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大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)自测Reading Master 2_Test Bank_Unit 06

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Unit 6 Close to Home or Worlds

A. Vocabulary

Directions: Choose a word from the box to complete sentences 1 to 5. Each is used only one time.

1. There is a lot of for improvement in our work. 2. The results of the test are . We’re going to have a baby! 3. The brand’s advertisements are in this city.

4. That of the ball made it difficult for the goalkeeper to save the shot. 5. I’m really not sure where I left my wallet. It’s .

Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

6. The best way to a mistake is to take responsibility for it. a. undo b. master c. mark d. organize 7. Waiting at the doctor’s office, the boy was scolded by his mother in front of everyone. a. hearty b. ill-mannered c. professional d. unambiguous 8. The teacher made a with is finger over his lips to silence the students during the talk. a. jab b. context c. gesture d. mark 9. Advertising and bright lights are in big bustling cities like Taipei. a. figures b. main parts c. jabs d. the norm 10. This diamond ring has been from my great grandmother. a. steeped in b. passed down c. fixed up d. carried on 11. The Olympic Games have the tradition of lighting a torch. a. steeped in b. passed down c. given way d. carried on

puzzling scope ubiquitous unambiguous bobble Apart?

B. Grammar

12. The main station is currently being so there are a lot of construction worker walking around there. a. fixing up b. fixed up c. fix d. fixes up


13. after apologizing to the professor was the student allowed back in to the

classroom. a. Rarely b. Never c. Little d. Only 14. was my joy in seeing my brother for the first time in a year that I burst into tears. a. Rarely b. Little c. Such d. Scarcely 15. have I ever written such a difficult test as this one. a. Seldom b. Only c. No sooner

d. Such

16. we known about your birthday, we would have bought you a gift. a. Never had b. Rarely have c. Only have d. Had

C. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the passage and choose the best answer for the questions that follow.

As well as different kinds of physical greetings, different phrases are used to say hello and goodbye in different cultures. For example, in China, someone might ask whether you’ve already eaten. They aren’t inviting you for dinner, but just saying “hello.” During Divali, the most important Hindu festival, Indians might greet their fellow celebrants with the expression “Have you bathed in the Ganges, yet?” as the Ganges is considered a holy river and to bathe in it is to be blessed. As for saying “goodbye,” visitors to North America can often be confused by phrases such as “Let’s do lunch”or “We’ll have to get together soon.” Neither of these are actual offers or invitations to meet, but just ways to say goodbye. In Japan, when a worker leaves to go home, rather than saying goodbye, his or her colleagues will usually simply say “You’re tired.” 17. Which of the following would be the best heading for the passage? a. A Passage to India b. Let’s Do Dinner c. Greeting Habits d. A Day in China

18. In which country or region would it be appropriate to ask if someone bathed? a. India b. North America c. Japan d. No information is given. 19. What is the name of the festival mentioned in the passage? a. The Ganges b. The Divali c. The Holy River d. The Blessed

20. According to the passage, why do people use different expressions to say hello or good-bye? a. They say them to be funny.

b. They only use them during festivals.

c. They only use them with family and friends. d. No information is given.


大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)自测Reading Master 2_Test Bank_Unit 06


