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英 语

本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项:

1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。

2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卷相应的位置上。 3. 全部答案应在答题卷上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卷一并交回。


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Get kids excited about reading and writing.

Enter our writing and drawing contest for a chance to win great prizes. Brought to you by Reader’s digest and Weekly Reader and noted children’s author Mary Pope Osborne(The Magic Tree House series).


A $500 U.S. Savings Bond A library of books (valued at $ 125)

Great LeapFrog prizes including the Tag Reading System A certificate signed by contest judge Mary Pope Osborne

Your submissions posted on ReadersDigest. com How to enter

Children aged 5-12 should respond in words and/or pictures to the questions, “Your favourite has jumped out of the book to spend the day with you. Tell us: What happens next?”

One winner will be chosen for each age group:

Ages 5-6:Please submit a drawing no larger than 8.5cm x11cm and an essay written in child’s own words—may be dictated to an adult – of up to 50 words. Essay must be typed or written in blue or black ink.

Ages 7-9: Please submit an essay of up to 150 words. Essay must be typed or written in blue or black ink. Drawings welcome(but optional). Must be no larger than 8.5 cm x 11cm.

Ages 10-12: Please submit an essay of up to 350 words. Essay must be typed or written in blue or black ink. Drawings welcome(but optional). Must be no larger than 8.5 cm x11cm.

Entry should be mailed along with their name, age, mailing address and e-mail address to: Read, Write, Win! Contest Reader’s Digest Magazine

260 Madison Avenue, 5 Floor, New York, NY 10016 All entries must be postmarked by October 31, 2016. 21.What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To persuade readers to attend the contest.

B. To give information about the contest. C. To get kids excited about reading and writing. D. To give kids a chance to earn money.


22. Whoever wins the contest can ______.

A. gain a total of $625 in cash B. get a library of books valued at $ 500 C. see his work on ReadersDigest.com D. win a certificate to go to library 23.What’s the difference between Ages 7-9 and Ages 10-12 in request of entry?

A. The word number of the essay. B. The color of the submission. C. The size of the submission. D. The form of the essay.


Despite gains in recent years,women still fall behind men in some areas of math achievement,and the question of why has caused heated argument. Now,a study of first and second graders suggests what may be part of the answer:Female primary school teachers who are concerned about their own skills could be passing that along to the little girls they teach.

Young students tend to model themselves after adults of the same sex,explained Beilock,an associate professor in psychology at the University of Chicago. Little girls may learn to fear math from the women who are their earliest teachers. Beilock and her colleagues studied 52 boys and 65 girls in classes taught by 17 different teachers. Ninety percent of the US primary school teachers are women,as was all of those in this study.

Students’ math ability was not related to teachers’ math anxiety at the start of the school year,but at the end of the year,the more anxious teachers were about their own skills,the more likely their female students—but not the boys—were to agree to that “boys are good at math and girls are good at reading”.In addition,the girls who answered that way scored lower on math tests than either the classes’ boys or the girls who had not developed such a belief,the researchers found.

After seeing the results,the researchers recommended that the math requirements for obtaining a

primary education teaching degree should be rethought. “If the next generation of teachers,especially primary school teachers,is going to teach their students more effectively,more care needs to be taken to develop both strong math skills and positive math attitudes in these educators,” the researchers wrote.

“Girls who grow up believing females lack math skills wind up avoiding harder math classes. It keeps girls and women out of a lot of careers,particularly in science technology,” Beilock said. 24.We can learn from the first three paragraphs that ______. A. teachers in US primary schools are mostly females

B. the students involved in the study are starters at primary school C. young students usually follow example of their female teachers D. it’s true that boys do well in math while girls do well in reading 25. We can we infer from the text?

A. Beilock’s study will bring about a primary education revolution. B. Girls’ lack of confidence in math skills affects their future jobs.

C. The performance of the students changed little during the process of the study. D. The researchers argued that current primary school education needed improving. 26. What’s the suggested solution to the phenomenon mentioned in the text?

A. Using different approaches to excite students’ interest in math. B. Reducing the number of situations that make teachers anxious. C. Creating more chances for boys and girls to work together in class. D. Improving teachers’ math skills and changing their math attitudes. 27. What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Girls may learn math anxiety from female teachers.

B. Boys are free from the math anxiety of female teachers.

C. Primary school teachers have a far-reaching influence on students. D. Students should learn how to hold positive attitudes towards math.


The word \is the most frequently spoken all-purpose expression on the planet — and it's turning 176 years old on March 23, 2015. The term was born during a 19th-century abbreviation(缩写) craze and went on to international fame with its own hand gesture.

Last year, Henry Nass, a 64-year-old retired English teacher, a New Yorker, had spent the last few weeks handing out cards championing \

\matter where people are from they use the word 'OK,' but they don't know where it comes from,\

The word is OK, perhaps, but its history is definitely better than average. Late etymologist Allen Walker Read traced the two-letter word to 1839, when editors at the Boston Morning Post signed off on articles as “all correct” with a simple word “OK”.

The word made it into print on March 23 of that year, in an article against a rival editor in Providence who had stated wrongly that a band of Bostonians heading to New York would pass through the Rhode Island capital (Providence).

\said not a word about our team passing 'through the city' of Providence,\the Morning Post reported. \— all correct.\

The humor of the Providence-Boston joke has been lost to history — but the word OK took off from there, soon connoting(隐含) agreement, acceptance, averageness, quality or likability.

By 1840, it served as a slogan for President Martin Van Buren's unsuccessful reelection campaign.



