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作文是一项大工程,里面涉及词汇、句法、语法、行文、结构等等一系列的知识和积累。为了方便自己复习和朋友共享, 我参考了很多的作文方便的参考书和网上的参考资料,精心挑选例句和范文,花费了大量的时间,总结了这个作文宝典。小部 分是复制粘贴整理过来,大部分是一字一字地输入的,心血奉献!



1、 胡敏考研英语高分作文,胡敏,中国广播电视出版社 2、 新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导,朱泰祺,北航出版社 3、 06考试中心八套题,张剑,新华出版社 4、 06恩波毕金献冲刺试题解析,毕金献 5、 06恩波考研5套卷 6、 06新航道命题预测五套题 7、 05年考试中心八套题 8


9、 05管卫东冲刺作文讲义 10、 胡敏经典写作指导

11、 05考研英语最后冲刺高端预测,张子宏 12、 网络上各种讲义和资料

为了方便查找,全文分以下几部分: 概述:考研写作五大训练法 第一部分:简单词汇升级

第二部分:写作常用词汇总结(希望大家多多总结补充) 第三部分:常用写作句式

第四部分:胡敏高分作文 300句精选 第五部分:写作模板 第六部分:自己精选的范文 第七部分:权威模拟题的范文



1精读:仔细阅读范文,欣赏并标岀精彩的用词和句型,体会上下文中表达的精妙,提高对精彩语言的敏感度,要多写,多记。 O2背诵:背精彩词汇,背精彩句型,背精彩句子,背精彩框架,背精彩段落 ,通过背诵完成从欣赏到掌握的过程,别人的变 成自己的。


O4互译:英文一中文;中文------英文,与原文核查核对,发现自己不足,纠正提高。使自己逐步写岀规范的语言,达到和 原文作者


5效仿:在范文中学到的单词,词组,句型,框架放在新的语境下模仿创作,造句写作。在新的作文中保留一定闪光点 第一部分:简单词汇升级(闪光词汇得分点) 1. It is very_ important that


2. Teacher and students are?? as well as

3. One important point is being left out vital / essential 4. The advantages derived from A is more important than the disadvantages of B 5. The most important reason is fundamental be 6. A may be better than B superior to 7. There is no doubt that it has its drawbacks as well as good points merits 8. It may produce a great rise in considerable / drastic 9. There is every possibility that chance problem 10. Like anything else, it has also its disadvantages

carry more weight than

11. When the advantages and disadvantages are weighed, the most striking findings are 12. Although the belief is that

…a current study reveals thatptbpular view is that 13. A resent study indicates that~ survey / investigation 14. A new survey show that … indicate / demonstrate 15. Most of us have been taken in by the notion that The majority of people

16. Now in many countries, most of people … a significant proportions of the pubic 17. Some people may say that … argue

18. At first glance, it may seem a good idea …praiseworthy 19. To assume that

….nonsense . Far from being prove

20. The decline mainly comes from— the fact -stems from 21. The success is because of several factors

largely attributable to

22. A number of factors could lead to the failure account for 23. No amount of sacrifice can make up for ?- . compensate for 24. The smallest improvement can bring about …slightest

clear . obvious / apparent


25. It is almost impossible that …inconceivable

26. One of the burning questions our society face confront 27. Now more and more people are coming to realize … people in growing numbers 28. Generally speaking

, studying too hard may be harmful to students

It goes without saying that

29. The question of …has now arisen as noteworthy issue 30. There is no effective approach to the problem of

?s but --usiifuit be


31. The future is not quite encouraging prospect 32. However right the arguments may be, sound 33. He makes an excuse to avoid trouble 34. He had great success in achievements 35. Let us pray for the sick, the old and the poor ??needy 36. She couldn stop laughing at. resist 37. I am surprised at his statement that ?be. amazed 38. The best treatment for grief is hard work at remedy 39. He took a vow to give up alcohol abstain from

40. He was sure to fail the exam if he doesn ' t do any revision

was bound to

41. We feel sorry for his sufferings agony 42. Great progress have been made in the field of leaps

43. He couldn 'explain his absence from school account for

44. Get rid of all errors from the typescript eliminate

45. All our efforts were unsuccessfully

in vain 46. Find out the thing you want to keep.

Sort out | 47. He has asked the physician about his health consult 48. The boy enjoys basketball g-is crazy about

49. You ' d bettewatch that fellows .

keep an eye on 50. Parents often develop their children

s taste for musixitivate 51.1 feel unable to talk with anyone about anything

converse indispensable 52. Your help is necessary for the success of the project 53. I hope to stop commuting every day long to 54. It changed his whole way of life mode 55. They live in a large room spacious 56. We walk backwards and forwards on the lawn stroll 57. They came in_groups_ in twos and threes 58、 危害 harm——endanger /damage/threaten 59、 获得 get ——obtain /acquire/derive from 60、 解决 solve---- settle /resolve/tackle 61、 问题 /危机 /灾难 problem---difficulty/crisis/disaster 62、 著名的 famous ---- distinguished /prestigious 63、 充足的 enough---- sufficient /adequate/abundant 64、 出色的 good/great——remarkable /marvelous/impressive 65、 严重的 bad ——serious /severe/grave 66、 快乐的 happy——delighted /in good mood/in high spirits 67、 很多的 many---- innumerable /countless/a large number of

68、 表明,揭示: Show ---- indicate reveal reflect, demonstrate, imply, suggest, illustrate



表格图 table ;图表 chart ; diagram graph column 描述:show ; describe; illustrate; reveal; represent

数字 figure ;数据 statistic; 百分比 percentage ;比例 proportion 一般 have 10% ; at 20%; over 40% 在面积上 in area 最高 peaks ; reached a peak /high point 最低 bottomed out ; reached the bottom

变化 increase; jump; rise; climb; decrease; fall; drop; decline; reduce; fluctuate; remain; steady; stable; stay; same 程度 sudden /suddenly; rapid /rapidly; dramatic /dramatically; significant /significantly; sharp /sharply;

gradua l/gradually; slow /slowly; slight /slightly; stable /stably; almost; nearly; approximately; exactly; precisely /decrease by (写出变化幅度) 合计 200 美元 add up to $200

总数达:add up to

占世界总人数的 20% make up 20% of 从 .. 增加至U rose /grew/climbed fromg-to 增加到grew up to 增至最高峰: Rise to a high of 减少至U decrease to 跌至最低谷: drop to a low of 相当于 ... 的 3 倍 three times as -g.as

大幅度增长 increase sharply 飞速:rapidly ; sharply ; steeply 高居榜首 Top the list /head the chart

steep /steeply; ;increase by



