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[B] Excited. [C] Surprised.

分析:情感态度题。根据对话可知,男士迷路了,女士指路后又觉得路线复杂,天还快要下雨了。最后男士通过What a day!表达了自己不愉快的心情。

Text 9 采访旅游咨询处的工作人员 250

W: Hello, welcome to this week’s “People You Meet”. Today, we present to you Mark Leach, an information officer in London.

M: Hi, everyone. My name’s Mark Leach. I’m an information officer at the Britain Business Center, which is a tourist office for the British Tourist Board in London. Here, we offer a tourist information service to mainly visitors from overseas. And each year, we have about 500,000 people come to the office.

W: Wow, that’s a large number of people. How do you manage to meet the needs of so many people

M: I’m in charge of an information team. The team has about ten officers who give tourist information directly over the counter to visitors. We speak a total of thirteen languages altogether.

W: That’s pretty cool! So, what exactly do you do every day

M: Well, we act as a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to come in.



So, it could be that they want a day-trip from London, which is a very popular request. And we can offer suggestions of where to go and how to get there. If people want a two-week tour of Britain, we can plan out exactly where to visit, what roads to take.

W: So, do you have any suggestions for people coming to Britain M: A good suggestion is to see as much as you can, but try to come back again and again to see different parts of the country. Because in that way, you’ll really experience it. 14. What is “People You Meet” [A] An office party. [B] A training course. [C] A radio program.

分析:推理判断题。根据Hello, welcome to this week’s “People You Meet”. Today, we present to you Mark Leach, an information officer in London.可知, “People You Meet”最可能是一档电台节目。 15. How many people does Mark’s office receive every year [A] 100,000. [B] 200,000. [C] 500,000.

分析:事实细节题。根据And each year, we have about 500,000 people



come to the office. 可知答案。

16. What do we know about Mark [A] He is a team leader. [B] He was born in London. [C] He speaks thirteen languages.

分析:事实细节题。He is a team leader. 是原文中I’m in charge of an information team. 的同义转述。

17. What do Mark and his co-workers usually do to help people [A] Show them around. [B] Plan tours for them. [C] Teach them English.

分析:事实细节题。根据And we can offer suggestions of where to go and how to get there. If people want a two-week tour of Britain, we can plan out exactly where to visit, what roads to take. 可知,Mark和同事们经常帮人们计划旅行。 Text 10 回忆童年时期 202

M: Right! Next, I’ll tell you something about my childhood. Although we have always lived in the same city, my family and I moved a lot since I was



old enough to remember. We don’t have our own house. We have always rented them. For eight years, we lived downtown in a large 10-story building with no less than 30 apartments in it. The conditions were very good. But on the other hand, we had a lot of problems. Imagine how difficult and colorless life was for a nine-year-old boy, full of life, having no place to play freely. No sun, no open air, no football games. School’s from 7:30 to noon and the afternoon’s spent in a room studying, reading, or playing indoor games with a friend or two. No outdoor activities because the streets were too dangerous, and the parents much too afraid to let a young boy go out. How I wished for the weekends to come. I could then burst out with joy and happiness when we went out for a visit to some friends or relatives, a picnic, or even a car ride. I think that’s one of the reasons why I became such a strong nature lover.

18. How long did the speaker and his family live in the downtown apartment [A] 8 years. [B] 10 years. [C] 30 years.

分析:事实细节题。根据独白中的For eight years, we lived downtown in a large 10-story building with no less than 30 apartments in it. 可知答案。



19. What was the reason for the speaker’s unpleasant childhood [A] Strict family rules.

[B] Little chance to play outside. [C] Too much school work.

分析:事实细节题。根据独白中的No sun, no open air, no football games.和No outdoor activities because the streets were too dangerous可知答案。play outside是 outdoor activities的同义转述。

20. What does the speaker think of outdoor activities [A] Colorless. [B] Dangerous. [C] Enjoyable.

分析:观点态度题。根据How I wished for the weekends to come. I could then burst out with joy and happiness when we went out for a visit to some friends or relatives, a picnic, or even a car ride. I think that’s one of the reasons why I became such a strong nature lover.可知,演讲者一直渴望户外运动,这也正是他如此热爱大自然的原因。



