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课时跟踪检测(十) Language Awareness 5, Culture Corner &

Bulletin Board


1.You will be informed when the book becomes available (可得到的).

2.Pigeons navigate (导航) less accurately when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.

3.The iron has lost its magnetic (有磁力的) force.

4.My grandfather learn shoe-make as an apprentice to a master craftsman (工匠).

5.All the children are tested in basic literacy (读写能力). Ⅱ.选词填空

as well as, lead to, plenty of, arrange for sb. to do sth., prevent ... from ... 1.Action as_well_as thought is necessary for us to learn English well. 2.There are plenty_of apple trees in this area, which help stop the soil from being washed away.

3.My boss arranged_for me to discuss the business details with a merchant from Canada.

4.The government has done much to prevent the dam from the possible flood. 5.We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only leads_to violence. Ⅲ.完成句子

1.I arrived first. The_next_(one)_to_come was Tom. 我是第一个到的。第二个到的是汤姆。

2.He is the only person to_know_the_truth. 他是唯一一个知道真相的人。

3.I decided to go with them, because I had_nothing_better_to_do. 我决定同他们一起去,因为我没有更好的事情可做。

4.Relations between the two nations have_never_been_better. 两国关系从来没有这样好过。 Ⅳ.完形填空

We all know that eating too much junk food is bad for our health, and unhealthy

foods are the main __1__ the world is fatter and sicker than ever before. But did you know that eating some kinds of __2__ foods could be just as bad for you?

__3__, some of these foods which are __4__ healthy by many people turn out to be unhealthy and the truth was quite __5__.

Michel Simon, who founded the Centre for Informed Food Choices in the USA, __6__ there are sugary sports drinks that are as unhealthy as cola. “Sports drinks were __7__ with athletes in mind. These drinks contain salt and sugar, which can be __8__ for athletes in many cases. __9__, most regular people don't need any additional salt, __10__ they certainly have no need for liquid (液态的) sugar. These __11__ may end up doing more __12__ than good for kids doing ordinary exercise.”

Breakfast cereals (谷类食物), which are greatly __13__ by kids, have also been criticized. __14__they are often high in fiber, some of them contain a lot more sugar and salt than you would __15__. In addition, some of the foods we have come to know as “health snacks” have __16__ been added to the black list. Although they look and sound nutritious, in most __17__ they are much tastier than they are healthy for you. __18__, some types of dried fruit were __19__ to have more fat and sugar than the fruit they were produced from.

So next time you __20__ to cut down on junk food, think twice about what you end up eating instead.


1.A.idea C.result

B.reason D.disadvantage

解析:选B unhealthy foods是“the world is fatter and sicker than ever before”的主要“原因(reason)”。

2.A.cheap C.diet

B.tasty D.health

解析:选D 根据下文介绍的一些所谓的健康食物其实并不健康可知,吃这些“健康(health)”食物也对身体有害。

3.A.Hopelessly C.Surprisingly

B.Importantly D.Interestingly

解析:选C 根据该句中的“healthy by many people turn out to be unhealthy”可知,很多人“认为(considered)”一些健康的食物实际并不健康,这是“出人意料的(Surprisingly)”。

4.A.considered C.reported

解析:选A 参见上题解析。 5.A.familiar C.simple

B.proved D.kept

B.general D.different

解析:选D 根据上文中的“turn out to be unhealthy”以及下文对这些所谓的健康食物的举例可知,事实的真相和人们持有的错误观点“不相同(different)”。

