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【期刊名称】《现代药物与临床》 【年(卷),期】2016(031)005

【摘要】Objective To discuss the protective effect of psoralen on PC-12 cell damage induced by H2O2, and investigate its mechanism.Methods PC-12 cells were divided into control model, Tempol, and psoralen groups. Cells in the control group did not receive damage or treatments, the model group was established by 400μmol/L H2O2-damage, Tempol group was cultured by 100μmol/L Tempol and 400μmol/L H2O2, and psoralen groups were cultured by 400μmol/L H2O2 and 1, 5, 10, and 20μmol/L psoralen. Cell survival rates in four groups were detected by CCK-8 method, apoptosis rates were detected by PI/Annexin and Hoechst methods, and protein expression were detected by Western blotting.Results Compared with the model group, psoralen (1, 5, 10, and 20μmol/L) could significantly improve absorbance values (P < 0.01) and cell survival rates (P < 0.05) of PC-12 cells. Apoptosis rates of psoralen (1, 5, 10, and 20μmol/L) groups were significantly lower than those of model group (P< 0.05). And with increase of psoralen concentration, apoptosis rates of PC-12 cells were gradually decreased. With longer action time, the increase amplitudes of PC-12 cells apoptosis rates among groups were similar, and obviously lower than those of model

group (P < 0.05). Psoralen could significantly up-regulate levels of p-Bad and Bcl-XL with increase of concentrations.Conclusion Psoralen has protective effect on PC-12 cell damage induced by H2O2, which is related to up-regulation of p-Bad and Bcl-XL to inhibit the apoptosis of PC-12 cell.%目的 探讨补骨脂素对H2O2诱导PC-12细胞氧化损伤的保护作用,并考察其作用机制.方法 PC-12细胞分为对照组、模型组、Tempol组和补骨脂素组.对照组中未加入补骨脂素和H2O2;模型组中加入400μmol/L H2O2;Tempol组中加入100μmol/L Tempol及400μmol/L H2O2;补骨脂素组中加入400μmol/L H2O2及1、5、10、20μmol/L补骨脂素.CCK-8法测定PC-12细胞的存活率,考察对PC-12细胞形态的影响,PI/Annexin-V、Hoechst染色检测细胞凋亡率,蛋白质印迹法检测凋亡蛋白表达.结果 5、10、20μmol/L补骨脂素均可以显著提高PC-12细胞内的吸光度值(P<0.01),细胞存活率提高较明显,与模型组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).补骨脂素1、5、10、20μmol/L组凋亡率明显低于模型组(P<0.05),并且随着补骨脂素浓度的增加,PC-12细胞的凋亡率逐渐下降.随着补骨脂素作用时间的增加,各组PC-12细胞凋亡率的增加幅度相近,但明显低于模型组(P<0.05).随着补骨脂素浓度的增加,对磷酸化Bad、Bcl-XL水平的上调作用越明显.结论 补骨脂素对H2O2诱导PC-12细胞损伤具有保护作用,其作用机制是通过上调磷酸化Bad和Bcl-XL表达来抑制细胞凋亡. 【总页数】5页(577-581)

【关键词】补骨脂素;PC-12细胞;保护作用;氧化应激;凋亡 【作者】管宇航;海舰

【作者单位】同济大学附属同济医院,上海 200065;同济大学附属同济医院,上海 200065

【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R966 【文献来源】

https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_drugs-clinic_thesis/0201240483857.html 【相关文献】

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