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【最新】外研版八年级英语下册Module1 Unit2教案

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新外研版八年级英语下册Module1 Unit2教案

一、教学内容:Unit2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 二、课型:Reading and writing 三、 教学目标:

1、 正确运用本模块的词汇:as, as, volleyball, sailing, creative, lazy, useful, develop, skill, camp, activity, workshop, professional, imagine, senior, teenage, teenager, result, enjoyment, success, should, mountain biking, as well as, such as, come out, as a result.







五、教学准备:PPT 六、教学过程:

教学步骤 Step One Lead-in (3’) Step Two Pre- reading (5’) 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Dome some revision. The students talk about 先引导学生回顾Have the students to talk their hobbies. 上节课的内容,巩about their hobbies. 固所学的知识点。 Show part of many pictures of different kind of hobbies and ask the Ss to guess what hobby it is. While guessing, have the Ss make simple comment on each hobby Look at the pictures, guess and say what hobby it is. While guessing, make simple comment on each hobby, like: I like mountain biking because it is exciting. I like painting because it is creative. You can draw everything you imagine in your mind I like growing flowers and vegetables because it can bring me enjoyment and 利用学生所喜爱的猜测游戏,将学生导入篇章学习,激发学生对篇章的喜爱,同时对不同的兴趣爱好作简单评述,将生词教学放入适当语境之中,训练学生对生词的猜测技能,也为后续的篇章教学扫除词汇障碍。 教 学 活

精品资料 动 教 学 活 动 Step Three While- reading (20’) success. I don’t like sailing because I am not a good swimmer and I don’t have good swimming skills. 1.Scanning and 1. Scanning and skimming skimming Ask the students to read The students to scan the the passage quickly, and passage, and find out the find out the answer to answer to the question the question \are \are David's David's hobbies? \hobbies? \ 2. Reading for specific 2. Reading for specific information information Let the students read the The students read the passage in Activity 3 passage in Activity 3 carefully and choose the carefully and choose the best answer for the best answer for the following sentences. following sentences. ( ) 1.) People usually have hobbies because they are ____________. A. interesting B. relaxing and creative C. important D. useful and relaxing ( ) 2.) ____________ is a useful activity for a summer camp. A. Writing B. Sailing C. Playing volleyball D. Growing vegetable ( ) 3.) It took David ___________ on a summer camp in 2000. A. 4 weeks B. two months C. the whole summer holiday D. 14 days ( ) 4.) David became a successful writer ___________ A. in 2000 B. When he studied in senior school. C. when his book came out in 2003. D. when he was a student ( ) 5.) Maybe David is interested in ______ A. sailing B. mountain biking C. climbing D. writing 通过学生快速阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能力。 学生带着问题第二次阅读篇章,旨在使学生掌握篇章的细节信息,并通过选择题题来检查学生对篇章的初步理解程度。

精品资料 for 第三次读篇章,意在对篇章加深理comprehension. comprehension. 解,帮助学生深层Organize the Ss to read the Read the passage careful 次的理解篇章的passage again, answer the again and answer the 主旨,并结合自身,进行拓展。 questions. following questions. 3. Reading for 3. Reading 1) Why do people usually have hobbies? 2)Which hobby is David interested in most? 3)Why has David been very lucky? 4)What is David’s plan about his main hobby? 5)What should we learn from David’s attitude towards his hobby? 4. Language points in 4. Language points in the the passage. passage. a. Let the students work a. The students work in in groups to read the groups to read the passage, passage, and find out the and find out the language language points and points and difficulties. difficulties. b. Solves the difficulties. b. Solves the difficulties. Language points: Many students have hobbies such as … Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new … As well as the usual activities, … She asked us to imagine that we were in a story. David wrote a story about teenage life, and it came out… …, and as a result, David has … I spend some of my free time playing volleyball… Maybe I’ll write more books in the future, but I’m not sure Step Four Post-reading (10’) 1. Retell 1. Retell Organize the students to The students read the 复述课文能使学read the passage and fill passage and fill in the 生加深对课文内in the blanks according blanks according to the 容的理解。 to the passage. passage.

精品资料 Many students have____, such as reading, _____, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking after_____. Some hobbies are_______ and others are_________. Hobbies can make you grow as person, _________ your interests and you learn new ______, It's sometimes difficult to remember that we shouldn't spend all our time ________ hobby. There are many other __________things to do in life, and we should __________to do something new or different. 2. Writing 2. Writing a. Let the students a. The students rewrite the rewrite the sentences in sentences Activity6 using Activity6 using the the expressions: as well as, expressions: as well as, such as, as a result, as well such as, as a result, as well b. Organize the students b. Work in pairs. Make an to make an interview interview about their about their partner's partner's hobbies. And use hobbies. the questions in the form and write your partner’s information 写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。 What's your hobby? How often do you do it? Where do you do it? Why do you enjoy your hobby? Then ask them to Then write a passage write a passage called called My classmate's My classmate's hobby hobby according to their according to their partner's answers. partner's answers. Step Five Summary(2’) Step Six Home- work (1’)

Get the students to sum Sum up the language 引导学生对这节up the language points. points. 课的总结,让学生T: What have we learnt 做自由发言,培养today? 学生自主学习,自S: …… 主总结的良好学习习惯 课后作业有助于Have the student write a Write a passage called 学生巩固已学的My classmate's hobby passage called 知识。 My classmate's hobby 精品资料 板设 书计 教 学 反 思 Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 1.such as 2. as well as 3. come out 4. as a result 达标训练题



Hobbies can _____ you _____ ____ a person. 2). 一些爱好是放松的,另一些是有创造力的 Some hobbies are _____ and _____ are _____. 3). 结果,David 成为一名成功的年轻作家。

____ ___ _____, David has become a _____ young writer.

4). David 在高中写了一篇关于青少年生活的故事,并在2003年做成图书出版了。

In ____ _____ ____ David wrote a story _____ teenage life, and it _____ _____ as a book in 2003. 5). 那本书是2004 年出版的。

The book ________ ________ in 2004. 6). 他的歌使他闻名于世。

【最新】外研版八年级英语下册Module1 Unit2教案