6.A.means C.supposes

B.says D.imagines

解析:选B 根据下文引号中Michel Simon说的内容可知,此处用says。 7.A.served C.designed

B.enjoyed D.ordered

解析:选C 根据Sports drinks和athletes之间的关系可知,运动饮料是为运动员“设计(designed)”的。

8.A.useful C.strong

B.terrible D.enough

解析:选A 既然运动饮料是为运动员设计的,因此很多情况下对他们“有益(useful)”。 9.A.Therefore C.However

B.Besides D.Anyway

解析:选C 上一句介绍运动饮料对运动员有益,该空后介绍绝大多数普通人不需要这些额外的盐分和糖分,语意间为转折关系,故填However。

10.A.but C.so

B.and D.because

解析:选B “绝大多数人不需要任何额外的盐分”和“他们当然也不需要液态的糖分”之间为并列关系,故填and。

11.A.sports C.snacks

B.needs D.drinks

解析:选D 该段主要围绕运动饮料这一话题展开,再结合上文的观点可知,这些“饮料(drinks)”对于进行普通锻炼的孩子“害处(harm)”大于好处。

12.A.harm C.work

解析:选A 参见上题解析。 13.A.suggested C.discussed

B.wonders D.pains

B.liked D.made

解析:选B 此处介绍广为孩子们“喜爱(liked)”的早餐谷类食物也受到批判。 14.A.Since C.When

B.Before D.While

解析:选D “纤维含量高”和“糖、盐的含量超标”之间为转折关系,故填While。 15.A.allow C.expect

B.ask D.save

解析:选C 一些早餐谷类食物的糖和盐含量比你“预想(expect)”的还要高。 16.A.also C.again

B.soon D.once

解析:选A 上文列举了运动饮料和早餐谷类食物两种不健康的食物,此处指一些所谓健康的小吃“也(also)”榜上有名,上了不健康食物的黑名单。

17.A.ways C.parts

B.cases D.plans

解析:选B 根据上半句“Although they look and sound nutritious”可知,一些健康零食看起来有营养,但多数“情况(cases)”下是美味可口,并不健康。

18.A.As usual C.At first

B.In short D.For example

解析:选D “some types of dried fruit”是对上文“health snacks”的“举例(For example)”。

19.A.prepared C.found

B.realized D.searched

解析:选C 一些果脯被“发现(found)”含有过多的脂肪和糖分。 20.A.decide C.agree

B.fail D.forget

解析:选A 根据全文的内容可知,我们都知道垃圾食品有害健康,却忽略了一些所谓的健康食物的害处,因此,下次你“决定(decide)”少吃垃圾食品时,也要想清楚自己最后吃的到底是不是健康的食物。


Whether you want help with taking notes, revising or managing time, just read on.

☆SoundNote (iOS) is a popular lecture capture (捕捉) app for iPad users, acting as a notepad and audio (音频的) recorder and allowing students to store an entire lecture in both visual and audio form. Other than SoundNote, one of the most popular lecture capture apps is Lecture Capture(iOS).Additionally, Notes Plus (iOS) and The

Voice Recorder (iOS) are also of good quality.

☆EverNote Peek (iOS) is a popular revision app. It uses revision notes (made on EverNote) in order to quiz users about what they've learnt so far. The EverNote Peek revision app uses an iPad's cover to hide and show clues about answers to users' revision topics, making it easier for users to quiz themselves. If you're very enthusiastic in a flash card, you may also consider StudyBlue which uses your course information to create a selection of card sets for related revision.

☆There are also apps which aim to prepare users for certain exams such as the MCAT, GMAT, LSAT and GRE tests. BenchPrep allows users to connect with other test-takers and read revision materials with quizzes, notes, etc. Users are able to track their learning progress.

☆Popular student planner apps include Timetable (Android), an app having a sharp and clean interface (界面) onto which users can arrange their timetables without difficulty. If you are interested in more familiar-looking planner apps for students, consider those with more familiar spreadsheets (电子数据表), such as My Class Schedule (Android) and Class Timetable (iOS).

语篇解读:本文是应用文。文章介绍了一些对学生有用的应用程序。 1.Who would most probably use SoundNote? A.Those who cannot go to school themselves. B.Those who suffer from hearing disability. C.Those who would like to record a lecture. D.Those who are prepared to give a speech.

解析:选C 细节理解题。由第二段的“SoundNote (iOS) is a popular lecture capture (捕捉) app for iPad users, acting as a notepad and audio (音频的) recorder and allowing students to store an entire lecture in both visual and audio form”可知选C。

2.Which app would you use if you want to test yourself on what you've learned? A.Notes Plus. C.BenchPrep.

B.EverNote Peek. D.The Voice Recorder.

解析:选B 细节理解题。由第三段的前两句可知,EverNote Peek是一款可以帮助学生复习并且自我检测的应用程序。

3.What can the apps listed in the last paragraph help users do? A.Manage their time better. B.Receive materials for exams.



