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Unit 2 What time is it? Class:___Name:____


2. 早餐 2.午餐 3. 晚餐 4. 英语课 5.音乐课

7. 体育课 7. 起床 8 .去上学 9. 回家 10. 上床睡觉


1. over 2. now 3. o’clock 4. kid 5. thirty

6. hurry up 7. come on 8. just a minute 9. Let’s drink some milk.

10. Let’s have some chicken. 11. Let’s eat some rice. 12. Let’s jump and run.

13.Let’s read and write. 14.Let’s sing and dance.

15.Breakfast is ready. 16. What time is it?

17. It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner.


This is my day. It’s 6:40. It’s time to ______. It’s 7 o’clck. It’s time for _____. Let’s drink some milk. It’s 7:40. It’s time ___ go to school. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time ___ Chinese class. Let’s read and write. It’s 11:45. It’s time for ______. Let’s eat some rice. It’s 1:30. It’s time for art _____. Let’s draw some pictures. It’s 2:30 It’s time _____ PE class. Let’s play football. Hoory. We win! It’s 4:35. It’s time to ________. Goodbye, school.


g___l b___d n___se hamb____ger d___t b ___th h___t numb____


Unit 3 Weather Class:___Name:____

三、 看中文写英文

1.寒冷的 2. 凉爽的 3. 温暖的 4. 热的 5.阳光充足的

6.多风的 7. 多雨的 8 .下雪的 9. 阴天的、多云的

四、 看英文写出中文

1.outside 2.weather 3. degree 4.world 5.London 6.Moscow 7. Singapore 8. fly a kite 9. weather report

10. be careful 11. New York 12. how about 13.Put on a hat. 14. Take off your shoes. 15.This is Mark. 16.Can I go outside now? 17. It’s cold outside. 18. Yes, you can./ No, you can’t. 19. What’s the weather like in Sydney? 20. Is it cold? 21. Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 22.It’s 26 degrees. 23. The water is warm. 三、读读写写(根据表格信息,补充短文)

Here is the world weather. Today it’s 5 degrees, it’s _____ and ____ in Beijing. It’s ______ in New York. In Sydney, it’s ______ today. In Moscow, it’s s______. You must wear the coat. In London, it’s ________ today. It’s always _____ and _____ in Sinapore. The weather is nice. Thank you for listening. Beijing New York Sydney Moscow London Sinapore 四、照样子补全单词并写出意思,再拼一拼读一读。 b___l c___d n___se t___ l ___m w ___l c___ b___ d


Unit 4 At the farm Class:___Name:____


1. 西红柿 2.土豆 3. 四季豆 4. 胡萝卜

6. 母鸡 6.奶牛 7. 绵羊 8.马

8. 叉子 10. 世界地图 11. 作业


1.onion 2.these 3. those 4.goat 5.yum

6.animal 7. farm 8.garden 9.try 10.cute

11. Are these carrots? 12. Yes, they are.

13.What are these? 14.What are those?

15.They’re ducks. 16. But they’re yellow.

17.You have a lot of animals. 18. How many horses do you have?


Welcome to Mr Macdonld’s _______. Wow, it’s so big. There are some fruits, vegetables and farm animals in it. What are these? _____ they potatoes? No, they aren’t. They are _______. They’re juicy and red. Try some. They’re yum. _____ are those? They’re ________. They’re tall and strong. I like to ride(骑) it. Look at these ________. They’re white and cute. Lambs are their babies.What a cool farm.


Unit 5 My clothes Class:___Name:____


1. 衣服 2.连衣裙 3. 短裙 4. 帽子

7. 长裤 6.短裤 7. 袜子 8.外套(大衣)

9. 夹克 10. 短袖 11. 毛衣


1.put on 2.whose 3. colour 4.blue 5.yellow

6.mine 7. pack 8.yours 9.green 10.take off

11. Whose cap is this? 12. Are these yours.

13.No, they aren’t.? 14.What are those?

15.It’s mine. 16. They are your father’s.

17.Whose pants are those? 18. Whose coat is this?


1、dress, my, is, where (?) 2、this, jacket, is, whose (?) 3、green, brother’s, T-shirt, my, is, baby (.) 4、colour, is, her, dress, new, what (?)


Unit 6 Shopping Class:___Name:____


1. 太阳镜 2.手套 3. 雨伞 4. 围巾

8. 贵的 6.便宜的 7. 试穿 8.美观的

10. 好的 10. 尺码 11. 多少钱


1.just 2.too 3. us 4.eighty 5.sixty

6.ninety-nine 7. hundred 8. that is 9.short 10.a pair of

11. We'll take it . 12. Can I help you ?

13.Yes. These shoes are nice. 14.How much is this dress ?

15.It's too expensive . 16. What size?

17.Look at that dress. It's pretty. 18. Can I try them on?





