1.You've got your head up your ass.
朗读者是英国人,善于模仿各种口音。他读的ass是英式发音,大家可以留心一下。 ass
2. No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny.
【翻译】不管日后如何叱咤风云,任何人都无法在年少时便预知自身的命运。 【解说】今天的每日一说选自英剧《梅林传奇》
看惯了美剧的同学,可以看看英剧,英式发音和美式发音还是有很大不同的。 destiny
3. Then let your will decide your destiny. I offer you my hand, my heart.
【翻译】那就用你的意志来决定自己的命运吧.我给你我的手,我的心。 【解说】今天的每日一说选自经典电影《简爱》 罗切斯特先生对简爱的真情告白。
4.He needs a hand to hold, a voice to guide, someone that might help him find a purpose for his gifts.
【解说】今天的每日一说选自英剧《梅林传奇》 guide purpose
5.Experience is the father of wisdom, and memory is the mother of knowledge.
【翻译】经验催生智慧,记忆孕育知识。 【解说】今天的每日一说选自《闪光的句子》 experience wisdom
6. You five were inseparable, and those feelings don't just go away.
【翻译】你们五个曾形影不离,这种感情不会轻易消失的。 【解说】今天的每日一说选自美剧《美少女谎言》 inseparable
7. Jane, I ask you to pass through life at my side. You are my equal and my likeness.
【翻译】简 ,我希望你与我共度余生。你是与我相等又相像的另一半。 【解说】今天的每日一说选自经典电影《简爱》 罗切斯特先生向简爱求婚。 equal likeness