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Lesson 91 and Lesson 92

一 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. Has Ian ______ (sell) his house yet? 2. He is poor in ______ (play) football. 3. Please give him my ______ (regard).

4. I don’t want to miss ______ (see) that film on TV tonight. 5. It will snow ______ (heavy) tomorrow.

6. This is a quiet ______ (neighbour) with good shops. 7. It’s my ______ (please).

8. There were many ______ (person) at the race. 9. The house is for ______ (sell).

10. What he said is worth ______ (think) of.

二 用适当的词及所给单词的首字母填空使句意完整(10分) 1. It is so wet. When did it r______?

2. Ian hasn’t moved to his new house y______.

3. They w______ move into this house the day after tomorrow. 4. I arrived too late and m______ the train. 5. He can’t m______ his legs in the small car. 6. The weather has been p______ these days.

7. Ian has always been a good person to his n______. 8. You have to r______ for my feelings.

9. Ian didn’t want to leave this house, but his w______ did. 10. The house is old. It needs p______ again.

三 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (10分)

1. Tom ______ (have) a shave the day after tomorrow.

2. I ______ not ______ (get) a letter from her since she left. 3. I ______ not ______ (believe) it until I see with my eyes. 4. ______ we ______ (go) to the park next weekend? 5. I watched them sitting and ______ (talk) happily. 6. Hurry up, or you ______ (be) late for school. 7. ______ they ______ (come) back yet? 8. She ______ (live) in the city for years. 9. He ______ just ______ (leave) here.

10. He looked for his pen this morning and he ______ (find) it.

四 用下列短语的适当形式填空 (10分) regard…as, move along, be poor in, in the neighbourhood of, think about, give my regards, miss seeing, make an appointment, move in, pack their bags 精品文档


1. Don’t stop. ______. Go on.

2. He is not good in Chinese. He ______ it.

3. There are many shops ______ the train station. 4. Let’s ______ where to spend our holiday.

5. Please ______ my ______ to Ian when you see him. 6. I don’t want to ______ the film on TV tonight.

7. Mr. Croft must wait for his turn because he didn’t ______ with the nurse. 8. We have bought the house, but we can’t ______ until next month. 9. We ______ him ______ our helper.

10. They are busy ______ because they are leaving for holiday.

五 选择填空 (15分)

( ) 1. ______ Ian ______ his house yet? Yes, he ______ it last week.

A. Did, sell; sold B. Has, sold; has C. Has, sold; sold D. Has, sold; has sold

( ) 2. The baby didn’t stop crying ______ his mother came back. A. until B. after C. when D. because ( ) 3. When ______ Ian ______ out? Tomorrow afternoon.

A. did, move B. has, moved C. does, move D. will, move

( ) 4. Go down the street until you come to the end of it. Then you can see a white house. You can’t ______ it.

A. find B. lose C. miss D. watch ( ) 5. Please give my ______ to Ian.

A. regard B. a regard C. the regard D. regards ( ) 6. I think they ______ in the day after tomorrow.

A. move B. moved C. will move D. have moved ( ) 7. Poor Ian didn’t want to leave, but his wife ______.

A. will B. did C. has D. is ( ) 8. Where ______ we meet tomorrow everything?

A. are B. would C. shall D. have ( ) 9. We ______ not go there if it rains tomorrow.

A. do B. shall C. are D. have ( ) 10. Many clouds are coming. It ______ rain.

A. will B. is C. is going to D. look like ( ) 11. I’m sure there ______ a heavy rain this evening.

A. will have B. is going C. will be D. is going to ( ) 12. What ______ we do then? What about going out for a walk? A. do B. shall C. must D. did ( ) 13. How long ______ he ______ the book?

A. has, borrowed B. has kept C. has lent D. is using

( ) 14. They ______ basketball yesterday, and they ______ football this afternoon. 精品文档


A. play, play B. play, will play C. played, will play D. played, play ( ) 15. Xiao Ming will come and play with me if he ______ busy.

A. is B. won’t be C. isn’t D. will be

六 句型转换 (5分)

1. They will drive home the day after tomorrow.(就划线部分提问) ______ ______ they ______ home? 2. Let’s paint this room.(变为疑问句) ______ we ______ this room?

3. Ian will move away tomorrow afternoon.(就划线部分提问) ______ ______ Ian ______ tomorrow afternoon.

4. The mechanics will repair my car this afternoon.(变为一般疑问句) ______ the mechanics ______ your car his afternoon? 5. She will sweep the floor tomorrow.(变为否定句) She ______ ______ the floor tomorrow.

七 补全对话(10分)

A: Look at the ___1___. It’s very heavy!

B: Anna, you ___2___ climb the mountain today, I’m ___3___. What ___4___ you do? A: I ___5___ I’ll stay at home and ___6___ some reading. B: Good. It’s better ___7___ do some reading on ___8___ days. A: Ok, I ___9___ go out today. I’ll read some books ___10___ history.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

八 完形填空(10分)

Mike Smith is a six-year-old boy. His father has a shop in the center of a small town. He ___1___ some food in his shop. He’s friendly to the buyers and the food in his shop is ___2___. So people like to buy something there and he’s very ___3___ all the time. It was Mr. Smith’s forty-first birthday yesterday. His wife decided to ___4___ some fish for her husband. As she couldn’t leave his shop and she had to ___5___ in the kitchen. She thought her son could help her. So she told Mike to go to ___6___ some fish. Before the boy went out, she said, “Your dad likes fish alive (活的) , you know. Don’t ___7___ the dead fish home.” “But how can I tell the living fish from the dead fish?”

“That’s easy, my son,” said the woman. “Put the fish into the water and watch carefully. The living fish can ___8___, but the dead can’t.” “Ok, mum,” the boy said and left. He went outside the town and saw ___9___ famers catching fish in a pool. He put a fish into the pool. And the fish soon went under the water. He was ___10___ and shouted, “Please sell the fish to me, sir!” ( ) 1. A. shows B. makes C. does D. sells ( ) 2. A. cheap B. expensive C. free D. dirty ( ) 3. A. tired B. thirsty C. busy D. hungry ( ) 4. A. kill B. fry C. catch D. give ( ) 5. A. cook B. rest C. sleep D. play 精品文档



