coming to Los Angeles to ___________(了解)American culture and improve your English _____________.(同时)

5.Many families ___________________(建立友谊)with the students which last for a long time. 6.They start ___________________(在……开始)July and August. 7.They often play basketball __________________.(课后) 8.She invited me to __________________(去购物)with her. 9.I spent ____________(至少)three hours doing the project. 10.She is always ___________________(参加)sports meeting. III.选出合适单词,并用其适当形式填空。 somebody path promise human protect 1. Walk along the ________ and turn right at the corner. 2. Yesterday the class monitor __________ to help me with my English. I’m sure I can learn English well.

3. The robot can do some things which _________ begins can’t do. 4. —__________ is waiting for you at the gate. — Really? Is it a man or a woman?

5. It’s our duty to _________ the environment. II. 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. 他不出声来到我的身后。

He came behind me ______ ______ ______ ______. 2. 不要叫醒其他人。

Don’t ______ ______ others. 3. 尽管动物很友好,但很可惜他们不是人。

Though animals are kind, it’s a ______ they aren’t _______. 4. 那是世界上的第三大高山。

That is the ________ _______ mountains. 5. 当你走进森林中,不要从植物上摘下叶子。

Don’t ______ ______ ______ plants when you walk into the forest. 6. 在山顶上,甚至在夏天也很冷。

________ _________ _________ _________ the mountain, it’s very cold even in summer. 7. 请尽量不要制造出噪音。

Please try not to __________ ___________ ____________. 8. 他们正在寻找那个失踪的男孩。

They ___________ ____________ ___________ the missing boy now. III. 阅读表达:阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。

Michael went back to Fullerton, his home town. His visit to Fullerton was very special to him. 3. He was born there, he grew up there. But he hadn’t been back there since he finished high school. He went to places he hadn’t gone to in years. He walked through the park and remembered the days he had walked through that same park with his friend. He passed by the field where he and his friends


had played baseball every day after school. And he stood in front of the movie theater and thought about all the Saturday afternoons he had spent there, watching his favorite movie heroes and eating popcorn.

4. He did things he hadn’t done in a long time. He had some home-made ice cream at the ice cream shop. He rode on the merry-go-round in the park, and he went fishing at the lake. For a little while, he felt like a kid again.

He saw people he hadn’t seen in years. He visited several of his old neighbors. He said hello to the owners of the candy store near his house. And he also went to see Mrs. Riley, his tenth-grade science teacher.

Michael’s trip back to Fullerton was a very nostalgic (怀旧的) experience for him. Going back to Fullerton brought back many memories of days gone by. A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。

1. Michael went to places he hadn’t gone to in years. Which places did he go? _________________________________________________________________ 2.Who did Michael visit?

_________________________________________________________________ B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。

3._________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________ C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。

5. ___________________________________________________________________


山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 2 We thought som


